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What you need to know about this timeless symbol of love
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You’ve got to hand it to Shakespeare for saying, “Of all flowers, methinks rose is best.”[1] The intensely vibrant, fragrant red rose is recognized worldwide as a powerful symbol of love. In this article, we’ll explore red roses' rich history and meaning. Plus, we'll cover everything from fascinating mythology to gift-giving—we’ve got all your rose-related needs covered! Read on to learn more about one of the most popular flowers on Earth.

Things You Should Know

  • Red roses represent love, fidelity passion, respect, and admiration.
  • Red roses can also be a spiritual symbol of the Virgin Mary, or the “rose without thorns.”
  • Give red roses to those you love and admire. Sending red roses to your partner says, “You’re the only one for me,” while sending roses to a mentor says, “I appreciate you.”
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Red Rose Meanings

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  1. While red roses have a variety of meanings, they’re all generally regarded to express feelings of love, commitment, and passion.[2] Synonymous with Valentine’s Day, red roses couldn't be a more perfect way to show your affection for someone.
    • If you want to show your commitment to a new or long-standing relationship, red roses say, “I’ll love you forever, through anything!”
    • Red roses are the perfect combination of scent, color, and velvety petals, making this a highly treasured flower and a powerful worldwide symbol of love.
  2. Resilient, hearty, and strong, it’s no wonder why red roses are associated with making sacrifices in the name of love. Not to mention, the blood-stained color and prickly thorns suggest a beautiful victory hard-won, like fighting to win your lover’s heart.[3]
    • They say, “Love is a battlefield,” and red roses are often given to show that while love may be prickly and sometimes painful, the beauty of the experience is well worth it.
  3. Red roses aren’t just for conveying romantic love. Perfectly designed, you can’t help but admire their beauty, and this sentiment is true in giving a red rose to someone who wows you with their wisdom, such as a mentor.[4]
    • The deep, red shade of a rose is synonymous with one’s depth of appreciation for a loved one or colleague.
    • For example, if your boss or mentor recently accomplished a professional goal, sending red roses with a note like, “Congratulations—you inspire me!” shows respect and admiration.
  4. Seduction, passion, lust—red roses cover it all! While all red roses symbolize love, the rule of thumb is that the deeper the color, the deeper the passion. If you’re looking to express your desire to nurture your romantic relationship, red roses are it.[5]
    • Yellow flowers with red tips are said to symbolize a friendship turning into a romance—ooh la la!
    Mari Cartagenova

    Mari Cartagenova

    Spiritual Teacher & Medium
    Mari Cartagenova is a Spiritual Teacher & Medium based in Westford, Massachusetts. Mari has been seeing and speaking to Spirits since she was a child, and she loves to share her psychic gifts and abilities to help others. She specializes in mediumship, intuitive psychic guidance, past life or soul reading, and animal communication. Mari is the 2019 Award-Winning Best American Psychic and a Certified Advanced Spirit Worker.
    Mari Cartagenova
    Mari Cartagenova
    Spiritual Teacher & Medium

    A single red rose goes beyond romance to symbolize gratitude and appreciation for kindness. It's a spiritual thank you for being present and supportive, especially in hard times. In readings, this rose conveys thanks for small yet meaningful caring gestures, highlighting their importance in relationships.

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History of Red Roses

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  1. Based on fossil evidence, scientists have determined the rose to be over 35 million years old! First cultivated in China around 5,000 years ago, roses, particularly red, have become one of the most popular flowers in the world, serving as a symbol of love, beauty, and desire.[8]
    • Darker roses tend to have more scent glands than lighter roses, making red roses especially fragrant. Like Shakespeare said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
    • In the 1500s, warring royal families fighting for control of England supposedly used roses as symbols to represent themselves during the “War of the Roses.” Red roses represented the House of Lancaster, while white roses represented the House of York.
  2. Floriography, or the language of flowers, was created in Victorian England to communicate when rigid societal rules limited lovers from speaking outside of public courtship.[9] Red roses, the ultimate symbol of love, were frequently sent between romantic pairs to convey secret desire and passion—how scandalous!
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Red Rose Mythology

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  1. When Adonis, the lover of Aphrodite, was mauled to death by a wild boar, his blood is said to have stained the Earth a deep crimson red. As Aphrodite held his body in her arms, white roses nearby turned red, creating the red rose.[10]
    • Aphrodite is also said to have named the rose after her son, ‘Eros,’ also known as Cupid!
  2. Venus’s lover, Adonis, was said to have a murder plot against him. As Venus (also referred to as Aphrodite) ran to warn her ill-fated lover, her ankles were cut by a thorn bush, and the blood that ran down formed into red rose bushes wherever she went.[11]
    • Venus’s act of bravery to protect Adonis is part of why red roses have come to be associated with sacrifice and commitment.
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Red Rose Numerology

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  1. Just as all different rose colors have a unique meaning, the number of roses you send or receive does too! The most popular number meanings are as follows:
    • 1 rose: Symbolic of new love, or “You’re the only one for me.”
    • 2 roses: Mutual affection, or “We’re two of a kind.”
    • 3 roses: A traditional 1-month anniversary gift, or “I love you.”
    • 6 roses: The desire to take things to the next level, or “Let’s get serious.”
    • 10 roses: This perfect number says, “In my eyes, you’re perfect.”
    • 12 roses: Symbolic of completion, a dozen roses say, “With you, I’m whole.”
    • 50 roses: The ultimate anniversary gift, or “My love for you is eternal.”
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When to Give Red Roses

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  1. Whether you have an anniversary coming up or just want to remind your partner how much you care for them, red roses couldn’t be a more perfect gift to give or send. Symbolic of deep commitment and true, unwavering passion, red roses will have them swooning.[12]
    • Consider adding a note like, “My love for you is as deep as this rose.”
  2. If someone you admire, like your mentor, is about to meet a significant milestone or accomplish a goal, red roses are a classy way to say, “I value and respect you.” To clarify that your sentiments are platonic, not romantic, consider adding a note like, “What an admirable achievement. You amaze us!”[13]
    • Give red roses to your boss to recognize a work accomplishment, send red roses to a family member celebrating a big birthday like their 50th, etc.
  3. Nothing says eternal love like a bridal bouquet of red roses. Symbolic of everlasting commitment and adoration, using red roses in your bridal bouquet communicates your excitement over spending the rest of your life with that special someone.[14]
    • Using red rosebuds in your bouquet can symbolize purity and romance while using dark red or preserved roses signifies long-term commitment and passion.
  4. Give red roses to a crush to express passion and romance. Red roses are it if you’ve got a crush and are unsure how to take things to the next level. Who knows—the seductive red rose might be enough to send sparks flying![15]
    • Send one red rose to say, “It was love at first sight,” or “You’re the only one for me.”
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Other Flower Meanings

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  1. If you’re interested in flower symbolism, red roses are just the start. Here are a few more flower meanings to explore, whether you’re hoping to build a custom bouquet, or you’re just looking for a beautiful, symbolically significant flower to display in your home.
    • Yellow roses: Represent friendship, platonic love, and spiritual encouragement.
    • Pink roses: Represent gratitude, appreciation, joy, and femininity.
    • Blue roses: Symbolize rarity, uniqueness, achieving the impossible, mystery, and hidden desire.
    • Daisies: Symbolize innocence, purity, and youth. Also associated with hope, happiness, and new beginnings.
    • Daffodils: Represent hope, resilience, rebirth, and new beginnings.
    • Magnolias: Associated with femininity, purity, nobility, and perseverance.
    • Lily of the Valley: Symbolize motherhood, humility, and virtue, as well as a return to happiness after a period of sadness.
    • Carnations: Represent devotion, distinction, love, and fascination.

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About This Article

Mari Cartagenova
Co-authored by:
Spiritual Teacher & Medium
This article was co-authored by Mari Cartagenova and by wikiHow staff writer, Savannah Vold. Mari Cartagenova is a Spiritual Teacher & Medium based in Westford, Massachusetts. Mari has been seeing and speaking to Spirits since she was a child, and she loves to share her psychic gifts and abilities to help others. She specializes in mediumship, intuitive psychic guidance, past life or soul reading, and animal communication. Mari is the 2019 Award-Winning Best American Psychic and a Certified Advanced Spirit Worker. This article has been viewed 30,368 times.
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Updated: August 6, 2024
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Categories: Love
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