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To the unfamiliar, bidets can seem mysterious. This is probably because people are hesitant to talk about using them, but don't worry! We've answered your most pressing questions and addressed your concerns about hygiene, so you can confidently use a bidet at your next encounter.

Question 1

When do you use a bidet?

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  1. Sure, you can wipe first, but most people who use a bidet find it easier and cleaner to just use the bidet. This is because the water pressure will adequately clean your bottom without the need for toilet paper.[1]
    • Some people like to wipe with toilet paper after using a bidet, but it's a matter of personal preference. The bidet should do a good job at cleaning your bottom, so toilet paper isn't necessary.
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Question 2

How do you properly use a bidet?

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  1. A freestanding bidet is next to the toilet and looks very similar, but it doesn't have a handle for flushing. It does have a faucet that you need to turn on so water flows out. Sit on the bidet with your legs over the sides and sit up straight so the water hits your bottom. You can use just the water pressure or wipe with your hands, too.[2]
    • If you're using a built-in bidet or an attachment seat, you can stay on the toilet—just press the bidet spray button and a wand will extend in the toilet to release a spray of water up toward your bottom.
    • Sometimes, you'll see a handheld bidet, which looks like a sprayer or nozzle attached to the toilet. To use it, sit on the toilet with your legs spread wide apart and hold the sprayer nozzle near your bottom. Then, turn it on and direct the water at your bottom.
Question 6

Can a bidet cause an infection?

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  1. Although some studies argued that people who used bidets had higher fecal bacteria levels,[5] more recent research shows that people with genital discomfort caused by infection are more likely to use bidets.[6] This goes to show that if you're in good health and using clean, disinfected bidets, you're not at a higher risk for infection.
    • This is especially true if you're using a bidet at home as opposed to a larger, hospital setting. It's really important that hospitals disinfect bidets between users to prevent cross-infection.[7]

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About This Article

Rebecca Levy-Gantt, MPT, DO
Co-authored by:
Board Certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist
This article was co-authored by Rebecca Levy-Gantt, MPT, DO and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Dr. Rebecca Levy-Gantt is a board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist running a private practice based in Napa, California. Dr. Levy-Gantt specializes in menopause, peri-menopause and hormonal management, including bio-Identical and compounded hormone treatments and alternative treatments. She is also a Nationally Certified Menopause Practitioner and is on the national listing of physicians who specialize in menopausal management. She received a Masters of Physical Therapy from Boston University and a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) from the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine. This article has been viewed 114,183 times.
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Updated: November 25, 2024
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