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Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Join and Support the Network

SPN is supported by more than 1,000 members from 109 countries around the world. If you use the Network, please do the same to keep this resource available for the good of all.
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SPN membership starts at only $25 per year ($15 for students).


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Each year, SPN needs to raise $160,000 for staff and student wages, web design services, hardware, software, and associated expenses. Although this amount may sound like a lot of money, SPN and its partner sites average approximately 70,000 page views per day from people in over 100 countries, making SPN one of the most cost-effective sources of psychology information in the world (less than 1¢ per page view). For more information, please visit:

We deeply appreciate your support!

Membership Benefits

The greatest member benefit is the continued availability of a shared resource -- not just for ourselves but for people who, by country or circumstance, cannot afford membership. Free access and a commitment to social justice are at the heart of SPN.

Other member benefits:

Your own SPN page with links and biographical information

Periodic email alerts about new developments related to SPN and psychology

Expedited technical support with SPN features

Your name and a link in the SPN Membership Directory

If you use SPN, please join! All donations are tax-deductible.

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©1996-2025, S. Plous