Articles tagged with: Amazon jungle
The Amazon Rainforest

For centuries the Amazon rainforest has been cleared of plants as soon as humans come in contact with it, be it because of slash-and-burn farming, oil drilling, mining or cutting …
Facts about the Amazon River

According to the U.S Geological Survey the length of Amazon River is 4,000 miles (6,437 km).
The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world after the Nile River …
Peru’s Amazon Jungle and Rainforest

The Peruvian rainforest
More than three quarters of the Peruvian territory lies east of the . The jungle or Selva has two parts, the high and the low Selva. The high …
The Rainforest Economy

Ever since the Europeans came to the Amazon basin its natural resources have been exploded. The first European settlers grew crops and traded them. The first economic exploitation of the …
Amazon River Ecosystem and Biodiversity

The Amazon River is the greatest river of South America and its biodiversity the richest of any river in the world. Its waters are populated by 2,500 different species of fish, scientists believe that there are many more that have not been identified yet. Mammals, amphibians and water snakes also call the Amazon River home. The river has been a source of protein for the local population for thousands of years and a source of fresh water.
The Amazing Amazon River

The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world about 4,000 miles or 6,450 km long, second only to the Nile River. In terms of volume, the Amazon …
The rubber boom

From the 1890s to the 1920s rubber from the was in high demand, it was used to produce tires for automobiles, waterproof shoes and clothes.
Rubber tree
Foreign companies settled in …