SPN Membership Directory
Social Psychology Network currently has over 1,000 members from 109 countries.
If you use the Network but haven't contributed yet, please join SPN. Annual memberships start at $25 ($15 for students) and take only 5 minutes to complete by credit card or PayPal. If you are already a member and prefer not to appear in the directory, simply uncheck "Include record in member directory" in your SPN Account Settings.
Lifetime Members ($1,000 and above)

Modupe Akinola
Columbia University
Deanna D. Caputo
MITRE Corporation

Robert Cialdini
Arizona State University

Robert S. Feldman
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Susan Fiske
Princeton University

Linda Ginzel
University of Chicago

Teri A. Kirby
Purdue University

Christina Maslach
University of California, Berkeley

David Myers
Hope College

Ralph L. Rosnow
Temple University

Jessica Salvatore
James Madison University

Philip G. Zimbardo
Stanford University
Leadership Circle ($500-$999)
Sustaining Members ($100-$499)
Beckett Azevedo
Boston College School of Social Work

Suzanne Baldon, Ph.D.
McLennan Community College
Kate Barrelle
Monash Uni

Susan D. Boon
University of Calgary

Nathan J. Borrett, PhD.
Liberty University

Brian L. Cutler
Fielding Graduate University
Tammi Gray
Ricky Higby

Sara Hodges
University of Oregon

Janelle Jones
Queen Mary University of London

Steven J. Karau
Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Shana Levin
Claremont McKenna College
Paul Gregory Mitchell, Ph.D., J.D.
University of Virginia School of Law
Carolyn M. Springer, Ph.D.

Daniel R. Stalder
University of Wisconsin—Whitewater

Harold Takooshian
Fordham University

Carol Tavris

Theresa A. Thorkildsen
University of Illinois at Chicago

Bernard Weiner
University of California, Los Angeles

Mark Whatley
Valdosta State University