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This wikiHow teaches you how to change a TP Link router's wireless network password. Some newer routers have dual band wireless connections which provide a wireless network at 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Sometimes you can set a separate password for both networks. A 2.4GHz network has a slower internet speed, but greater range. A 5GHz network has faster internet speeds, but shorter range. The web interface for each wireless router is different, so keep in mind that the menu options may differ slightly from what is listed here.

Things You Should Know

  • You must be connected to the Internet in order to access the router's page.
  • When using a dual-band router, you can set a separate password for each network.
  • If you don't remember the admin username and password for your router, you'll need to reset it.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using a Wireless ADSL Modem

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  1. Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet and open a web browser. You'll need to be connected to the Internet in order to access the router's page.
    • If your wireless connection isn't working properly, you can connect directly to the router.
  2. This is the TP Link router's default IP address. It is also the address for the router's web interface.[1]
    • If the address above is incorrect, consult the user's manual to see what the default IP address is.
  3. If you haven't changed these from the factory settings, the username and password are both admin.[2]
    • If you did change the username and/or password but no longer remember them, you'll have to reset your router before continuing.[3]
  4. It's the second tab at the top of the page.
  5. It's below the main tabs at the top of the page.
    • If you are using a dual-band router, you can click Wireless 2.4 GHz or Wireless 5 GHz to set a separate password for each network.
  6. It's below "Wireless" in the sidebar menu to the left.
  7. Use the drop-down menu next to "Authentication Type" or "Network authentication" to select "WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK (Mixed Mode)" or "WPA2-PSK (best)", depending on which modem model you have.
    • Alternatively, you can select "WEP", but this method isn't as secure.
  8. It goes in the field next to "Pre-shared key" in the box labeled "WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK Mixed Mode".[4]
    • If you are using WEP, enter your password next to "Key 1".
  9. It's at the bottom of the page.
  10. For Trendchip modems, Advanced Setup is the third tab at the top of the page. On Broadcom modems, Management is in the sidebar menu to the left.
  11. On Trendchip modems, SysRestart is below the main tabs at the top of the page. On Broadcom modems, Reboot is below "Management" in the sidebar menu to the left.
  12. It's in the center of the page. This reboots your modem and applies your settings.
  13. Advertisement

Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using a Wireless G & N Routers

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  1. You'll need to be connected to the Internet in order to access the router's page.
    • If your wireless connection isn't working properly, you can connect directly to the router.
  2. To access the router's page, you'll enter the TP Link router address in your browser's address bar.
  3. This is the TP Link router's default IP address. It is also the address for the router's web interface.
    • If the address above is incorrect, consult the user's manual to see what the default IP address is.
  4. If you haven't changed these from the factory settings, the username and password are both admin.
    • If you did change the username and/or password but no longer remember them, you'll have to reset your router before continuing.[5]
  5. It's on the left side of the page.
  6. This option is below the Wireless menu on the left side of the page.[6]
  7. Use the drop-down next to "Security type" to select "WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK".
    • Alternatively, you can select "WEP" in the Security Type drop-down menu, but this method is not as secure.
  8. This goes into the password field labeled "PSK Password."[7]
    • If you are using WEP, enter your password next to "Key 1"
  9. This button is at the bottom of the page.
  10. This will save your new password, though you'll need to reboot your router for the changes to take place.
  11. It's at the bottom of the column of options that is on the left side of the page.
  12. You'll find this near the bottom of the System Tools menu.
  13. This will reboot your router. When it comes back online, your password will be in effect.
    • You will need to reconnect each of your previously connected devices to the router with the new password.
  14. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using a Wireless AC Router

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  1. You'll need to be connected to the Internet in order to access the router's page.
    • If your wireless connection isn't working properly, you can connect directly to the router.
  2. To access the router's page, you'll enter the TP Link router address in your browser's address bar.
  3. This is the TP Link router's default IP address. It is also the address for the router's web interface.
    • If the address above is incorrect, consult the user's manual to see what the default IP address is.
  4. If you haven't changed these from the factory settings, the username and password are both admin.
    • If you did change the username and/or password but no longer remember them, you'll have to reset your router before continuing.[8]
  5. It's the center tab at the top of the page.
  6. It's in the sidebar menu to the left. This displays the Wireless settings.[9]
    • If you are using a dual band router, you can click Wireless 2.4 GHz or Wireless 5 GHz to set a separate password for each network.
  7. Enter this in the field next to "Wireless Network Name (SSID). This is the name that will be displayed when wireless devices search for your wireless network .
  8. This goes in the field next to "Password".[10]
  9. It's the green button at the bottom of the page.
  10. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I get the IP address if it is not written on my router?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Go to the search bar, select "run" and type in "cmd" and once the command box opens type "ipconfig/all."
  • Question
    Can I disable a TP LINK 2 login password completely?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    How do I change my router password?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You have to log into your router via your computer: the IP address is typically, but it may be different for other routers. Once you have logged in, go to your router settings. If you don't know the password for your router, the default is Admin or Administrator.
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  • Avoid resetting your router unless you absolutely have to. If you do have to reset your router, create a new username and password immediately.
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About This Article

Tyrone Showers
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Tyrone Showers and by wikiHow staff writer, Travis Boylls. Tyrone Showers is a Technologist and the Co-owner of Taliferro Group, an IT consulting company based in Seattle, Washington. With over 35 years of professional experience, he specializes in API Design, e-Commerce, Operational Efficiency, and website development. He has a B.S. in Computer Science from DeVry Institute of Technology. This article has been viewed 1,017,947 times.
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Co-authors: 26
Updated: February 24, 2025
Views: 1,017,947
Article SummaryX

1. Connect your router to the internet.
2. Open a web browser and enter "" in the address bar.
3. Enter "admin" as the router's username and password.
4. Click Wireless in the sidebar menu to the left.
5. Click Wireless Settings/Security below "Wireless".
6. Select or click "WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK" as the Security Type.
7. Enter your password next to "Password" or "PSK Passphrase".
8. Click Save.
9. Click System Tools.
10. Click Reboot.
11. Click Ok and reboot your modem.

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