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Science Test
Page 1
Base your answers to questions 1 through 4 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
Animal Senses
The model below provides information about some animals, some of
their senses, and how these senses cause specific responses to the animals’
Animal Senses Model
Smell • Can smell 10,000 to 100,000 times better
than humans; helps dogs track food sources
in natural environment
Hearing • Can move ears in many different directions,
allowing dogs to identify where sounds come
from and to identify threats
Sight • Not blind; well-developed vision to find food
Hearing • Large ears are used to locate distant objects
by sending out sound waves that are
reflected back to the bat to locate prey
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1 A student claimed that elephants and bats both receive sound information, but
respond to the sounds differently.
Use information from the Animal Senses Model to support this claim. [1]
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The model below represents the path that a herd of elephants would
take if given the choice when encountering the scents of two different
Elephant Trail Model
Maasai Tribe Kamba Tribe
3 Which type of information processing allows the herd of elephants to make this
A Use memories stored in the brain to recall the Kamba tribe, which has hunted
them in the past.
B Use memories stored in the brain to recall the Maasai tribe, which has hunted
them in the past.
C Use memories stored in the trunk to recall the Kamba tribe, which has hunted
them in the past.
D Use memories stored in the trunk to recall the Maasai tribe, which has hunted
them in the past.
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4 In the models below, arrows represent the path of light. Which model correctly
represents the path of light that occurs between the eagle, its prey (mouse), and the
Sun that allows the eagle to see its prey?
Eagle Eagle
Eagle Eagle
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Base your answers to questions 5 through 9 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
Motion of Golf Balls
A group of students dropped a golf ball from different heights above
a level concrete floor. The ball hit the floor and bounced directly upwards.
The teacher calculated the speed of the ball when it hit the floor. The
students measured the height of the bounce with a tape measure.
Release height
Bounce height
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5 Explain, using evidence from Data Table 1, how the speed of the golf ball affects the
energy of the golf ball. [1]
6 Which statement about forces acting on the golf ball is supported by the evidence in
Data Table 1?
A Balanced forces cause the golf ball’s speed to increase as height of the bounce
B Unbalanced forces cause the golf ball’s speed to increase as the ball falls.
C Forces on the ball are balanced when the golf ball hits the floor and bounces up.
D Unbalanced forces cause the golf ball’s speed to decrease as the ball falls.
7 A student claims that the energy of the golf ball was converted from one form to
another when the ball hit the floor. Which table accurately describes an energy
conversion that occurred when the ball hit the floor and the supporting evidence?
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After completing the golf ball investigation, a student decided to
investigate how to get a golf ball to travel from the beginning of a toy
car track to the end of the toy car track.
Original Setup
The student placed a golf ball at the top of the ramp and observed
that the ball rolled down the track, began to go up the loop, then fell off
the track. In order to solve this problem of the golf ball not reaching the
end of the track, the student came up with two solutions.
Solution 1: Increase the length of the track between the ramp and the loop, keeping
the height the same.
Solution 2: Increase the height of the ramp, keeping the length of the track the
same as the original setup.
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8 Identify the solution that best solves the problem and allows the golf ball to travel
around the loop to the end of the track. Using scientific reasoning, explain why this
solution will best solve the problem. [1]
Solution Number:
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The student returns the track to the original set up. This time, an
identical golf ball (Ball 2) has been left at the base of the loop.
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9 The student asks the question, “What will happen to the energy and motion of the
two golf balls when Ball 1 is released down the toy car track?” Which table correctly
predicts the changes in energy and motion that will occur when the two golf balls
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Base your answers to questions 10 through 14 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
Weather Patterns in the United States
The maps below show the average daily air temperature ranges, in
degrees Fahrenheit (°F), for areas in the United States during January and
Daily Temperature
Ranges (°F)
> 86° Chicago
77° – 86° New York
68° – 77°
59° – 68°
Los Phoenix Atlanta
50° – 59° Angeles
41° – 50°
32° – 41°
23° – 32° Houston N
14° – 23° W E
< 14°
Daily Temperature
Ranges (°F)
> 86° Chicago
77° – 86° New York
68° – 77°
59° – 68°
Los Phoenix Atlanta
50° – 59° Angeles
41° – 50°
32° – 41°
23° – 32° Houston N
14° – 23° W E
< 14°
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10 Which bar graph represents the highest average daily air temperature that could
occur in Atlanta in January and July?
100 100
Temperature (°F)
Temperature (°F)
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
January July January July
100 100
Temperature (°F)
Temperature (°F)
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
January July January July
11 Describe how the average daily air temperature changes as a person travels directly
north from Houston. [1]
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Average Yearly Rainfall in Inches (in) for Areas in the United States
New York
10 S
12 Using data from the maps, support the claim that, even though Los Angeles and
Atlanta are located at about the same latitude, Los Angeles has a different climate
than Atlanta. Include information about temperature and rainfall in your answer. [1]
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Catastrophic flooding impacted Atlanta in September 2009. An
estimated 10 to 20 inches of rain fell in less than 24 hours and historic flash
flooding occurred. Over 20,000 homes and businesses had major damage.
13 Which design solution would require the fewest steps to reduce future impacts of
heavy rains on the residents of Atlanta?
A Build new roads that redirect rainwater to a single water treatment plant.
B Provide free sandbags to every resident in Atlanta to place around the outside of
their homes to keep the water out.
C Keep existing overflow water pipes in sewer systems open to redirect water away
from the city.
D Create large open fields in many parts of the city to allow rainwater to soak into
the soil.
14 How did the heavy rainfall in 2009 most likely cause damage to this roadway?
A Heavy floodwater ran over and crushed the roadway into pieces.
B Lightning during the storm struck the roadway, breaking it up.
C Running water under the road caused an earthquake.
D Water eroded soils from under the road, causing it to collapse.
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Base your answers to questions 15 through 18 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
The Most Important Fish in the Ocean
Atlantic Menhaden
The Atlantic menhaden fish is found along the east coast from Canada
to Florida. Some scientists consider menhaden “the most important fish
in the ocean” because it is the little fish that is eaten by sea birds and
bigger fish such as bass, bluefish, tuna, and even dolphins and whales.
It is considered a keystone species, a fish that many other fish in the
ocean ecosystem depend on for a healthy ocean. If there are not enough
menhaden, many other species of fish will starve and populations will
decrease, threatening the ocean ecosystem.
For this reason, 15 states, including New York, have agreed to a plan
to manage and maintain menhaden populations based on the needs of
the fish that feed on them. Around Long Island, scientists, commercial
fishermen, recreational boaters, and even bird watchers have all agreed
to monitor and limit how many menhaden can be caught by humans.
Menhaden that are caught are processed in fish factories for fertilizer,
chicken feed, and fish oil.
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The map below shows the range of the menhaden along the east
coast. The bar graph shows the number of fish factories that processed
menhaden over a 60-year period in different coastal regions.
New Jersey
GA Ocean
FL Locations of
0 500 km Menhaden fish
Number of
South Atlantic (FL-NC) Mid-Atlantic (DE-NY)
Chesapeake Bay (VA-MD) North Atlantic (CT-ME)
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15 Which coastal region has shown the greatest decrease in the number of processing
factories for menhaden fish from 1955 to 2015?
A North Atlantic
B Mid-Atlantic
C Chesapeake Bay
D South Atlantic
16 Identify one method that the Long Island community of scientists, fishermen, and
recreational boaters have used to protect the menhaden fish population. Using
scientific reasoning, explain how this method protects the ecosystem of coastal
waters. [1]
Page 18 GO ON
Industrial fisheries use the menhaden for the production of paints,
animal feed, and vitamins. Commercial fisheries use menhaden for crab,
lobster, and recreational fishing bait.
The graphs below show the yearly amount of menhaden caught by
these types of fisheries.
1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Amount of Fish
1986 1996 2006 2016
17 Identify the type of fishery (Industrial or Commercial Bait) that most likely had the
greatest impact on the menhaden population and the health of the ocean ecosystem
during the time period 1986-2010. Provide the numerical evidence from the graphs
that supports your choice. [1]
Fishery type:
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The special type of topographic map below shows the depth of the
ocean floor in meters along the coast of New York and New Jersey, where
some menhaden fish populations occur. Letters A, B, C, and D indicate
locations along the ocean floor.
Ocean Depth (in meters) off Coast of New York and New Jersey
20 20
New Jersey B
20 50
30 40
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18 Using the ocean depth data from the map and your knowledge of topographic
maps, which table correctly summarizes the ocean features and evidence for one of
the lettered locations?
Location A Location C
Ocean Ocean
Ocean Depth Ocean Depth
Bottom Evidence Bottom Evidence
(m) (m)
Surface Surface
isolines isolines
between relatively between steep
close close
10 and 20 flat 30 and 40 slope
together together
Location B Location D
Ocean Ocean
Ocean Depth Ocean Depth
Bottom Evidence Bottom Evidence
(m) (m)
Surface Surface
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Base your answers to questions 19 through 23 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
Identifying Substances
Students conducted experiments to identify unknown substances using
properties of known substances. During these experiments, appropriate
safety equipment was used and safety procedures were followed.
Soluble in Reaction to
Substance Color Texture Conductivity
Water Vinegar
(dry form)
19 Place a checkmark ( ) in the table below to indicate the identity of the unknown
substance. [1]
Table Salt
Baking Soda
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The models below represent the number and arrangement of particles
in a sample of water and a sample of sugar.
Water particle
Sugar particle
Water Sugar
20 Which model best represents the number and arrangement of the water and sugar
particles after the sample of sugar was poured into the sample of water and mixed?
Page 23 GO ON
Students were then provided four minerals and completed certain
tasks to identify the properties of each mineral. The table below shows
the observations for four of the five properties that the students observed.
The photographs below show the response of a strong magnet when
brought close to each mineral.
21 Indicate if each mineral is magnetic by writing Yes or No in Student Data Table 1. [1]
Student Data Table 1
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The students then placed calcite onto a glass dish and placed it on a
scale. Using an eye dropper, ten drops of vinegar were placed on top of
the calcite and the total mass was recorded.
Bubbles formed on top of the calcite and the total mass was recorded
The diagrams and observations below represent the experimental
setup and the observations made by the students.
Calcite Calcite
mineral mineral
Glass dish Glass dish
Scale Scale
22 A student makes a claim that a new substance was formed when vinegar was added
to calcite. Which statement can be used as evidence to support this student’s claim?
A The calcite changed color after the vinegar was added.
B The vinegar droplets caused the calcite sample to melt and lose mass.
C Bubbles formed after the vinegar was added to the calcite.
D The surface texture of the entire calcite sample changed after the vinegar was
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The students were then given three different rock samples, labeled A,
B, and C, to test with vinegar. The table below shows the results of the
Student Data Table 2
Reaction to
A bubbles
B no bubbles
C no bubbles
23 Based on the results shown in Student Data Table 2, explain why rock A is most likely
made of the mineral calcite. [1]
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Base your answers to questions 24 through 29 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
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Meerkats use their eyes, ears, and noses to help them survive. A student
recorded some facts about meerkat senses.
Fact 1: Good vision allows meerkat guards to spot predators.
Fact 2: Meerkats can close their ears to prevent sand from getting into
them when they dig for food and shelter.
Fact 3: An excellent sense of smell helps meerkats find prey that is
hiding underground.
Fact 4: While searching for food and caring for pups, meerkats listen for
alarm whistles.
24 Which facts could be used to provide evidence that meerkats use sense organs in
order to detect threats from other organisms?
A facts 1 and 2
B facts 2 and 3
C facts 3 and 4
D facts 4 and 1
25 Write the words in the boxes below in the correct order to complete the model to
show the correct movement of matter among the organisms in Africa’s Kalahari
Desert. [1]
Word List
Eagles Meerkats
Insects Grasses
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The graph below shows the relationship between the mass of a
meerkat and the number of prey found per hour.
26 Explain how the graph provides evidence that a variation in a physical characteristic
in the meerkat population provides an advantage for survival. [1]
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The graphs below show the effects of the number of adult meerkat
helpers, per pup, on pups in a mob.
Number of Adult Helpers per Pup Number of Adult Helpers per Pup
27 Using evidence from both graphs, construct an argument to explain how being a
part of a mob helps meerkat pups survive. [1]
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Graph A below shows the daily maximum air temperature in the
Kalahari Desert. Graph B shows how the average mass (weight) of a
3-month old meerkat pup has changed over similar time periods.
Graph A Graph B
Maximum Air Temperatures (°C) Masses of Meerkat Pups (g)
30 350
28 300
26 250
28 A student made a claim that traits can be influenced by the environment. Use
evidence from Graph A and Graph B to support this claim. [1]
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29 Which row correctly pairs a claim with its logical solution that would help meerkat
populations survive in deserts that are getting hotter and drier?
A Row 1
B Row 2
C Row 3
D Row 4
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Base your answers to questions 30 through 34 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
Magnets and Electromagnets
A student made a simple magnet holder using a clothespin, a plastic
cup, a magnet, and tape (Diagram 1). This setup was used to investigate
magnetic forces by determining the number of paper clips held by a
magnet by direct contact (Diagram 2). Each paper clip was bent to form a
hook to attach to other clips hanging below the magnet.
Diagram 1 Diagram 2
Plastic Paper
cup clip
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The student then added different numbers of pieces of tape to the
bottom of the magnet and repeated the investigation for each of these
different numbers of tape (Diagram 3).
Diagram 3
Number of
Paper Clips
17 10 5 4 2
Held by
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30 Which question is the student investigating?
A How can the patterns of a magnet’s motion in various situations be observed and
B How is the strength of the magnetic force acting on objects affected by the
distance between the objects and a magnet?
C How does the force of gravity affect the strength of the magnetic force on an
D How do contact magnetic forces affect the energy transferred between objects?
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31 Which table shows the most likely results of this new investigation using two
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The student is designing a refrigerator magnet to display papers and
photographs. Various types of refrigerator magnets are shown in the
photograph below.
32 Based on what was learned in the investigations, identify one factor that needs to be
considered when designing this refrigerator magnet. [1]
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An electromagnet is a magnet that is created using electricity. The
diagram below is an example of a simple electromagnet — a single wire
coiled around a nail. The wire is connected to a battery and has electric
current flowing through it.
Simple Electromagnet
Coiled Nail
The electric current in the wire causes the electromagnet to act like
a regular magnet. Engineers use electromagnets when they design and
build motors. Motors are found in everyday objects, such as refrigerators
and golf carts.
A student repeats the investigation using an electromagnet. The table
below shows how the number of coils around a nail in an electromagnet
affects the number of paper clips held when a 4-volt battery is used and
when an 8-volt battery is used.
25 16 31
50 18 35
75 21 40
100 22 45
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33 A student inspected the data to determine the relationship between the voltage of
the battery and magnetic force exerted by the electromagnet. Which question was
most likely being investigated?
A How did changing the number of coils in the electromagnet affect the number of
paper clips held by the electromagnet connected to a 4-volt battery?
B For the same number of coils around the nail, how did the number of paper clips
held by the electromagnet connected to a 4-volt battery compare to the number
of paper clips held by the electromagnet connected to an 8-volt battery?
C How does keeping the number of coils around the nail constant affect the
number of paper clips held by the electromagnet connected to the 8-volt battery?
D For an increasing number of coils around the nail, how did the number of paper
clips held by the electromagnet change for the electromagnet connected to the
4-volt and 8-volt battery?
34 The student wants to optimize the design of the electromagnet and needs accurate
data. How would performing more trials in this investigation improve the reliability
of the data collected?
A More trials produce more data, which is used to reduce human error.
B More trials always produce the same data, which can be used to solve a problem.
C Averaging data from more trials can help determine which variables are
D Averaging data from more than three trials always increases the error in the data.
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Grade 5
Science Test
Spring 2024
1 [1] Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
⎯ Elephants receive vibrations through the ground in order to find mates far away,
while bats process reflected sound vibration received through their ears in order
to locate prey/distant objects.
⎯ Elephants receive sound information through their feet in order to find mates,
while bats receive sound through their ears to find prey.
⎯ Elephants use sound information to find mates, and bats use sound information to
find prey.
5 [1] Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
⎯ The speed of the ball increased from 4.43 to 6.26 m/s, and when an object is
moving faster, it has more energy.
⎯ Balls dropped from an increased height of 1 m to 2 m have a greater speed,
indicating a greater amount of energy.
⎯ Balls that bounce higher have a greater energy, and were the ones that had a
greater speed at impact with the floor.
⎯ Balls with greater speed have more energy because they bounced higher.
8 [1] Allow 1 credit for indicating solution 2 and an acceptable explanation. Acceptable responses
include, but are not limited to:
⎯ Increasing the height of the ramp will solve the problem because the ball will
gain more speed/have more energy to travel around the loop and get to the end of
the track.
⎯ The ball is released from a greater height causing it to speed up more than the
original set up.
Elementary-level Science Test—Rating Guide
Spring 2024
11 [1] Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
12 [1] Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
16 [1] Allow 1 credit for both a correct method and a supporting explanation. Acceptable responses
include, but are not limited to:
Method: Limit the amount of menhaden that can be caught.
Explanation: This will keep the population of menhaden stable, providing enough food for
other fish in the ecosystem.
Method: Identify menhaden as a keystone species.
Explanation: The population of menhaden is monitored and controlled because of its
importance as a food source for other organisms.
Elementary-level Science Test—Rating Guide
Spring 2024
17 [1] Allow 1 credit for indicating industrial fisheries and acceptable numerical evidence.
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
⎯ For that time period, industrial fisheries took from about 350,000 to about
145,000 metric tons, while bait fisheries took from about 15,000 to about 30,000
metric tons.
⎯ During that time period, industrial fishery catches decreased to about 150,000
metric tons, while bait fishery catches increased to about 30,000 metric tons.
⎯ During this time period, the metric tons of industrial catches were in the
100,000s, while bait fishery catches were only in the 10,000s.
Note: Allow credit if a student writes something other than yes or no that correctly identifies
the mineral is magnetic or non-magnetic.
23 [1] Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
⎯ Bubbles formed on the surface of Rock A so it probably has calcite in it, the other
minerals would not form bubbles.
⎯ Rock A bubbled when vinegar was added just like calcite.
Elementary-level Science Test—Rating Guide
Spring 2024
25 [1] Allow 1 credit for the correct sequence of organisms, as shown below:
26 [1] Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
27 [1] Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
⎯ Meerkat pups get more food and gain more weight when they are part of a mob
with more helpers, so being a part of a larger group helps them survive.
⎯ The graphs show that more helpers in the group allow pups to get more food and
gain more mass, which help them survive.
⎯ Pups with more helpers get more food and get heavier, which means they will be
more likely to survive.
28 [1] Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
⎯ Meerkat pup masses have decreased/gone down in the last 20 years as the desert
has become hotter.
⎯ As temperatures have increased/gone up in the desert, the meerkat pups have
been getting lighter/less mass.
⎯ Meerkat pups are not able to gain as much weight as temperatures in the desert get
32 [1] Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
NYS Level 4
Students performing at this level excel in standards for their grade. They demonstrate knowledge, skills, and
practices embodied by the Learning Standards that are considered more than sufficient for the expectations
at this grade.
NYS Level 3
Students performing at this level are proficient in standards for their grade. They demonstrate knowledge,
skills, and practices embodied by the Learning Standards that are considered sufficient for the expectations
at this grade.
NYS Level 2
Students performing at this level are partially proficient in standards for their grade. They demonstrate
knowledge, skills, and practices embodied by the Learning Standards that are considered partial but
insufficient for the expectations at this grade. Students performing at Level 2 are considered on track to meet
current New York high school graduation requirements but are not yet proficient in Learning Standards at
this grade.
NYS Level 1
Students performing at this level are below proficient in standards for their grade. They may demonstrate
limited knowledge, skills, and practices embodied by the Learning Standards that are considered insufficient
for the expectations at this grade.
2024 Elementary-level Science Test Map to the Standards
Grade 5 Released Questions
Percentage of Students
Question Type Key Points Subscore Who Answered Correctly
1 Constructed Response 1 4-LS1-2 LS 0.53
2 Multiple Choice C 1 4-LS1-2 LS 0.48
3 Multiple Choice B 1 4-LS1-2 LS 0.46
4 Multiple Choice D 1 4-PS4-2 PS 0.37
5 Constructed Response 1 4-PS3-1 PS 0.15
6 Multiple Choice B 1 3-PS2-1 PS 0.27
7 Multiple Choice D 1 4-PS3-2 PS 0.45
8 Constructed Response 1 3-5ETS1-2 0.51
9 Multiple Choice C 1 4-PS3-3 PS 0.54
10 Multiple Choice B 1 3-ESS2-1 ESS 0.52
11 Constructed Response 1 3-ESS2-1 ESS 0.39
12 Constructed Response 1 3-ESS2-2 ESS 0.18
13 Multiple Choice C 1 3-ESS3-1 ESS 0.37
14 Multiple Choice D 1 4-ESS2-1 ESS 0.44
15 Multiple Choice D 1 5-ESS3-1 ESS 0.39
16 Constructed Response 1 5-ESS3-1 ESS 0.25
17 Constructed Response 1 5-ESS3-1 ESS 0.07
18 Multiple Choice B 1 4-ESS2-2 ESS 0.38
19 Constructed Response 1 5-PS1-3 PS 0.53
20 Multiple Choice D 1 5-PS1-1 PS 0.34
21 Constructed Response 1 5-PS1-3 PS 0.66
22 Multiple Choice C 1 5-PS1-4 PS 0.47
23 Constructed Response 1 5-PS1-3 PS 0.44
24 Multiple Choice D 1 4-LS1-1 LS 0.53
25 Constructed Response 1 5-LS2-1 LS 0.40
26 Constructed Response 1 3-LS4-2 LS 0.07
27 Constructed Response 1 3-LS2-1 LS 0.09
28 Constructed Response 1 3-LS3-2 LS 0.23
29 Multiple Choice D 1 3-LS4-4 LS 0.31
30 Multiple Choice B 1 3-PS2-3 PS 0.47
31 Multiple Choice C 1 3-PS2-3 PS 0.46
32 Constructed Response 1 3-PS2-4 PS 0.29
33 Multiple Choice B 1 3-PS2-3 PS 0.36
34 Multiple Choice A 1 3-5ETS1-3 0.34
* This item map identifies the Performance Expectation with which each test question is aligned. All NYSP-12SLS Performance
Expectations are three-dimensional (https://www.nysed.gov/sites/default/files/programs/curriculum-instruction/p-12-science-
learning-standards.pdf). The integration of these three dimensions provides students with a context for the content of science (DCI),
the methods by which science knowledge is acquired and understood (SEP), and the ways in which the sciences are connected
through concepts that have universal meaning across the disciplines (CCC).