Analyze the brief history, core
teachings, fundamental beliefs,
practices, and related issues of
Familiarized with the history, core teaching,
fundamental beliefs, and practices of HINDUISM.
Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion. Hindu
followers in India comprise the major bulk with almost 80
% of the country’s population adhering to the religion.
Central of their fundamental teaching are the belief if the
HINDUISM is considered as the oldest and most complex
of all world religions.
The term Hindu originated from Persia word Hindu
which means “river”. It is also refer to people of Indus
Valley-the Indians.
Hinduism was originally known as “Arya Dharma” or the
“Aryan Way”
Aryans brought with them their set of beliefs
based on oral texts known as Vedas.
-The sacred writings of the Hindus are
categorized into two classes, the shruti and smriti.
1. SHRUTI- literally means “that which is heard”.
They are regarded as eternal truths that were
passed orally until the beginning of the present
age wherein there came the need to write them
The four collections of texts of Vedas form the
shruti and are considered primary sources and
most authoritative texts in Hindu faith.
VEDAS- the word Veda means “knowledge” or
“sacred lore”. The Vedas are the earliest known
Sanskrit literature from the Brahmanic period
and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.
The four basic Vedic books, which are sacrificial
hymns compiled from an earlier oral tradition ,
are composed of Rig-veda, Sama-veda, Yajur-
veda and Atharva-veda.
Among the four Vedas, the Rig-Veda is the
most important and oldest book , it is also the
oldest living religious literature of the world.
The second book Yajur-Veda or “knowledge of
rites” is a compilation of materials recited
during rituals and sacrifices to deities.
The third book Sama-Veda or the “knowledge
of chants”.This book is a collection of verses
from the basic hymns recited by priest during
The fourth book is Athara- Veda or “knowledge
given by sage Atharva”. This book contains
ritual used in homes and popular prayers to
gods-seldom used in solemn ceremonies unlike
the other three Vedas.
INDRA- leader of the devas or gods; the
lord of heaven in Hinduism; god of rain
and thunderstorms
MATSYA Fish Saved humanity & sacred Veda texts from flood
VARAHA Boar Raised the earth out of water with his tusks
RAMA Man Rescued his wife Sita and killed the demon Ravana
KRISHNA Man Told the epic poem Bhagavad Gita to the warrior Arjuna