Data Access Tools
Data Access Tools include APIs and search and query forms.
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U.S. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map
A web-based interactive map that combines the national landslide inventory compilation with the national landslide susceptibility map. This searchable map integrates contributions from various local, state, and federal agencies and offers links to the original digital inventory files for more detailed information.
Pennsylvania's Long-Term Surface-Water Quality Network
USGS, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP), has released a geonarrative detailing the sampling of a network of surface water sites across Pennsylvania.
National Water Availability Assessment Data Companion
The National Water Availability Assessment Data Companion (NWDC) delivers model-based estimates of water supply and demand.
Runoff Estimates for California
Streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs are important natural resources for irrigation, public supply, wetlands and wildlife. Excess precipitation that flows into these sources is called runoff, and it's an important drought indicator. The California Water Science Center tracks both monthly and annual runoff.
EROS Registration System
The USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Registration System (ERS) consolidates user profile information and authentication for EROS based web services.
USGS Core Library and Data Center
The USGS Core Library and Data Center web application enables users to search for and access digital images of rock samples primarily collected on the NNSS. Users can search for rock-sample images by specific NNSS area and site name.
Surface water sites associated with the hydrologic assessment of the Blackfeet Reservation, Montana
Two continuous streamgages were installed in September 2019 during the first phase of this project and are currently in operation. Additional streamgages were installed in August 2020 and September 2021, followed by the installation of two additional streamgages in April 2024. These streamgages provide the Blackfeet Water Department and others with important water quantity information.
Groundwater sites associated with the hydrologic assessment of the Blackfeet Reservation, Montana
While most of the residents of the Blackfeet Reservation rely on groundwater for domestic, stock, and other uses, little is known about the quantity and quality of the groundwater. The initial phase of the groundwater investigation includes an inventory of existing wells and springs on the reservation. This is the first step to a groundwater resources assessment on the Blackfeet Reservation.
USGS-DOE Cooperative Studies and Groundwater Monitoring in Nevada web application
The USGS-DOE Cooperative Studies and Groundwater Monitoring in Nevada web application provides an interactive and easy-to-use interface to access groundwater levels, groundwater withdrawal, and water-temperature data for wells on and adjacent to the NNSS.
Recreational Inland Fisheries as Food
Inland recreational fishing is often conceived as primarily a leisure-driven activity in freshwaters, yet it can contribute substantially to food systems. This tool explores nutrition, economic value, and climate vulnerability of inland recreational consumption by country.
Philadelphia Water Resources Monitoring
The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) and USGS have been working together to create and expand the water-quality monitoring network for Philadelphia. Data from these gaging stations will allow PWD scientists and engineers to monitor spatial and temporal water quality/quantity trends in support of watershed restoration initiatives occurring in Philadelphia.
Ground water sites associated with the restoration effectiveness monitoring in the Vermilion River
Ground water sites associated with the restoration effectiveness monitoring in the Vermilion River.