Finite Element Methods
Finite Element Methods
Finite Element Methods
• 1. Discretize the continuum. The first step is to divide a solution region into finite
elements. The finite element mesh is typically generated by a preprocessor
program. The description of mesh consists of several arrays main of which are
nodal coordinates and element connectivities.
• 2. Select interpolation functions. Interpolation functions are used to interpolate
the field variables over the element. Often, polynomials are selected as
interpolation functions. The degree of the polynomial depends on the number of
nodes assigned to the element.
• 3. Find the element properties. The matrix equation for the finite element should
be established which relates the nodal values of the unknown function to other
parameters. For this task different approaches can be used; the most convenient
are: the variational approach and the Galerkin method.
• 4. Assemble the element equations. To find the global equation system for
the whole solution region we must assemble all the element equations. In
other words we must combine local element equations for all elements used
for discretization. Element connectivities are used for the assembly process.
Before solution, boundary conditions (which are not accounted in element
equations) should be imposed.
• 5. Solve the global equation system. The finite element global equation
sytem is typically sparse, symmetric and positive definite. Direct and
iterative methods can be used for solution. The nodal values of the sought
function are produced as a result of the solution.
• 6. Compute additional results. In many cases we need to calculate
additional parameters. For example, in mechanical problems strains and
stresses are of interest in addition to displacements, which are obtained
after solution of the global equation system.
• Advantages of Finite Element Method
• Modeling of complex geometries and irregular shapes are easier as
varieties of finite elements are available for discretization of domain.
• Boundary conditions can be easily incorporated in FEM.
• Different types of material properties can be easily accommodated in
modeling from element to element or even within an element.
• Higher order elements may be implemented.
• FEM is simple, compact and result-oriented and hence widely popular
among engineering community.
• Availability of large number of computer software packages and
literature makes FEM a versatile and powerful numerical method.
• Disadvantages of Finite Element Method
• Large amount of data is required as input for the mesh used in terms of
nodal connectivity and other parameters depending on the problem.
• It requires a digital computer and fairly extensive
• It requires longer execution time compared with FEM.
• Output result will vary considerably.
• FDM makes point wise approximation to the governing equations i.e. it ensures
continuity only at the node points. Continuity along the sides of grid lines is not ensured.
• FEM make piecewise approximation i.e. it ensures the continuity at node points as well
as along the sides of the element.
• FDM does not give the values at any point except at node points. It do not give any
approximating function to evaluate the basic values (deflections, in case of solid
mechanics) using the nodal values.
• FEM can give the values at any point. However the values obtained at points other than
nodes are by using suitable interpolation formulae.
• FDM makes stair type approximation to sloping and curved boundaries as shown in Fig.
• FEM can consider the sloping boundaries exactly. If curved elements are used, even the
curved boundaries can be handled exactly.
• FDM needs larger number of nodes to get good results while FEM needs fewer nodes.
• With FDM fairly complicated problems can be handled where as FEM can handle all
complicated problems.
Principle of minimum Potential Energy
• Potential energy is the capacity to do work by the forces
acting on deformable bodies. The forces acting on a body
may be classified as internal forces and external forces.
• Internal forces are the applied loads while external forces
are stresses developed on the body. Hence the potential
energy is the sum of internal and external potential energies.
• The principle of minimum potential energy states that “ for
conservative systems of all the kinematically admissible
displacement fields those correspond to equilibrium
extremize the potential energy. If the extreme condition is
minimum the equilibrium state is stable.
Rayleigh Ritz Method
Shape Functions
• In the finite element analysis aim is to find the field variables at nodal points by
rigorous analysis, assuming at any point inside the element basic variable is a
function of values at nodal points of the element. This function which relates
the field variable at any point within the element to the field variables of nodal
points is called shape function. This is also called as interpolation function and
approximating function. In two dimensional stress analysis in which basic field
variable is displacement,