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Being a free spirit is a goal many people have. In today’s busy and cluttered world, however, this can be difficult. If you’ve decided that a free spirited life is the way for you, then start getting in the mindset by working to be more spontaneous, simplified, and positive.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Getting in the Free Spirited Mindset

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  1. Before beginning a more free-spirited life, ask yourself a few important questions, including:
    • Is it important for you to always be on a set schedule, or on time for events? Free-spirited individuals are likely to have more flexible schedules.
    • Do you like to plan ahead or be spontaneous? A major aspect of being free spirited is learning to “go with the flow”: accepting things as they come, rather than deciding everything ahead of time.
    • How organized are you? A free-spirited lifestyle will probably mean a less organized life and/or living space. In its place, however, comes the opportunity for excitement and spontaneity.
    • How practical and grounded are you? A free spirit can be just as successful as anyone else, but cultivates imagination, daydreaming, and idealism along the way.
  2. [1] A free spirit is a non-conformist, who isn’t afraid to think for his or herself, and who follows his or her passions. This can be liberating, but it also takes courage.
    • Think of the books, ideas, people, etc. that you find fascinating or inspiring. You don’t have to think or do things exactly like these models, but think of them as ways for encouraging you to find your own path.
  3. A free spirit isn’t afraid to be original and imaginative. This doesn’t mean that every free spirit has to be a great artist or inventor, just that he or she is able to be expressive, whether through clothing, decorating, speaking, cooking, or any other activity.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Being Spontaneous

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  1. [2] [3] Strange as it may sound, you may need to give yourself time to be spontaneous. This is especially true if you have a busy life or are just learning how to be a free-spirited person.
    • If you are having difficulty being spontaneous at first, schedule a few minutes per day, or per week, in which you have nothing planned. Do whatever comes to mind, or nothing at all.
    • Stop to chat with strangers, friends, or coworkers, even if you feel busy. You will enjoy the company, and taking a detour in your day.
    • Be wary of time traps. Some activities, like endlessly surfing television channels you don’t really want to watch, or getting lost in a smartphone, can eat up lots of time that could be spent being spontaneous.
    • Don’t plan every day. Sometimes we want to do this so that we aren’t bored. But if you leave time open, you can discover new things. Try leaving an unplanned weekend, for starters, and use the time to get out of the house and do something you’ve never done before.
  2. [4] A spontaneous and free spirit will look at the world with a child’s eyes, thinking about how much one doesn’t know, exploring whatever seems interesting, and always asking “why?” and “how?” Give yourself the chance to open up and try new things before making judgments about them.
  3. There are many ways to learn and experience new things. A free spirit will seek out these opportunities:[5]
    • Travel to a place you’ve never been before.
    • Try a new type of cuisine.
    • Get up and dance, right now, whether or not there’s any music.
    • Do a routine activity in a different way. Take a different way home for instance, or have your morning coffee on a walk rather than sitting at your breakfast table or in your car.
    • Offer free hugs.
    • Strike up a conversation with a stranger when you’re standing in line at a store—you never know what you might learn, or who you might meet.
    • Take up a new hobby or try to learn a new skill, and don’t be afraid of failing, or of what others will think.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Learning to Let Things Go

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  1. [6] A free spirit is not tied to many things beyond his or her ideals, and people he or she cares about. Part of being a free spirited person is learning to let some things go in life before they hold you back or weigh you down.
    • As a free spirit, you can certainly still worry about and fight for things that matter. If something seems to be holding you back rather than helping you achieve your dreams, however, it might be time to let it go.
  2. [7] A home that is larger or more complex than you need, filled with more material things than you need, costs too much, or is in a location you don’t want to be in can keep you from being a free spirit. You could move into a different or smaller home that is more manageable for your free-spirited lifestyle, such as a tiny house.
  3. No one can get through life without some material things. However, too many things can weigh you down if you are trying to be a free spirit. Try these techniques:
    • Buying fewer things will decrease clutter and simplify your life. This will also free up finances for things that might matter more to you, such as traveling or spending time with friends.
    • Buy less, but of better things. Having quality things but fewer things overall can help you be less materialistic. Higher-quality clothes, for instance, will last longer than lower-quality ones, and you will need to have fewer of them.
    • Keep in mind that reducing is good for the environment.[8] Consuming less means less production, less waste, less pollutants, etc.
  4. [9] Decluttering your life is one of the first steps you can take toward becoming a more free spirited person. When choosing how to simplify things, consider the following:
    • Think about how often you use particular items. Many experts suggest that if you are trying to declutter, if you haven’t used an item in six months, you should consider getting rid of it.
    • Irreplaceable items of great sentimental value might be an exception.[10] However, remember that memories are more important than things, and you might not need to keep everything. Photographs, for instance, can be scanned for safekeeping without taking up space, and then discarded.
    • Consider donating items you no longer need to a thrift store, community center, religious organization, or other worthwhile cause. That way, others in need can benefit from the items you can live without.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Learning to Be Positive

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  1. Getting plenty of oxygen contributes to physical energy and mental alertness. This can give you an overall boost of positivity. Try one of these breathing exercises periodically:[11]
    • Sit up straight. Put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Inhale deeply through your nose. You should feel the hand on your belly raise, but the hand on your chest should not move. Breathe out slowly, with your mouth barely open. Use your hand on your belly to push air out, if you want. Repeat this exercise ten times.
    • Quickly inhale and exhale through your nose (about three breaths a second), keeping your mouth closed. Then breathe normally. Repeat this process for fifteen seconds or more.
  2. [12] Mindfulness is a practice that helps people become more aware of their thoughts and feelings, and of how they relate to the world around them in the present moment. It is like a particular type of meditation that will leave you feeling more self-aware and positive. Since living in the present is key to being a free spirit, this technique can be very helpful.
    • Sit in a comfortable position, whether in a chair, cross-legged, or kneeling.
    • Begin to pay attention to your breathing. Your mind will eventually wander. When you catch your mind wandering, bring your attention back to your own breathing.
    • Don’t stop to dwell on or judge your thoughts.
    • Continue this process for a short time, such as five minutes if you are trying it for the first time. Repeat this practice frequently, at least once a day. As you begin to practice mindfulness mediation regularly, you can gradually increase the length of the sessions, if you desire.
    • Many people engage in mindfulness through prayer or meditation as part of a spiritual practice. A free spirit can absolutely willfully participate in these practices.
  3. Often characterized as mainly a physical exercise, yoga is very much part of a spiritual practice that can boost your mind as well. Practicing yoga regularly can contribute to a positive outlook. You can begin learning yoga with just some simple exercises.
  4. Everyone has things in life that can weigh them down, from having to deal with ignorant people to worrying about physical flaws. In developing a positive outlook on life, a free-spirited person will also learn to overcome as many of these hang-ups as possible.
    • Remember that flaws, including physical imperfections, are part of what makes each person unique.[13] Be proud of what makes you unique, and don’t constantly worry about being the same as others.
    • Practice compassion. This includes being as forgiving to yourself as you would be to others. If you are able to accept others for who they are, extend the same compassion to yourself.
    • Practice tolerance. By being tolerant of other people, you will free your mind and emotions. Be ready to accept differences in other people, and always ask yourself how you would feel or think if you were in their place.[14]
    Michelle Shahbazyan is the Founder of The LA Life Coach, a concierge life, family, and career coaching service based in Los Angeles, California. She has over 10 years of experience with life coaching, consulting, motivational speaking, and matchmaking. She has a BA in Applied Psychology and an MS in Building Construction and Technology Management from Georgia Tech University, and a MA in Psychology with an emphasis on Marriage and Family Therapy from Phillips Graduate University.
    Michelle Shahbazyan, MS, MA

    Our Expert Agrees: If you're feeling pessimistic, write down all of the things that are bringing you down, and start taking steps to change those things. You might not be able to change everything, but taking those steps will help you feel a sense of hope and control. You'll likely be surprised how far-reaching just a few positive changes can be.

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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Do I have to dress a certain way to be free spirited?
    Community Answer
    No, you do not. Free spirit is in your self-reflection.
  • Question
    How do I become a free spirit when my heart is burdened with sorrow?
    Community Answer
    Find a quiet spot to meditate. Recognize what is making you sad and take your power back. If we constantly focus on the burdens in our lives, than we will never find the power that really drives our free spirit. We must not allow negative thought patterns to take control over our lives. Develop the habit of taking back your power and focusing on the positive things in front of you. You have to be able to move things out of your life that do not serve you. We cannot change yesterday, we can only live free in the present, today, right now. It is only than that we find our freedom.
  • Question
    How can I be free-spirited at school?
    sophia James
    sophia James
    Community Answer
    Find little ways to do things. Change your clothes, do fun makeup, learn fun facts, and do other little things that you enjoy to stand out.
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About This Article

Michelle Shahbazyan, MS, MA
Co-authored by:
Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Michelle Shahbazyan, MS, MA. Michelle Shahbazyan is the Founder of The LA Life Coach, a concierge life, family, and career coaching service based in Los Angeles, California. She has over 10 years of experience with life coaching, consulting, motivational speaking, and matchmaking. She has a BA in Applied Psychology and an MS in Building Construction and Technology Management from Georgia Tech University, and a MA in Psychology with an emphasis on Marriage and Family Therapy from Phillips Graduate University. This article has been viewed 154,629 times.
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Co-authors: 16
Updated: August 14, 2024
Views: 154,629
Categories: Philosophy
Article SummaryX

Being a free-spirited person is about being unique and spontaneous. Leave time in your schedule for unplanned activities, like a random trip to the beach or hanging out with someone new. Spend time being artistic, like painting, playing music, or writing, to get in touch with your free, creative nature. If you’re feeling bored, try a new hobby or learn a new skill. That way, you’ll always be growing and you won’t get stuck in the daily grind. Being free-spirited is also about being mindful and living in the present moment. You can try meditating and paying attention to all of your senses to help you avoid the trap of worrying about trivial details. For more tips, including how to be less materialistic, read on!

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