Lecture 4
Lecture 4
Lecture 4
What is Hydro-kinematics ?
• In Hydro – Kinematics we shall study
Q1 = Q2 = Q 3
Example 1
• Water is flowing through a pipe of 100 mm
diameter with an average velocity of 10
m/sec. Determine the rate of discharge of the
water. Also determine the velocity of water at
the other end of pipe, if the diameter of pipe
is gradually changed to 200 mm?
Example 2
Example :
Study of movement of number of vehicles on a busy road.
The Lagrangian method deals with the study of movement of only one vehicle
through a specified distance.
The Eulerian method deals with the study of movement of all the vehicles on
the road at one section and at one instant.
– The lines AB, CD, EF , GH are streamlines and LM, NO , PO are potential
lines as shown in figure.
Types of Flow Lines (Cont’d)
• Flow Net:
– There is relation between streamlines and potential lines. If we draw both
the lines for a flow, the patterns obtained by the inter-section of two sets of
lines, is called flow net.
– The flow net helps us in depicting and analyzing the behavior of certain flow
phenomenon, which can not be easily analyzed by mathematical means.
Such a phenomenon is generally analyzed and studied by drawing flow nets.
– In a region, where the boundaries converge, diverge or bend, the flow net
does not contain squares.
Types of Flow Lines (Cont’d)
• Flow Net (Cont’d):
• Consider a flow net when the stream lines are
diverging and two sections of flow nets 1 and 2.
• Let
– x1=Spacing between two streamlines at section 1
– v1= Velocity of liquid particles at section 1
– x2 , v1 = Corresponding values at section 2
Since there can be no flow across the streamlines, therefore discharge per unit
length, between two consecutive streamlines, will be equal. Therefore, discharge per
unit depth
q = x 1 . v 1 = x 2 . v2
The velocity of liquid particles varies inversely with the spacing between
the streamlines.
The velocity decreases with the increase in spacing and vice versa.
Types of Flow Lines (Cont’d)
• Flow Net (Cont’d):
• Example:
Types of Flows in a Pipe
i. Uniform Flow:
A flow, in which the velocities of liquid particles
at all sections of a pipe or channel are equal, is
called a uniform flow. This is applied to flow in
ii. Non- Uniform Flow:
A flow, in which the velocities of liquid particles
at all sections of pipe or channel are not equal,
is called non-uniform flow.
Types of Flows in a Pipe (cont’d)
iii. Streamline Flow / Laminar
A flow, in which each liquid particle
has a definite path and the paths of
individual particles do not cross
each other, is called a streamline
flow or laminar flow.
Or v . dx = u . dy
u . dy – v . dx = 0
Now substituting the values of u and v from (i) and (ii) in above equation.
X dx=0
dΨ = constant
The above expression shows that the discharge between the two streamlines is the
difference in the two stream functions.
The resultant velocity at any point P (with x and y coordinates) will be given by the
Stream Function (Cont’d)
Stream Function (Cont’d)