This article was co-authored by Jennifer McVey, Cht and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
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Is there something you really want? Try manifesting it! According to the Law of Attraction, you can draw what you want into your life by setting your intention and thinking positively.[1] Script manifesting is an easy way to focus your energy on something you want, and we’ll tell you exactly how you can use it for yourself. Plus, we’ll provide a bunch of examples to get you started with script manifesting right now.
How do you start script manifesting?
Start from a place of gratitude and positivity. Manifesting only works if you approach it with a grateful heart. Focusing on how much you need something can accidentally send a message to the universe that you’re lacking.[7] It’s easy to practice gratitude. All you need to do is be thankful for what you have.[8]
- You might be grateful for beautiful weather, a comfortable home, and love from your pet.
- You you could keep a gratitude journal.
Expert AnswerQWhat is the secret to manifesting?
Spiritual DirectorEXPERT ADVICEAnswer from Jennifer McVey, Cht:The secret in manifesting itself is that wording is a shift that raises our vibration and consciousness and helps us realize that we are powerful creators. We are spirits who are capable of creating our own lives. Everyone is manifesting all of the time, but now you're being more intentional about it.
Use present tense. The trickiest part of script manifesting is remembering that the future is now. When you script manifest, you act like you already have what you want. So, write like your dream is happening to you right now.[9]
- You’d write, “I’m on my vacation to Hawaii soaking up the sun on the beach,” not “I’m going to vacation in Hawaii this summer.”
Write about what it’s like to have what you want. Picture yourself sometime in the future with the life you want. Maybe you’re head-over-heels in love, or perhaps you finally have your dream job. You could be holding the keys to your brand new car, or relaxing in your cozy new house. Jot down a a few sentences describing what your perfect future looks like.[10]
- It’s totally up to you how much you write. You might write a couple of sentences about a car you want, or you might write several pages about how you want to spend your ideal day. There are no wrong answers.
- You may prefer to just write an affirmation or one word that represents what you want. Do what works best for you. This is your manifestation practice.
Include specific details using your 5 senses. The more detailed your script, the more likely it will come true.[11] When you write about the specifics, it helps you really focus on what you want so you can go after it. In addition to a visual description, use your imagination to describe the textures, scents, sounds, and tastes you’ll experience when you achieve your goal.[12] You could write:
- “My car smells like new leather and has warming seats. I listen to the purr of the engine as I cruise around the city.”
- “Alex and I are on a date in my favorite Italian restaurant. The live band is playing a romantic song while Alex tells me about his day. We both ordered the spaghetti, and I can’t help but think of the date scene in Lady and the Tramp.”
Focus only on what you want–not on what you want to avoid. It’s really easy to slip into a list of what you don’t want. However, that comes from a place of negativity, so it can really mess up your manifestation efforts. Remember to stick to positive statements only.[13]
- Steer clear of things like, “I don’t want a used car,” “I only want to go to my top choices for school,” or “I don’t want a promotion if it doesn’t come with a raise.”
Try the 3-6-9 method to attract a specific item or person. With the 3-6-9 method, you write down what you want on a slip of paper. Usually, you’ll just write one word to represent what you want, such as “car” or your crush’s name. Write 3 scripts in the morning, 6 scripts in the afternoon, and 9 scripts in the evening.[14]
- If you want to take it one step forward, sleep with your scripts under your pillow.
Tips for Writing a Good Script
Imagine what success would feel like. Emotions increase your vibrations and help you add more energy to your manifestation scripts. As you increase your energy, you can improve your ability to manifest what you desire. As you write your scripts, really focus on how getting what you want will make you feel.[15]
- You might feel warm and fuzzy when you think about going out with your crush, or you could feel excited and adventurous when you climb behind the wheel of your new car.
Believe your script is true. When you’re manifesting, you have to believe that you deserve what you want and that you’ll get it. Do your best to stay positive and believe that you can achieve what you want.[16] Try re-reading your script and using it as motivation to keep working toward what you want.
- It’s helpful to make your script believable. For instance, you might use script manifesting to attract a promotion at your job, which is believable. On the other hand it’d be less believable that you could become the leader of a country using script manifesting.
- Remember that actions are super important. Script manifesting isn’t like wishing for something—it’s a tool to help you pursue what you want.
Keep your scripts totally positive. Any kind of negative language will interfere with your manifestation. Similarly, using limiting words like “maybe,” “hopefully,” or “I guess” will undermine your efforts. Always write your scripts from a place of positivity, gratitude, and abundance.[17]
- Instead of “I guess I want a new car,” write “I love my new car!”
- Rather than “Hopefully Drake will ask me out,” write “Drake asked me out, and I said ‘yes.’”
Take action toward your goal or dream. Script manifesting isn't like a genie in a bottle—what you write down won't just appear. You have to work toward what you want.[18] Identify the first few steps you need to take to get what you want. Then, start working on the first step.
- If you want a promotion, you might talk to your boss or put in your application for an open position.
- If you’re hoping your crush will chat with you, you might post a cute snap with a message about being single or you could go to an event you know they’re attending.
- If you want a new car, you might start shopping around or start saving money for a down payment.
How Do You Start Script Manifesting?
Expert Q&A
QuestionHow should I start manifesting?Jennifer McVey, ChtJennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
Spiritual DirectorIf you're a beginner, start by focusing on a goal you want to accomplish. Write your goal down and date it so you can track your manifestation.
Hand write all of your scripts in a special journal or notebook so you can easily get in the mindset of manifesting when you sit down to do it.[19]Thanks
Keep all of your scripts so you can look back over them to see how they turned out. When a script works, see if you can figure out what you did right that time so you can repeat it.[20]Thanks
It’s okay to change a script if it no longer feels right to you.Thanks
- Script manifesting only works if you follow through with actions.Thanks
- ↑ Jennifer McVey, Cht. Spiritual Director. Expert Interview. 21 December 2021.
- ↑ Jennifer McVey, Cht. Spiritual Director. Expert Interview. 21 December 2021.
- ↑ Jennifer McVey, Cht. Spiritual Director. Expert Interview. 21 December 2021.
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- ↑ Jennifer McVey, Cht. Spiritual Director. Expert Interview. 21 December 2021.
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- ↑ Jennifer McVey, Cht. Spiritual Director. Expert Interview. 21 December 2021.
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- ↑ Jennifer McVey, Cht. Spiritual Director. Expert Interview. 21 December 2021.
- ↑ Jennifer McVey, Cht. Spiritual Director. Expert Interview. 21 December 2021.