States of Matter: First Year Science
States of Matter: First Year Science
States of Matter: First Year Science
States of Matter
In this topic:
• Properties of solids, liquids and gases
• Using a Bunsen burner
• Changing states:
– Melting
– Condensation
– Evaporation
• Diffusion
States of Matter
• Matter: anything that occupies space and has
• 3 main states:
1. Solid
2. Liquid
3. Gas
Properties of the states
• What do I mean by “Properties”?
• The qualities that make an object
what it is
– What it looks like
– What it is made of
– What it feels like
– What it can do
– ……..
What are they made of?
• All matter is made up of tiny particles
• Known as ATOMS
• Groups of atoms join to form MOLECULES
• Would need a really really powerful
microscope to see them
• Molecules packed closely together
• Lattice structure
• Doesn’t flow
• Can’t be compressed
• Strong structure
Investigating properties of Solids
• Can you compress it
or make it smaller?
• Can you pour it or
make it flow?
• Weaker bonds between molecules
• More freedom to move & slide
• Flows
• Take shape of what they are put
• Can’t be compressed
Investigating properties of Liquids
• Does the water flow?
• Does it change shape?
• Does it change
• Can we compress
4. Liquid Solid
What is Diffusion?
Diffusion: the way in which particles in
gases and liquids spread out
• Move from areas of high concentration to
areas of low concentration
Can you explain why….
1. Diffusion occurs both in liquids and gases but
hardly at all in solids?