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Inca Civilization

The Inca civilization was the largest Pre-Columbian civilization in the Americas and Cusco was its capital. The best kept example of its architecture is Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu

The Sacred City is one of the most significant archeological sites left by the Incas


Fascinating culture and Inca heritage of this beautiful country

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world. It occupies an important place in Inca mythology.

Animals of Peru

Animals in Peru have specialized and adapted to the conditions of its geography. At higher altitude levels, few animals and plants can survive because of the lack of oxygen.

Home » History, Pre-Inca Civilizations

Pre-Ceramic and Initial Periods-Norte Chico and Kotosh Cultures

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Long before the Incas existed people thrived in this territory. About 16,000 years ago groups of people are believed to have crossed the Bering Strait from Asia and survived as nomads, hunting, gathering fruits and vegetables and fishing in the sea, rivers and lakes.

Pre-Ceramic Period  – 8000-1850 BCE

Evidence of cultures from this period have been found in the Peruvian Andes. Hunting tools dating back 11,000 years have been found in the in caves in Pachacamac, Telarmachay, Junin, Lauricocha and Toquepala. During this period the inhabitants of the Andes learned how to domesticate South American camelids. They tried to domesticate vicunas and guanacos but they were not successful, up to date they still live in the wild. But their offspring llamas and alpacas did adapt and became an important source of food, transportation and clothing.

Those who lived in the coast and along rivers or lakes learned how to build tools to gather fish and seashells. At about the same time they experimented with seeds and plants, they learned about the soil, water needed for different plants and weather conditions in which each crop succeeded. They built terraces and learned how to channel water to irrigate their fields. One of the first domesticated seeds was the brown bean and the lima bean. Among the most important domesticated crops are potatoes (about 150 varieties exist in the Andean region), olluco, quinoa, yucca, tomatoes, peanuts, pumpkin, chili, beans, corn, lucuma. They also domesticated the cotton plant that became the foundation of the local textile industry, it was also used in the building of nets used for fishing.

Initial Period – 1800-800 BCE

The surplus of farming allowed inhabitants to become sedentary, farming allowed them to built settlements and new societies emerged along the coast and in the Andean mountains. A craftsman class dedicated to pottery production, metalworking and weaving appeared for the first time.

The city of Caral


The first known city was the city of Caral located in the Supe Valley 200 km north of Lima, it is also known as the Norte Chico Civilization. Caral is the oldest city in America and was built 4,500 years ago, approximately 2500 BCE. What is left from this civilization are about 30 pyramidical structures built up in receding terraces ending in a flat roof, some of them measured up to 20 meters in height.

Kotosh-First urban center

This ancient city dates back to 2300-1200 BC and is located in the sierra of Huanuco. It is known for their multistory ceremonial buildings. Within the temples they built an enclosed room with a ventilation hole in the center of the floor that fed the ceremonial flame. The Crossed Hands or Manos Cruzadas is the first known sculpture of the era and was found on the wall of one of the temples know as the Temple of the Crossed Hands. This temple is one of the oldest architectural ruins in the Andes.


Related Information


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Chimu and Chincha

This period is characterized for the rapid artistic and technological development of its metallurgic and crafts production.

Inca Civilization

The Inca Civilization was the largest pre-Columbian Civilization in the Americas.

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