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Many people desire to have flawless, baby soft skin. With a few changes and upgrades to your daily routine, you too could have baby soft skin. Read this wikiHow to learn how!

Method 1
Method 1 of 6:

Cleansing Daily

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  1. Use products suitable for your skin type and remember, you may need a different product for the skin on your face and the skin on your body. Use a mild, gentle cleanser and apply moisturizer after washing. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated too. Being well hydrated is good for both the health and appearance of your skin.[1]
    • Soap-free facial or body wash and water offer one easy way to cleanse your skin.
    • Alternatively, choose a specially formulated facial cleanser from your favorite brand range. Follow the instructions it provides.
    • Always use a soft sponge or face cloth to avoid harming your delicate facial skin. Apply cleanser with cotton wool, if preferred.
    • If your skin is sensitive, try to limit showering to every other day or every few days. This allows your natural oils nourish your skin. Showering too much with sensitive skin can cause irritation.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 6:

Use Exfoliation Techniques

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    Exfoliating will remove dead skin cells and buff the skin back into good condition. Removal of all the dirt, oil build-up and dead cells will leave your skin feeling baby soft.[2]
    • If you have sensitive skin, exfoliate bi-weekly (every fortnight) instead.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Get Baby Soft Skin
    • Use an exfoliating scrub. You can either purchase one or make your own. Some homemade examples include sugar scrub and honey and sugar scrub but there are many more varieties possible.
    • Purchase exfoliating shower/bath gloves or, an exfoliating scrub sponge. If you want to make your own, see How to handcraft an organic loofah.
    • Run the gloves or scrub sponge up and down your legs gently to lift off dead particles and dirt. Also do your torso and back. Do this under the running water of the shower or in the bath's water.
    • Don't press hard; it should feel pleasant. Do not use this heavy duty scrub on your face (see above instead). Avoid scrubbing sensitive areas such as nipples and genitals.[3]
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    This is especially important for your face, as rubbing can damage delicate skin. Gently glide the towel over your body and pat dry any really wet spots.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 6:

Adding Moisture Support

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  1. You should change products from time to time, as your body changes. If the product you once liked does not seem to be as effective, this is often a sign you need to change to something else. This can occur as your skin ages and its needs are different. Choices include lotion or cream.[4]
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    The steam-filled room will help to settle the moisturizing product into your skin while your pores are still open thanks to the steam. Moist skin is more receptive to moisturizing products.
    • Use a product aimed at sensitive skin if you suffer from sensitive skin. Even if you do not have sensitive skin, such a product can often help your skin to feel even softer than usual. You will need to work this out for yourself by trying different products.
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Method 5
Method 5 of 6:

Creating a Bedtime Routine

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    At bedtime, put moisturizer on any area of the body that you want to be softer. For particularly rough dry areas such as feet, knees and elbows, slather on some lotion or cream before you go to bed. When you wake up they will feel a whole lot better.[7]
    • To prevent transfer of the moisturizing product from your body to the bedding, you can wear clothing. The clothing will also help keep the moisturizing product right on your skin, where it is most needed. Put on tights/pantyhose (for legs), gloves (for hands), socks (for feet), etc., and leave it on overnight. Shower when you get up in the morning.
    • Use plain white cotton gloves, available from places such as department stores, beauty salons and cleaning supplies distributors.
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Method 6
Method 6 of 6:

Creating Handmade Products

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    • Wash face with warm water.
    • Make an exfoliation serum: 2 tablespoon (29.6 ml) honey, 2 tbsp brown sugar, and half a lemon into a small bowl/container. Mix.[8]
    • Rub into the skin for five minutes.
    • For additional softness, wait an extra 10–15 minutes before rinsing with warm water, and patting dry.
  2. Run yourself a warm bath, add about half a liter of milk, about 3 tablespoon (44 ml) of honey (this is not enough to make you sticky), and break open a vitamin E capsule into the water.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I make my skin soft naturally?
    Melissa Jannes
    Melissa Jannes
    Licensed Esthetician & Brazilian Wax Educator
    Melissa Jannes is a Licensed Esthetician and the owner of Maebee's Beauty Studio in Philadelphia, a single practitioner space providing quality services with individualized attention. Melissa is also a National Educator for Universal Companies. She received her esthetics degree at The Beauty School of Middletown in 2008 and is licensed in both New York and Pennsylvania. Melissa won the "Best of Beauty" award from Allure magazine in 2012 for the quality of her bikini waxing.
    Melissa Jannes
    Licensed Esthetician & Brazilian Wax Educator
    Expert Answer
    Your diet is extremely important when it comes to the health of your skin. Minimize the amount of sugar you consume, get plenty of antioxidants, and stay away from junk food. This will keep your skin naturally healthy.
  • Question
    Why is a baby's skin so soft?
    Melissa Jannes
    Melissa Jannes
    Licensed Esthetician & Brazilian Wax Educator
    Melissa Jannes is a Licensed Esthetician and the owner of Maebee's Beauty Studio in Philadelphia, a single practitioner space providing quality services with individualized attention. Melissa is also a National Educator for Universal Companies. She received her esthetics degree at The Beauty School of Middletown in 2008 and is licensed in both New York and Pennsylvania. Melissa won the "Best of Beauty" award from Allure magazine in 2012 for the quality of her bikini waxing.
    Melissa Jannes
    Licensed Esthetician & Brazilian Wax Educator
    Expert Answer
    A baby's skin hasn't had much exposure to the elements and they haven't been eating or doing things that are bad for their skin!
  • Question
    What's the point of a sleep mask?
    Melissa Jannes
    Melissa Jannes
    Licensed Esthetician & Brazilian Wax Educator
    Melissa Jannes is a Licensed Esthetician and the owner of Maebee's Beauty Studio in Philadelphia, a single practitioner space providing quality services with individualized attention. Melissa is also a National Educator for Universal Companies. She received her esthetics degree at The Beauty School of Middletown in 2008 and is licensed in both New York and Pennsylvania. Melissa won the "Best of Beauty" award from Allure magazine in 2012 for the quality of her bikini waxing.
    Melissa Jannes
    Licensed Esthetician & Brazilian Wax Educator
    Expert Answer
    Your skin loses a lot of its moisture when you sleep, so you can wake up with dry skin. The sleep masks protects your skin by locking moisture in.
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  • Drink half your weight in ounces of water every day. For example, if you weigh 140 lbs, you should drink 70 ounces of water every day, this will keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.
  • Lemon juice mixed with honey and a little milk cream will leave skin feeling soft. After applying this lotion for 10 minutes, wash off with cold water.
  • Baby oil works wonders if you put a couple of drops in your bath or gently rub onto your damp skin.
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Tips from our Readers

  • I shower for 15 minutes, just running a wet washcloth over my skin to get rid of excess oils. No soap involved. I use a cheap beach towel to dry off after my shower so I'm not immediately dry. I just pat my face dry and wrap the towel around my arms, then around my torso, then around each of my legs. Whatever the towel didn't get air dries, and people tell me my skin is super soft!
  • If you want your hands to be super soft, then rub small amunts of baby lotion twice a day. Once in the morning and one before you go to bed. This will make your skin soft.
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  • Remember that your skin is your body's largest and most vulnerable organ. Take good care of it!
  • Wear cotton underwear into the bath to avoid yeast infections caused by the sugar and honey. Do not use the milk and honey bath more than once a month.
  • All products should be tested before use to check for susceptibility to allergic reactions. Read How to patch test skin for details. This includes homemade natural products.
  • Do not use baby oil. Liquid petroleum jelly and petroleum jelly restricts the skin from making its own moisture. You skin is temporarily soft and moisturized but will dry out more than before.

Things You'll Need

  • Lotion (your choice)
  • Facial cleansers (optional)
  • Pantyhose/tights
  • Cotton gloves
  • Socks
  • Vitamin E capsules
  • Exfoliating puff
  • Honey
  • Lemon juice
  • Sugar
  • Milk

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About This Article

Kaveri Karhade, MD
Co-authored by:
Board Certified Dermatologist
This article was co-authored by Kaveri Karhade, MD. Dr. Kaveri Karhade is a board certified Laser, Medical, and Cosmetic Dermatologist in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her areas of expertise are acne and hair loss. She has advanced training in injectables, lasers, surgery, and other cosmetic treatments, and has published extensive research in medical journals. She holds a BS from Michigan State University and a Doctor of Medicine (MD) from the University of Michigan Medical School. She completed her internship in Internal Medicine at New York University School of Medicine and her Residency in Dermatology at Brown University School of Medicine. Dr. Karhade is a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology and a member of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. This article has been viewed 1,832,380 times.
9 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 120
Updated: March 10, 2025
Views: 1,832,380
Article SummaryX

The easiest way to make your skin soft and silky is to clean with gentle soap twice a day and exfoliate three times a week. Apply moisturizer before bed and wear sunscreen outside to protect your skin. For help taking care of sensitive skin and to learn more about an exfoliating scrub you can make at home, read on!

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  • Anonymous


    Oct 31, 2016

    "Cleansing I have found most important, also a good moisturizing cream is very important. Plenty of water, and..." more
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