Long Test in Philosopy2
Long Test in Philosopy2
Long Test in Philosopy2
YEAR & SECTION:_________________________________________________________ DATE:_________
I. True/False (True=A, False=B Not Related = C)
Instruction: Write A if the statement is TRUE, B if the statement is FALSE and C if not related to
_____1. Philosophy encourages the adoption of a questioning attitude means that philosophic
thinking encourages people to deny the existence of God or traditional moral beliefs.
_____2. The purpose of trial by publicity is to develop arguments that correct or support beliefs in
ways that could be persuasive even to people with different backgrounds.
_____3. Though philosophy is defined as the pursuit of wisdom, it does not investigate what it means
to ask questions in the first place.
_____4. As the pursuit of wisdom, philosophy raises questions about almost everything except what it
means to question in the first place.
_____5. Because philosophy requires that we question our beliefs, it cannot provide reasons why one
set of beliefs should be preferred over another.
_____6. There is no generally acceptable definition of “Truth” but however there are various theories
of being “True”.
_____7. Philosophy attempts to answer questions such as "Why do we exist?" by examining what it
means to ask such questions and to evaluate whether proposed answers to such questions are
_____8. A literary works stimulates thought. It enriches our mental life by making us realize
fundamental truths about life and human nature.
_____9. Wander means to be filled with curiosity or doubt. An event inexplicable by the laws of nature;
a miracle and a feeling of puzzlement or doubt.
_____10. Epistemology is concerned with the nature or scope (limitations) of knowledge.
_____11. Religion is the philosophical study on the morality of a goodness and badness of human
_____12. Socrates's comment that "the only true wisdom is knowing you know everything.”
_____13. No human can reach his transcendence in life. Only God does.
_____14. Depression is a sign of overthinking and lack of socialization.
_____15. In philosophical point of view, knowledge with action is wisdom.
_____17 . Believes in a “real true” essence, invariable or fixed property that define what is in its truest
A. Essentialism B. Existentialism C. Humanism D. Behaviorism
_____18 . Humans are totally free and must take responsibility and define the meaning of their own
A. Essentialism B. Existentialism C. Humanism D. Behaviorism
_____19 . Freedom, _________ and decisions are fundamental in existentialism.
A. Action B. Behaviors C. existence D. judgment
_____20. The quality of being based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.
A. Opinion B. Truth C. Subjectivity D. Objectivity
_____21. The goal of a thinking of a human person is to know the ultimate ____________.
A. Life B. Truth C. Reality D. Death
_____22. According to Rene Descartes & St. Thomas Aquinas, a person has two powers of the mind.
A. Opinion & Truth B. Thinking & Understanding C. judgment & ask D. Intellect & will
____23. Man by nature is universally “Good” by means of three evidences; his moral, action and____
A. Worthiness B. Faithfulness C. Awareness D. Conscience
____24. A judgment, viewpoint or statement that is considered subjective.
A. Opinion B. Truth C. Fidelity D. Loyalty
____25. Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in
a way considered to be unfair
A. Fair B. Judgmental C. Bias D. Loyal
____26. Existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level. It can only happen through
action and decisions.
A. Possibilities B. Transcendence C. Limitations D. Strength
____27. A thing that may be chosen or done out of several possible alternatives.
A. Possibilities B. Transcendence C. Limitations D. Strength
____28. A rule or situation that puts a limit on something / someone.
A. Possibilities B. Transcendence C. Limitations D. Strength
____29. "LAUDATO SI" means……
A. Care for God’s Creation B. Love for God’s Creation C. Procreations D. Nurturer
____30. Philosophy begins with a sense of wonder and ______.
A. Thinking B. Believing C. Wander D. Awe
____31. Man was originally created perfect and placed in a perfect, friendly environment designed to
be his ________. A. habitat B. destiny C. home D. hope
____32. How will you help restore the environment to its natural sense except for one thing…
A. Every year, plant new things in your garden B. Have a compost bin and put your organic
waste in it. C. Turn off the lights when they are not needed D. Ride a bike instead of
____33. Three great ways YOU can eliminate waste and protect your environment! Except….
A. reduce B. recycle C. reborn D. reuse
____34. Among the natural disasters in the environment. Which is cause by man’s negligence?
A. Tsunami B. Landslide C. Volcanic Eruptions D. Earthquake
____35. As a person, how will you become a procreator of God?
A. Join rallies and hunger strike to support the environmental program of the government.
B. Marry the person you love at a perfect time and have a family.
C. Be an active environmentalist leader in the community.
D. Conserve powers and energies.
Instruction: Identify what types of fallacies are being describe in the paragraph. Choose your
answer inside the box by WRITING THE CORRECT NUMBER corresponds to your answer on the
space provided.
. 1. Bandwagon Approach 6. Begging the question 11. Guilt by association
2. Slippery Slope 7. Straw Man 12. Post Hoc
3. Appeals to Authority 8. Appeals to Pity 13. Faulty Cause/effect
4. Card Stacking 9. Ad Hominem 14. False needs
5. Hasty Generalizations 10. Non sequitur 15. Either/Or fallacy
_____36. The arguer infers that because one event follows another, the first event must be the
cause of the second event.
_____37. A false correlation between two events.
_____38. Latin for “To the man”, pointing out a negative characteristic to support one’s argument
_____39. A fallacy of distraction – an irrelevant conclusion.
_____40. Considered a fallacy of omission- Material is simply left out or taken out of context,
ignoring evidence that doesn’t support your opinion.
_____41. A fallacious argument built on the supposition that a small step will lead to a larger
chain of events.
_____42. False Dilemma . . . “You’re either part of the solution or part of the problem.
_____43. A leading commercial claims that 3 out of 4 dentists would choose this “Happy Smile”
toothpaste for their own families to use.
_____44. Killing people is wrong, so the death penalty is wrong.
_____45. You think Santa Claus is real. The Santa at the mall has a fake beard. Santa is obviously
not real.
_____46. The type of music that is being produced these days is causing the youth of this nation
to be corrupt.
_____47. I will save money to buy a latest android phone so that I will become famous.
_____48. A young mother asks for assistance from a local church and she brings her three young .
children with her to beg money to the pastor.
_____49. Martina had a terrible experience with a boyfriend. She said that all boys were playboy.
_____50. Leading commercial argues that "everyone" likes a specific brand of dessert.
Goodluck !!!!!
“ I am the beginning of all people, yet you can see me first in heaven, “I bring peace & Love is the first thing I
give on earth. And remember, only you can see me first at the end of time, out of nowhere….. By putting all the first letters
underlined…I hope you know me by now. _________________________?