Articles tagged with: selva
Peru’s Amazon Jungle and Rainforest

The Peruvian rainforest
More than three quarters of the Peruvian territory lies east of the . The jungle or Selva has two parts, the high and the low Selva. The high …
The Rainforest Economy

Ever since the Europeans came to the Amazon basin its natural resources have been exploded. The first European settlers grew crops and traded them. The first economic exploitation of the …
Saving Peru’s Ecosystems and Biodiversity

It is important for the world and for the enjoyment of future generations to preserve Peru’s ecosystems and biodiversity. Peru has a wide range of ecosystems because of its great …
Peru’s protected areas

In its effort to guard its natural resources the government has created a national system to protect natural areas in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the country. …
Discovering Peru and the Inca Civilization
Peru is the third largest country in South America after Brazil and Argentina. It shares its border with Ecuador and Colombia on the north, on the east with Brazil, on …
Food in Peru

Peruvian cuisine varies depending on where you are. Due to Peru’s ecological and climatic diversity the variety and supply of fresh produce is plentiful, there are many native Peruvian crops such as quinoa potato, kiwicha, cacao and beans. Peruvian cuisine has been influenced by a variety of cultures brought by the arrival of immigrants from Spain, Africa, Italy, Japan and China. One of the most influential immigrant community is the Chinese who produced one of the most popular Peruvian gastronomical creations, Chifa. Chifa is a fusion of Chinese food adapted to local ingredients and accompanied by a local cola drink, Inka Cola.