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Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Endorsements of Social Psychology Network

Social Psychology Network depends on support from the people and groups who use its resources. In recognition of the need for this support, several leading professional societies (including American Psychological Association Divisions 1, 8, 9, 14, 23, 27, 34, 35, 44, 45, 48, and 52) have encouraged their members to join SPN. For a sample of these endorsements, please see below.

Joint Appeal to Support SPN From SPSP, SPSSI, SGP, SESP, AASP, SASP, CPA-SPS, and BPS-SPS: "In a spirit of shared purpose, we are writing to ask our members to join Social Psychology Network, an international web portal and educational organization that serves our common interests through its online forums, searchable databases, news headlines, teaching materials, professional profiles, and other features."

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Society for General Psychology "What resource today unifies psychology more powerfully than Social Psychology Network? Despite its name and original focus, the Network now goes far beyond social psychology, spanning the breadth of psychology and offering information on clinical and community psychology, developmental psychology, cultural psychology, applied psychology, cognitive science, and more.... Indeed, some of us cannot picture psychology without SPN."

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Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues "We enthusiastically endorse Social Psychology Network (SPN), a pioneering organization that has worked tirelessly to increase diversity within psychology, promote social justice, and advance psychological research and education. Through its blend of multiculturalism and technological innovation, SPN serves as a model of how the Internet can be used for the benefit of science and society."

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APA Division 52: International Psychology "SPN has contributed immeasurably to the development of a global community within psychology and has tremendous value to Division 52 in its effort to enhance dialogue, collaboration, and networking among psychologists across the globe... Division 52 therefore urges full support by the APA, our members, and other organizations to sustain the Network and its vital role in internationalizing psychology."

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Society for the Psychology of Women "The Society for the Psychology of Women (Division 35 of the American Psychological Association)... strongly endorses Social Psychology Network as a first-rate resource on gender, social justice, and equality... In our view, SPN offers a highly effective means of promoting feminist scholarship, teaching, and practice. We encourage our members to join the Network."

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Society for Environmental, Population and Conservation Psychology "The Society for Environmental, Population and Conservation Psychology... is delighted to endorse Social Psychology Network as an outstanding organization that shares a common mission of advancing sustainable living. SPN offers a wealth of information on environmental protection and conservation issues through a broad range of web-based resources that we consider extremely valuable."

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Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence "The Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence (Division 48 of the American Psychological Association) strongly endorses Social Psychology Network, an online resource used by peace psychologists throughout the world... SPN offers a remarkable wealth of teaching and research resources related to peace, violence, and conflict resolution."

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Psi Chi: The International Honor Society in Psychology "Social Psychology Network serves as a gold-plated example of how to efficiently assemble practical knowledge for anyone investigating the richness that psychology has to offer... Psi Chi proudly endorses Social Psychology Network as a resource that brings together social and behavioral scientists from around the world for the betterment of psychology and society."

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Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues "The Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues (Division 44 of the American Psychological Association) enthusiastically endorses the Social Psychology Network. SPN plays an instrumental role in building bridges across psychology subfields and advancing the scientific study of sexuality and gender identity."

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Society for Personality and Social Psychology "Since its founding in 1996, Social Psychology Network has given a great deal to science and the public, and we strongly encourage our faculty and student members to join and support the Network... In an increasingly wired world, a well developed global network such as SPN is of inestimable worth, and its worth will only grow over time."

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Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues "SPN is a premier Internet site... of great value to students, teachers, researchers, news reporters, policymakers, and the general public... SPSSI wishes Social Psychology Network continued success and encourages SPSSI members and others to visit SPN often, to benefit from it, and to support its evolution in the years ahead."

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Psychology Coalition at the United Nations "The Psychology Coalition of Accredited NGOs at the United Nations (PCUN) strongly endorses Social Psychology Network as a preeminent resource for psychologists, policy-makers, and advocates engaged in the application of sound psychological science to improve the well-being of people around the world."

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International Association for Relationship Research "The International Association for Relationship Research enthusiastically endorses Social Psychology Network as a leading source of information on relationship science, and we applaud its focus on using psychology for the betterment of society... We strongly encourage all IARR members with interests in psychology to join Social Psychology Network."

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Association for Research in Personality "The Association for Research in Personality is proud to endorse Social Psychology Network. Since its founding in 1996, SPN has provided the most straightforward way to access personality and social psychology on the web... the Network serves as a fantastic resource for those interested in personality psychology as well as a number of other topics."

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Society for Community Research and Action "The Society for Community Research and Action (Division 27 of the American Psychological Association) strongly endorses Social Psychology Network, a unique resource that provides vital information about psychology and its links to social justice and sustainable living... We urge our members to join and support Social Psychology Network and to help build on the linkages made by the Network."

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Society for Consumer Psychology "The Society for Consumer Psychology, Division 23 of the American Psychological Association, is pleased to endorse Social Psychology Network (SPN) as an outstanding resource for consumer psychologists... We encourage anyone interested in consumer psychology to take advantage of SPN's unique resources and support its mission by becoming a member of the Network."

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Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology "The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP, Division 14 of the American Psychological Association) endorses Social Psychology Network as an informative resource for industrial-organizational psychologists and students interested in a wide array of workplace issues... We are especially impressed with SPN's strong emphasis on multiculturalism and inclusiveness."

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Society of Experimental Social Psychology "Social Psychology Network is the 'must visit' Internet site for social psychology. SPN contains extensive resources for students and the scientific community alike... [and] the Society of Experimental Social Psychology enthusiastically endorses SPN and encourages its members to join and help support this critically important venture."

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Asian Association of Social Psychology "Social Psychology Network (SPN) links Asia to the rest of the world, building bridges across the international community of social psychologists and facilitating scholarly communication and exchange... The Asian Association of Social Psychology is pleased to endorse SPN, and we heartily call upon our members and others to join the Network and support its development to the greatest extent possible."

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Canadian Social and Personality Section "Social Psychology Network is a unique and invaluable resource that binds the psychology scholarly community together, and in so doing, facilitates and enhances our scholarly work... We encourage our members and others to join and support SPN so that it will thrive for many years to come."

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European Association of Social Psychology "Many social psychologists in Europe make active use of the resources offered by SPN, and we recommend to our members who feel they benefit from SPN to consider contributing individually in addition to our institutional donation. We wish Social Psychology Network all the best in its fundraising and hope that it is successful in maintaining this important resource for our discipline."

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British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section "The United Kingdom is second only to the USA in its use of Social Psychology Network, and we appreciate the large amount of time, effort, and money required to maintain such an extensive global network. The BPS Social Psychology Section therefore encourages UK social psychologists to consider providing financial support to SPN by becoming members of the Network."

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Society of Australasian Social Psychologists "Social Psychology Network is like the corpus callosum: it connects two hemispheres, allowing for swifter communication and better coordination between social psychologists in Australasia and those in the Northern hemisphere... We appreciate all the work that has gone into Social Psychology Network and are pleased to endorse and co-sponsor its continued development."

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