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Š.P. - Biography

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biography, CV & contact pela Pavli contact: spelapavli@gmail.

com pela Pavli (1982, Slovenia) graduated from the Faculty of Education in Maribor, Department of Fine Arts, in 2008 under the mentorship of prof. Petra Varl. She is currently a PhD candidate in the field of philosophy and theory of visual culture at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper, with the dissertation entitled The Critics of the Theory of Contemporary Art According to Terry Smith, under the mentorship of dr. Ale Erjavec. She explores the platform of contemporary art and philosophy through production in traditional media and new artistic techniques. She is a member of Slovenian Society of Aesthetics and a member of a contemporary art group V.A.T.. She works as a curator in a Curtural institute Delavski dom in Trbovlje.

EXHIBITIONS Group exhibitions 2012 - 1-7 July, 13th Maremetraggio, International Short Film and Debut Works Festival, Trieste, IT Exhibition - Its All Right, Slovenia Play_01, video umetnost July 1-3, 2012 - 12.6. - 6.7. - exhibition of group V.A.T., Layer House Kranj, Slovenia 2011 - Video in Progress 4: Pain with the Thousand Teeth, Vigalica Gallery Ljubljana, curated by Kolektiva. 8. - 27. November - 31 March - 2 April CologneOFF 2011 ARAD Arad Art Museum 19h - 20h Balkan Countries: Slovenia, pela Pavli - In My Head 2, Pain with the Thousand Teeth curated by Kolektiva /Lubljana 2010 - Rdei revirji rni kri Rekapitulacija groupe V.A.T., Javni zavod za kulturo Delavski dom Trbovlje, Nova galerija. 23 27 september - 26. avgust 18. september lovek (osebnost, telo), Human (personality, body), 4. International video exhibition, Galerija Velenje, Slovenia - 4 8 maj - DigitalBigScreen10, VideoArtFestival, Trbovlje New Media Setting, DDT Trbovlje, Slovenia http://www.tnm.si/#/portfolio|2010/digitalbigscreen 2009 - summer - 12. KreArt, Loka, Zidani Most, Slovenia - Regional Show JSKD, 3. Art film fest, Cultural institution, Litija, Slovenia - Regional Show- JSKD, Collage, DDH, Hrastnik, Slovenia - 12. - 15. maj - festival SPECULUM ARTIUM 09, Google earth, DDT, Trbovlje, Slovenia 2008 - 6.6. Figura in portret - KIBLA, Maribor, Slovenia http://www.kibla.org/dejavnosti/kibela/arhiv/kibela-arhiv/2008/figura-in-portret/ 2007 - Invited the young, DLUM, Maribor, Slovenia

- Regional Show -JSKD, The black is the color, gallery DDZ, Zagorje, Slovenia 2006 - Zlata paleta, Ljubljana, Slovenia Independent exhibition 2007- gallery Divadlo Hudby, Olomouc, Czech Republic 2006 - Gallery in the window, Their imagination, Turnie,9. - 28. september Slovenia PUBLICATIONS AND REVIEWS 2011 - pela Pavli, Performans in mediji / Performance and the Media, v: LIKOVNE BESEDE / ARTWORDS 94, zima / winter 2011, str./p. 68-76. ur. Mojca Zlokarnik 2010 - pela Pavli, Kultura = manipulacija/ Culture manipulation, v: FORUM, Slovenian association of art critics, number 9,10, year III. ur. Boris Gorupi, 2010, p.120. http://www.sdlk.info/ 2009 - Catalogue Trbovlje novomedijsko mesto 2009 / Trbovlje New Media Setting 2009, - - Plus 3 Ferris Wheels, Zavod za kulturo Delavski dom Trbovlje DDT, Trbovlje, Slovenia, 2009. - pela Pavli, Podoba / Image, in: FORUM, Slovenian association of art critics, t. 5,6, year II. ur. Boris Gorupi, 2009, str. 91 109, http://www.sdlk.info/

CURATING 2011- SPECULUM ARTIUM 2011, Zavod za kulturo Delavski dom Trbovlje DDT, Trbovlje, Slovenia, april 2011, http://www.tnm.si/#/portfolio|2011/speculum-artium2011. 2010 - SPECULUM ARTIUM 2010, Zavod za kulturo Delavski dom Trbovlje DDT, Trbovlje, Slovenia, may 2010. http://www.tnm.si/#/portfolio|2010/speculum-artium2010-2 2009 - Plus 3 Ferris Wheels, Zavod za kulturo Delavski dom Trbovlje DDT, Trbovlje, Slovenia, november 2009. http://www.dd-trbovlje.si/2009/11/mednarodna-skupinskarazstava-plus-3-ferris-wheels/

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 April May; School for curators and critics of contemporary art (Year 13), SCCA Center for Contemporary art, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2008 - Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Humanities Koper, the direction of Theory and philosophy of visual culture 2008 - graduated at the Pedagogical Faculty program Fine art, Maribor, 4th 7. 2008 2005 Student exchange (Erasmus), Olomouc, Czech Republic 2002 - graduated from the Secondary School for Design and Photography, Ljubljana, SI WORK EXPERIENCE AND co-operation

2011 - pela Pavli Contemporary Art in Slovenia, Terry Smith and Contemporaneity na, 39. international colloquium Slovenian Society of Aesthetic Contemporaneity in Art, Science and reserch Centre of Koper, 2. 4. June 2011. 2010 - pela Pavli: Media Performance on 38. international colloquium Slovenian Society of AestheticUmetnike revolucije / Artistic Revolutions, University of Primorska, Science and reserch Centre of Koper, 3. 4. june 2010 2009 - Professor on the University for third life period, Trbovlje - curator, program assistant in cultural center Delavski dom Trbovlje - (12.5.-15.5.) - SPECULUM Artium 09, Trbovlje, program assistant 2007 to 2008 - Head of workshops for children in the art club RELIK, Trbovlje 2004 to 2006 - curator, head of the workshops for children and adults in the Art Gallery Maribor VOLUNTEERING 2008 - volunteer work at a non-profit organization EDIRISA (www.edirisa.org) in Kabale, South West Uganda 2003 - AuPair, England 1998 to 2003 - volunteer for the Association of Friends of Youth, Trbovlje

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