Articles tagged with: pre-columbian
Tumi, the ceremonial knife

The Tumi is a ceremonial knife made of bronze, gold, silver or copper and usually made of one piece. Its handle has a rectangular or trapezoidal shape, its length varies but it always exceeded the width of a hand. At the bottom there is a sharp semicircular blade. Tumis were used during ceremonies to sacrifice an animal in honor of a god.
The tumi was adopted by the government of Peru as a symbol to promote tourism. Many people in Peru hang a tumi on their walls for good luck.
Late Intermediate Period – Chimu and Chincha Cultures

The Late Intermediate Period extends from approximately 1000 to 1470. This period is characterized for the rapid artistic and technological development of its metallurgic and crafts production. In their craft …
Middle Horizon-Wari,Tiwanaku and Lambayeque Cultures

The Middle Horizon period extends from approximately 600 to 1000. were debilitated possibly by the effects of El Niño. As a result new cultures took over and flourished creating the …