
原文:The men who run China were uncertain what to do with Sun Yaoting. Some were minded to condemn him to a gulag or simply to execute him.
The Gulag was a system of forced labor camps established during Joseph Stalin’s long reign as dictator of the Soviet Union. The word “Gulag” is an acronym for Glavnoe Upravlenie Lagerei, or Main Camp Administration. The notorious prisons, which incarcerated about 18 million people throughout their history, operated from the 1920s until shortly after Stalin’s death in 1953. At its height, the Gulag network included hundreds of labor camps that held anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 people each. Conditions at the Gulag were brutal: Prisoners could be required to work up to 14 hours a day, often in extreme weather. Many died of starvation, disease or exhaustion—others were simply executed. The atrocities of the Gulag system have had a long-lasting impact that still permeates Russian society today。
原文:Clearly, it was argued, he was not fit to live among revolutionaries forging a new society.
原文:This feeling took hold during the cultural revolution of the 1960s, when he was attacked by the Red Guards, an organisation of young Communist Party toughs.
译者将“This feeling took hold…”译作“这一看法更加根深蒂固”,“take hold”词典释义是“to become effective, established, or popular”,相比“根深蒂固”,“甚嚣尘上”是否更准确?虽然我很不喜欢“甚嚣尘上”这个词。
原文:But some in the party were, and are, reluctant to dismiss all Chinese history before communism.
“面对未来”这一句从何而来?对应“before communism”吗?原文应该是说“不愿将……之前的历史一笔勾销”。已经无从判断到底是不可抗力,还是理解或表述有所偏差了。
原文:This sentiment enabled him to survive China’s random purges and live to a remarkable age.
原文:In 1940 he rode in state through Tokyo.
从现有资料(如《溥仪第二次访日》)来看,溥仪似乎没有“骑马”穿过东京。他1940年访日,坐过火车和汽车,都有影像(https://tinyurl.com/2kljwb25 https://tinyurl.com/2ema8sbh)留下来,但是没有骑马的记载。倒是1935年溥仪首次访日时坐过马车,可“马车”和“骑马”显然不是一回事。

从文本来看,“rode in state”也没有骑马的意思,dictionary.cambridge.org对“in state”的释义为:If a king, queen, or government leader does something in state, they do it in a formal way as part of an official ceremony,仅强调了“正式”。这个释义给出的例句是:The Queen rode in state to the opening of Parliament,正好也有“rode in state”,那么女王是如何去开议大典的呢?看下面这段描述:
Another time you can catch the Queen in all her regalia is when she and the Duke of Edinburgh ride in state to open the Houses of Parliament. The famous black and gilt-trimmed Irish State Coach travels from Buckingham Palace—on a clear day, it's to be hoped, for this ceremony takes place in late October or early November. The Gold State Coach, an icon of fairy-tale glamour, is used for coronations and jubilees only.
可见,女王也不是骑马去的议会,而是乘坐Irish State Coach,即“爱尔兰皇家马车”,后面还提到了仅用于加冕礼和禧年庆典的Gold State Coach,即“黄金马车”。实际上,国家首脑的座驾就叫“official state car”,维基百科的解释是:
An official state car is a vehicle used by a government to transport its head of state or head of government in an official capacity, which may also be used occasionally to transport other members of the government or visiting dignitaries from other countries。
因此,只要是乘坐元首座车都可以说是“ride in state”。

原文:He died in 1967. His ashes were lost for a time, but subsequently, as a result of the party’s “rediscovery” of Chinese history that has also benefited Sun Yaoting, they were placed in Beijing’s imperial cemetery.
因此,首先可以确定的是,溥仪骨灰并无“一度丢失”的情况,此处原文有误,译本也并未加注说明。其次,原文“北京的皇家陵园”也是错的,既非北京,也非真皇家。至于原文的所说“the party’s ‘rediscovery’ of Chinese history”,译作骨灰“后来被重新发现”,显然是不对的,这里说的是“中国历史”的再发现或再认识。即便单从逻辑上看,溥仪的骨灰重新安放如何能让他的太监受益?