Revised Life Certificate
Revised Life Certificate
Revised Life Certificate
[To be submitted by Pensioner / Family Pensioner once a year]
[Vide G.O.Ms.No.103, Finance (Pension) Department, Dated:31 st March, 2015.]
Recent Passport Size Photo
holder of P.P.O. No.
Specimen Signature of Pensioner / Family Pensioner
Signature of Attesting Officer
Name :
Place : Designation :
1. P.P.O.No. :
[Pension Payment Order Number]
2. Pension scheme opted : Tick wherever Pension Pilot Scheme PSB Scheme
5. Name of Pensioner / :
Family Pensioner
6. Expansion of Initials :
* (a). School Certificate. (b). Driving Licence. (c). PAN Card. (d). Voter’s ID Card. (e). Passport. (f). Aadhaar Card
* If available, specify now. Otherwise, whenever these numbers are obtained, the same may be furnished
immediately for updation
PIN Code
Signature of Pensioner / Family Pensioner
I declare that I have not been serving in any capacity either in a State or
Central Government or a Government Undertaking or a Government
Corporation or an Autonomous Body or a Local Fund.
I declare that I have been employed/re-employed in the office of
and was in receipt of the following monthly rates of emoluments during the year
ended ___________________ or during the months of ________ within the said
(i) Pay in the Pay Band
(ii) Grade Pay
(iii) Dearness Allowance
(iv) Other Allowance
[like HRA/CCA/MA etc.]
(i) Honorarium / Consolidated Pay / Other (specify)
Signature of the Pensioner / Family Pensioner
Place : Name :
I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above declaration
is correct.
Signature of Attesting Officer
Place : Name :
Date : Designation :
Office Seal :
[To be submitted by Family Pensioner once a year OR in the event of remarriage/marriage]
[Applicable only for Widow / Widower / Daughter / Son recipient of family pension]
[Vide G.O.Ms.No.103, Finance (Pension) Department, Dated:31 st March, 2015.]
I hereby declare that I have not married and that I have not been married
during the past year.
Signature of the Family Pensioner
Place : Name :
Date : P.P.O. No.
I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above declaration
is correct.
Signature of Attesting Officer
Place : Name :
Date : Designation :
Office Seal :
2. The eligibile daughter / son who have not attained the age of 25 years.
3. The eligible daughter including widowed / divorced daughter who is suffering from any
disorder or disability of mind (including mentally retarded) or physically crippled or
disabled so as to render her unable to earn a livelihood even after attaining the age of
twenty-five years.
4. The eligible unmarried / widowed / divorced daughters above the age of twenty-five