1st Assignment Theory Answers
1st Assignment Theory Answers
1st Assignment Theory Answers
In engineering problems there are some basic unknowns. If they are found, the behaviour of the entire structure
can be predicted. The basic unknowns or the Field variables which are encountered in the engineering
problems are displacements in solid mechanics, velocities in fluid mechanics, electric and magnetic potentials
in electrical engineering and temperatures in heat flow problems.
In a continuum, these unknowns are infinite. The finite element procedure reduces such unknowns to a
finite number by dividing the solution region into small parts called elements and by expressing the unknown
field variables in terms of assumed approximating functions (Interpolating functions/Shape functions) within
each element. The approximating functions are defined in terms of field variables of specified points called
nodes or nodal points. Thus in the finite element analysis the unknowns are the field variables of the nodal
points. Once these are found the field variables at any point can be found by using interpolation functions.
After selecting elements and nodal unknowns next step in finite element analysis is to assemble element
properties for each element. For example, in solid mechanics, we have to find the force-displacement i.e.
stiffness characteristics of each individual element. Mathematically this relationship is of the form
[k]e { }e = {F}e
where [k]e is element stiffness matrix, { }e is nodal displacement vector of the element and {F}e is nodal
force vector. The element of stiffness matrix kij represent the force in coordinate direction ‘i’ due to a unit
displacement in coordinate direction ‘j’. Four methods are available for formulating these element properties
viz. direct approach, variational approach, weighted residual approach and energy balance approach. Any
one of these methods can be used for assembling element properties. In solid mechanics variational approach
is commonly employed to assemble stiffness matrix and nodal force vector (consistant loads).
Element properties are used to assemble global properties/structure properties to get system equations
[k] { } = {F}. Then the boundary conditions are imposed. The solution of these simultaneous equations give
the nodal unknowns. Using these nodal values additional calculations are made to get the required values e.g.
stresses, strains, moments, etc. in solid mechanics problems.
Thus the various steps involved in the finite element analysis are:
(i) Select suitable field variables and the elements.
(ii) Discritise the continua.
(iii) Select interpolation functions.
(iv) Find the element properties.
(v) Assemble element properties to get global properties.
(vi) Impose the boundary conditions.
(vii) Solve the system equations to get the nodal unknowns.
(viii) Make the additional calculations to get the required values.
2. Discuss the Advantages & Disadvantages of FEM over Classical & Finite Difference Method?
Hence FEM is superior to the classical methods only for the problems involving a number of complexities
which cannot be handled by classical methods without making drastic assumptions. For all regular problems,
the solutions by classical methods are the best solutions. Infact, to check the validity of the FEM programs
developed, the FEM solutions are compared with the solutions by classical methods for standard problems.
b. Over FDM:
1. FDM makes pointwise approximation to the governing equations i.e. it ensures continuity only at
the node points. Continuity along the sides of grid lines are not ensured.
FEM make piecewise approximation i.e. it ensures the continuity at node points as well as along
the sides of the element.
2. FDM do not give the values at any point except at node points. It do not give any approximating
function to evaluate the basic values (deflections, in case of solid mechanics) using the nodal
FEM can give the values at any point. However the values obtained at points other than nodes
are by using suitable interpolation formulae.
3. FDM makes stair type approximation to sloping and curved boundaries as shown in Fig. 1.5.
FEM can consider the sloping boundaries exactly. If curved elements are used, even the curved
boundaries can be handled exactly.
4. FDM needs larger number of nodes to get good results while FEM needs fewer nodes.
5. With FDM fairly complicated problems can be handled where as FEM can handle all complicated
The above argument is not sound. The finite element knowledge makes a good engineer better while just user
without the knowledge of FEA may produce more dangerous results. To use the FEA packages properly, the
user must know the following points clearly:
4. How the element properties are developed and what are their limitations.
5. How the displays are developed in pre and post processor to understand their limitations.
6. To understand the difficulties involved in the development of FEA programs and hence the need for checking
the commercially available packages with the results of standard cases.
Unless user has the background of FEA, he may produce worst results and may go with overconfidence. Hence
it is necessary that the users of FEA package should have sound knowledge of FEA.
4. Brief history of FEM?
Engineers, physicists and mathematicians have developed finite element method independently. In
1943 Courant [1] made an effort to use piecewise continuous functions defined over triangular
After that it took nearly a decade to use this distribution idea. In fifties renewed interest in this field
was shown by Polya [2], Hersh [3] and Weinberger [4]. Argyris and Kelsey [5] introduced the concept
of applying energy principles to the formation of structural analysis problems in 1960. In the same
year Clough [6] introduced the word ‘Finite Element Method’.
In sixties convergence aspect of the finite element method was pursued more rigorously. One such
study by Melesh [7] led to the formulation of the finite element method based on the principles of
minimum potential energy. Soon after that de Veubeke [8] introduced equilibrium elements based
on the principles of minimum potential energy, Pion [9] introduced the concept of hybrid element
using the duel principle of minimum potential energy and minimum complementary energy.
In Late 1960’s and 1970’s, considerable progress was made in the field of finite element analysis. The
improvements in the speed and memory capacity of computers largely contributed to the progress
and success of this method. In the field of solid mechanics from the initial attention focused on the
elastic analysis of plane stress and plane strain problems, the method has been successfully
extended to the cases of the analysis of three dimensional problems, stability and vibration
problems, non-linear analysis. A number of books [10 – 20] have appeared and made this field
Discretization of Technique
The need of finite element analysis arises when the structural system in terms of its either
geometry, material properties, boundary conditions or loadings is complex in nature. For such
case, the whole structure needs to be subdivided into smaller elements. The whole structure is
then analyzed by the assemblage of all elements representing the complete structure including
its all properties.
The subdivision process is an important task in finite element analysis and requires some
skill and knowledge. In this procedure, first, the number, shape, size and configuration of
elements have to be decided in such a manner that the real structure is simulated as closely as
possible. The discretization is to be in such that the results converge to the true solution.
However, too fine mesh will lead to extra computational effort. Fig. 1.2.2 shows a finite
element mesh of a continuum using triangular and quadrilateral elements. The assemblage of
triangular elements in this case shows better representation of the continuum. The
discretization process also shows that the more accurate representation is possible if the body
is further subdivided into some finer mesh.
6. Types of elements used in FEM?
Various types of elements used in finite element analysis are given below:
1. One dimensional elements.
(a) Two node element
(b) Three node element
Accuracy of calculation increases if higher order elements are used. Accuracy can also be increased
by using more number of elements. Limitation on use of number of elements comes from the total
degrees of freedom the computer can handle. The limitation may be due to cost of computation time
also. Hence to use higher order elements we have to use less number of such elements. The
question arises whether to use less number of higher order elements or more number of lower order
elements for the same total degree of freedom. There are some studies in this matter keeping
degree of accuracy per unit cost as the selection criteria. However the cost of calculation is coming
down so much that such studies are not relevant today. Accuracy alone should be selection criteria
which may be carried out initially on the simplified problem and based on it element may be
selection for detailed study.