7B Answer
7B Answer
7B Answer
Dr. M. Medraj Mech. Eng. Dept. - Concordia University MECH 321 lecture 9/1 Dr. M. Medraj Mech. Eng. Dept. - Concordia University MECH 321 lecture 9/2
z z
FIGURE 8.9 The three modes of crack surface displacement. (a) Mode I, opening or
τ τ
tensile mode; (b) mode II, sliding mode; and (c) mode III, tearing mode.
crack surfaces slide over one another in a direction σ and cracks often propagate under so called mixed modes, which are the
perpendicular to the leading edge of the crack.
b) c)
……………. of the above mentioned modes, such as I-II, I-III, II-III and
so on.
Mode III is tearing and antiplane shear mode
where the crack surfaces move relative to one • In practice, however, crack propagation under ………… is the most
another and parallel to the leading edge of the dangerous. Under Mode I, it is easier for crack propagation to trigger a
crack. brittle fracture, so it has been studied extensively.
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Stress Analysis of Cracks Fracture Toughness
• when the plate is thin, plane stress exists, i.e. σz=0
• in mode I, the stresses acting on the • when the plate is thick, σz=ν(σx+ σy) and a state of plane strain exists, εz= 0
crack as a function of radial
• stress intensity factor is related to the applied stress and crack length by:
distance r and angle θ are:
σ x =
2π r
fx (θ ) K = Yσ πa
K Where,
σ y = fy (θ )
2π r Y is a function of the crack and
K specimen size and geometry
τ xy = f xy (θ )
2π r (dimensionless parameter)
θ θ 3θ
f x (θ ) = cos 1 − sin sin
units of K are MPa m½
• K is the …....……………. factor and 2 2 2
Thicker, more rigid pieces of a give material
defines the stress around a crack or θ θ 3θ
f y (θ ) = cos 1 + sin sin have a ……… fracture toughness than thin ones.
2 2 2
flaw (similar to but NOT the same as
θ θ 3θ
the stress concentration factor Kt ) f xy (θ ) = sin cos cos
2 2 2 What is the difference between plane stress or plane strain conditions?
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W πa
Y (a / W ) = tan
πa W
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K Ic = Y σ π a K Ic
σc ≤
pronounced as “kay-…....-see” Y πa
minimum value → safer for design
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Summary Design using Fracture Mechanics
¾ Stress intensity factor, K, describes the stress intensity felt by that material
under a particular loading condition, so if load varies, or specimen shape
varies etc., then K will vary K Ic = Yσ πa
- in a similar way that the stress on a component can vary This is the allowable
Material Property: so flaw size or smallest
¾ When the stress intensity in a brittle material reaches a particular value, KIc
can select material with flaw that can be detected
then something happens - i.e. ………. fracture occurs
appropriate value of KIc This could be design
- in a similar way to yield strength being the stress when a material stress (including safety
starts plastically deforming factor) or applied stress
¾Tests are used to measure KIc using Mode I crack opening and calculating 9 During design, we have to decide which parameters are constrained
the Y scale parameter. by the application and which can be controlled by design.
¾ KIc is a fundamental material property that is affected by: 9 For example, KIc may be fixed because of the need for certain
- temperature (KIc …. as T↑) material; density, corrosion resistance etc
- strain rate (KIc ….. as SR↑) 9 Or flaw size may be limited by detection equipment available.
- strengthening (usually KIc …… as σy↑)
- microstructure ( KIc ….. as grain size ↓)
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Example: Example:
A 7049- T73 Al forging is the material of choice for an 8 cm-internal diameter,
hydraulic actuator cylindrical housing that has a wall thickness of 1 cm. After
manufacture, each cylinder is subjected to a safety check, involving a single
fluid over-pressurization that generates a hoop stress no higher than 50% σys.
The component design calls for an operating internal fluid pressure,
corresponding to a hoop stress no higher than 25% σys. Prior to over- Diagram showing growth of
pressurization, a 2mm-deep semicircular surface flaw that was oriented normal semi elliptical surface flaw to
semicircular configuration. At
to the hoop stress direction was discovered in one cylinder. Given that σys = leak condition (a = t), unbroken
460 MPa and KIc = 23 MPa.m1/2, ligaments (shaded areas) break
open to form through-thickness
a) Would the cylinder have survived the over-pressurization test? crack.
b) Would the cylinder experience a leak-before-break condition?
c) Also, what were the fluid pressure levels associated with the
overpressurization cycle and design stress?
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Example: Example:
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Next Time
Impact Test and Fatigue
Dr. M. Medraj Mech. Eng. Dept. - Concordia University MECH 321 lecture 9/23