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Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly take screenshots on your Mac
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This wikiHow guide will show you how to take a screenshot on a Mac. There are several easy methods for taking screenshots! You can capture the entire screen, a portion of the screen, or an individual window or menu. On macOS Mojave and later, you can use the Screenshot app for these functions. On macOS High Sierra and earlier, you can use the Grab utility tool.

How to Screenshot on Mac

Press Command-Shift-3 to immediately take a screenshot of your entire screen. To capture a portion of the screen, press Command-Shift-4 and drag your mouse over the area you want to capture. Alternatively, use Command-Shift-4 and press the spacebar to capture a window.

Method 1
Method 1 of 6:

Capture the Entire Screen

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  1. Ensure all the relevant windows are visible.
  2. This keyboard shortcut takes a screenshot of everything on your screen. If your sound is on, your computer should make a brief camera shutter noise.[1]
  3. It will be a .png file named "Screen Shot" labeled with the date and time.[2]
    • Earlier versions of OS X will save it as "Picture #"—for example, if it's the 5th screenshot on your desktop it will be labeled "Picture 5".
  4. Once you have taken your screenshots, they are now ready to be used as needed. You can attach them to an email, upload them to the Web, or even drag them straight into an application such as a word processor.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 6:

Screenshot a Portion of Your Screen

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  1. Your cursor will turn into a small crosshair reticle.[3]
  2. A gray rectangle should appear where you drag your cursor. If you need to adjust your windows at all, press Escape to return to a regular cursor without taking a picture.[4]
  3. You should hear a brief camera shutter noise if your computer's sound is turned on. That signals that your screenshot has been taken.[5]
  4. It will be a .png file named "Screen Shot" labeled with the date and time.[6]
    • Earlier versions of OS X will save it as "Picture #"—for example, if it's the 5th screenshot on your desktop it will be labeled as "Picture 5".
  5. Once you have taken your screenshots, they are now ready to be used as needed. You can attach them to an email, upload them to the Web, or even drag them straight into an application such as a word processor.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 6:

Capture an Open Window

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  1. The cursor will turn into a small camera.[7]
  2. The camera will highlight different windows blue as it moves over them. You can use keyboard commands such as Command+Tab to alternate through your windows while still in this mode.
  3. The picture of the window you selected will be saved to the desktop by default just like the other screenshot methods.
  4. It will be a .png file named "Screen Shot" labeled with the date and time.[8]
  5. Once you have taken your screenshots, they are now ready to be used as needed. You can attach them to an email, upload them to the Web, or even drag them straight into an application such as a word processor.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 6:

Save a Screenshot to the Clipboard

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  1. This method works exactly the same as the one above, except the screenshot does not immediately create a file. Instead, the image is saved to the clipboard, the same temporary storage area where your computer remembers the text that you have copied.[9]
    • You can also take a portion screenshot with this method using Command+Control+ Shift+4 and dragging your reticle over the appropriate part of your screen, exactly as the portion screenshot method.
  2. Your screenshot image can be pasted straight into any compatible application, such as a Word document, an image editing program, and many email services.
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Method 5
Method 5 of 6:

Use the Screenshot App (Mojave and Later)

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  1. This opens Mac’s built-in Screenshot app. A small gray menu of screenshot tools will appear. This app can take screenshots of the entire screen, a portion of the screen, and individual windows. You can also choose to set a timer and include the cursor. The app also allows you to record your screen.[10]
  2. Click the tool you want to use for taking a screenshot. Here are your options:
    • Capture the entire screen
    • Capture a window
    • Capture a portion of the screen
    • Record the entire screen
    • Record a portion of the screen
  3. Here, you can set a timer, show the cursor in the screenshot, and indicate where you want to save the screenshot.
  4. This will take a screenshot of the entire screen or the portion you’ve selected.
    • To capture a window, click the window on the screen while using the window tool.
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Method 6
Method 6 of 6:

Use the Grab Utility Tool (High Sierra and Earlier)

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  1. This opens the Grab Utility Tool application. You will see the menus shown in the upper left of your screen, but no windows will open.[11]
    • This tool has been replaced by the Screenshot app in later versions of macOS.
  2. [12]
    • To take a picture of your entire screen, click Screen. A window will pop up telling you where to click and letting you know that the window will not appear in the shot.
    • To take a picture of a portion of your screen, click Selection. A window will pop up instructing you to drag your mouse over the portion of your screen you'd like to capture.
    • To take a picture of a specific window, select Window. Then, click on the window you'd like to take a picture of.
  3. You can also choose Save As to give it a different name and/or move it to a more appropriate location, but note that it can only be saved as a .tiff file. Note that the file is not automatically saved.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I erase the screenshot?
    Jack Herrick
    Community Answer
    The screenshot you created is an actual image file, sort of like you might take with a camera, so it needs to be deleted like any other file on your computer. To get rid of the screenshot image, drag the file (which is likely on your desktop) to the trash. Then, delete your trash.
  • Question
    How come I need to press 4 instead of 3?
    Writing for Tech
    Writing for Tech
    Community Answer
    The reason being is 3 will take a screenshot of your entire screen, whereas 4 will take a picture of only a selected portion.
  • Question
    How do I use screen capture with only one hand?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Press command + shift + 4 with one hand. Then you can select which portion of the page you want to capture with your cursor.
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  • It is possible to change the shortcut used for taking screenshots by going into System Preferences, then to the Keyboard area, and clicking on the Screenshot section of Shortcuts. By clicking on the type of screenshot you want to change the shortcut for, you can press a combination of keys to create a new shortcut.
  • Files from the screen-capture tool are saved to the desktop as PNG files by default. You can change the default location in MacOS Mojave or later using the Screenshot app. Click the Options menu in the app to change where screenshots are saved.
  • Advanced users with knowledge of the Mac OS X Lion Terminal application can also use the "screen-capture" command to take a screenshot from the command line.
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  • Posting screenshots that include copyrighted information could have legal implications, so be careful that you have the right to capture any of the information visible on your screen.
  • When taking screenshots to pass on to other people, or to publish on the Internet, ensure no personal or confidential information is captured within the image.

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  1. Chiara Corsaro. Certified Apple Technician. Expert Interview. 18 October 2019.
  2. https://support.apple.com/en-us/102646
  3. Chiara Corsaro. Certified Apple Technician. Expert Interview. 18 October 2019.
  4. Chiara Corsaro. Certified Apple Technician. Expert Interview. 18 October 2019.
  5. Chiara Corsaro. Certified Apple Technician. Expert Interview. 18 October 2019.
  6. https://support.apple.com/en-us/102646
  7. https://support.apple.com/en-us/102646
  8. https://support.apple.com/en-us/102646
  9. https://www.ias.edu/itg/content/keyboard-shortcuts-capture-screen-shot-mac-os-x

About This Article

Chiara Corsaro
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Computer Specialist
This article was co-authored by Chiara Corsaro and by wikiHow staff writer, Kyle Smith. Chiara Corsaro is the General Manager and Apple Certified Mac & iOS Technician for macVolks, Inc., an Apple Authorized Service Provider located in the San Francisco Bay Area. macVolks, Inc. was founded in 1990, is accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) with an A+ rating, and is part of the Apple Consultants Network (ACN). This article has been viewed 12,095,003 times.
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Co-authors: 96
Updated: February 28, 2025
Views: 12,095,003
Article SummaryX

1. Ensure that the screen is exactly how you want it. More ↓
2. Press Command + Shift + 3.
3. Find your screenshot on your desktop.

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