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A beginner-friendly guide to using the Tor network on your Apple device
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If privacy and security are important to you, or if you’re looking to access the dark web, you may be wondering if you can install the Tor browser on your iPhone. While several browsers in the App Store claim to be Tor powered, most of them are not endorsed by the Tor Project. Unfortunately, the full Tor browser is not available for iPhone, but you still have some limited options for accessing the Tor network. In this article, we’ll show you how.

Quick Steps

  1. Install the Orbot VPN app (developed by the Tor Project).
  2. Connect to the Tor network through Orbot.
  3. Install the Onion Browser (developed by Mike Tigas).
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to connect Onion Browser with Orbot.
  5. Browse the web on the Tor network with Onion Browser.
Section 1 of 3:

Can you use the Tor Browser on an iPhone?

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  1. While a fully functional version of the Tor Browser is available for Android devices, there isn’t an iOS version yet.[1]
  2. Because iOS browsers are required to use Apple’s WebKit engine, not all of Tor’s privacy features are compatible with iOS. While you can install browsers that use Tor routing, they won’t provide the same level of privacy as the real thing.
  3. Orbot and Onion Browser are open-source apps developed by people involved in the Tor Project. While they’re not as secure as Tor, they are the closest alternative for iOS devices. Tor recommends using these apps together to get the best possible Tor experience on iPhone.[2]
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Section 2 of 3:

Using Orbot

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  1. Download Orbot from the app store. Orbot is not a browser, but a VPN that routes traffic through Tor proxies. You can use it in combination with Onion or your preferred browser.
    • Make sure you verify that the app you’re downloading is developed by the Tor Project.
    • Orbot is not designed to keep you completely anonymous on the internet. However, it is considered a helpful tool for getting around geographical restrictions or accessing the Dark Web.
    • Orbot routes all your traffic through Tor’s network, which could significantly slow your browsing speed.
    • You’ll need Orbot to get the most secure connection possible with Onion Browser.
  2. When you first open Orbot, you’ll see a welcome screen asking you to install the app as a VPN. Press Install, then allow the app to add VPN configurations when prompted.
    • You may be prompted to enter your iPhone’s passcode to continue.
  3. Wait for Orbot to connect. This may take a few moments. Web traffic on your phone is now being routed through Tor servers.
    • To end the connection, tap the Stop button.
  4. “5i” refers to the Five Eyes, an espionage alliance that monitors people's online activities in the participating countries. If you want to exclude connections to those countries on your iPhone, you can do so from the Orbot app. The Tor Project does not recommend excluding other countries or modifying other relay settings. Use the following steps:[3]
    • Tap ••• in the top right corner of the Orbot screen.
    • Tap Settings.
    • Scroll down and tap the space beneath Exclude Nodes.
    • Paste in the following text: {us},{au},{ca},{nz},{gb},{fr}
    • Restart Orbot.
  5. Due to a series of cyberattacks on the Tor network, Orbot on iOS is not always fast or stable. While there’s only so much you can do to get it working better, it may help to clear the Tor cache.[4] To do it:
    • Tap ••• > Settings.
    • Scroll down and tap Clear Tor Cache.
    • You can also enable Always clear cache before start (which should be on by default) so that Orbot always connects with fresh cache. This may slow down startup, but hopefully, it will make your connection faster and more stable.
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Section 3 of 3:

Using Onion Browser

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  1. Download Onion Browser from the app store. There are several browsers with this name. Download the one developed by Mike Tigas. The icon looks like a dark purple ring on a black background.
    • Onion Browser has fairly limited functionality compared to most modern browsers, but it’s currently the only browser for iPhone that’s recommended by the Tor project.[5]
    • To get the most secure connection to Tor with Onion Browser, you must install Orbot. When you first start the Onion Browser app, it will prompt you to use Orbot.
      • You can also select the Use built-in Tor option, but your connection will be less secure.
      • Select Use Orbot to install the Orbot app. If it’s already installed, tap Request Access on the next screen and follow the prompts to allow Onion Browser to access Orbot.
  2. If you’re not already connected to Orbot, tap Start Orbot. You’ll be rerouted to the Orbot app to start a connection. Once you’re connected, your phone will automatically return you to the Onion Browser.
  3. You can now visit any website you like, or select the built-in DuckDuckGo search option to search the web privately.
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Community Q&A

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    Are there any apps to stay away from?
    PacmanEater123 :D
    PacmanEater123 :D
    Community Answer
    None, as long as they work. However, if you want to check if an application is a Tor one, just look up "what is my IP address?" on the browser and if it's different from your normal IP, then it is a Tor app. However, if it's not different, then it's not Tor enabled.
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  • To get the most functionality out of the combination of Orbot, Onion Browser, and your iPhone, make sure you’re using the latest version of iOS and both apps.
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  • For the safest and most private web browsing experience, use the Tor browser on your computer or an Android device. Tor is not fully functional on iOS.[6]

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About This Article

Megaera Lorenz, PhD
Written by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Megaera Lorenz, PhD. Megaera Lorenz is an Egyptologist and Writer with over 20 years of experience in public education. In 2017, she graduated with her PhD in Egyptology from The University of Chicago, where she served for several years as a content advisor and program facilitator for the Oriental Institute Museum’s Public Education office. She has also developed and taught Egyptology courses at The University of Chicago and Loyola University Chicago. This article has been viewed 363,819 times.
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Co-authors: 15
Updated: August 31, 2024
Views: 363,819
Categories: IPhone
Article SummaryX

1. Open App Store.
2. Tap Search.
3. Type TOR.
4. Select a TOR-enabled browser.
5. Tap GET and then INSTALL.
6. Tap Open.
7. Tap Connect to TOR.
8. Start browsing.

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