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Code of Good Practice For Ngos Responding To Hiv/Aids

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Code of Good Practice for NGOs Responding to HIV/AIDS

Signatories to the Code

Accion Ciudadana Contre el SIDA (ACCSI), Venezuela www.internet.ve/accsi Accin Contra el Hambre, Spain www.accioncontraelhambre.org ACT International www.act-intl.org Action Against Hunger, UK www.aahuk.org ActionAid International www.actionaid.org AfriCASO (African Council of AIDS Service Organizations) www.africaso.net AIDS Action Europe (AAE) AIDS Calgary www.aidscalgary.org Anti-AIDS Centre, Russia AIDS Hilfe, Austria www.aids.at AIDS Infoshare, Russia AIDS Network Development Foundation (AIDSNet), Thailand AIDS Saint John, Canada AIDS Society of Kamloops, Canada www.aidskamloops.bc.ca Alan Guttmacher Institute, USA www.agi-usa.org Alberta Community Council on HIV, Canada All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Alliance National Contre le SIDA (ANCS), Sngal Amnesty for Women, Germany www.amnestyforwomen.de AMREF (African Medical and Research Foundation) www.amref.org APCASO (Asia Pacific Council of AIDS Service Organizations) www.apcaso.org APN+ (Asia-Pacific Network of People Living With HIV/AIDS) www.gnpplus.net/regions/asiapac.html Asociacin Costarricense de Personas Viviendo con VIH/SIDA (ASO VIH/SIDA), Costa Rica Asociacin Dominicana Pro-Bienestar de la Familia (PROFAMILIA), Dominican Republic www.profamilia.org.do Association Marocaine de Solidarit et de Dveloppement (AMSED), Morocco Association Rwandaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ARBEF), Rwanda Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO) www.afao.org Australian Red Cross www.redcross.org.au British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society, Canada Brot fur die Welt (Bread for the World) www.brot-fuer-die-welt.org Cameroon National Association for Family Welfare Canada Africa Community Health Alliance

Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE), www.catie.ca Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network www.aidslaw.ca Canadian Society for International Health www.csih.org Care International www.care-international.org Caribbean Regional Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS (CRN+) Catholic Medical Mission Board, USA www.cmmb.org CAUSE, Canada www.cause.ca CEEHRN (Central and Eastern European Harm Reduction Network) www.ceehrn.lt Chi Heng Foundation www.chihengfoundation.com China Family Planning Association www.chinafpa.org.cn Christian Aid www.christian-aid.org.uk Christian Children's Fund www.christianchildrensfund.org Church of Sweden www.svenskakyrkan.se Coalition of HIV/AIDS Service Organisations, Ukraine Community Action Resource (CARe), Trinidad Concern Worldwide www.concern.net Conference of European Churches www.cec-kek.org Corporacion Kimirina, Ecuador Dan Church Aid www.dca.dk

Danish Red Cross http://www1.drk.dk Deutsche AIDS Hilfe e. V, Germany www.aidshilfe.de Diakonie Emergency Aid, www.diakonie-katastrophenhilfe.de DIFAM, German Institute for Medical Mission www.difam.de Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance www.e-alliance.ch Ecumenical Coalition on Tourism www.ecotonline.org Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network www.epnnetwork.org European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) www.eatg.org European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies www.encod.org Family Planning Association of Estonia www.amor.ee Family Planning Association of India www.fpaindia.com Family Planning Association of Kenya Family Planning Association of Malawi Family Planning Association of Nepal www.fpan.org Family Planning Organization of the Philippines www.fpop.org.ph Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia (FFPAM) www.ffpam.org.my Fondazione Villa Maraini, Italy www.villamaraini.it Global Chinese AIDS Network www.aids.org.hk/en/11/11_0.html GNP+ (Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS) www.gnpplus.net

GNP+ Europe GNP+ North America www.gnpna.ca GOAL www.goal.ie Grupo Pela Vidda, Brazil www.pelavidda.org.br Groupe Chrtien Contre le SIDA au Togo (GCCST) http://membres.lycos.fr/gccst/ Healthlink Worldwide www.healthlink.org.uk HelpAge International www.helpage.org HIV/AIDS and STD Alliance, Bangladesh Hoffnung fur Osteuropa (Hope for Eastern Europe) www.hoffnung-fuer-osteuropa.de Hong Kong AIDS Foundation www.aids.org.hk ICASO (International Council of AIDS Service Organizations) www.icaso.org ICW (International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS) www.icw.org Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association www.pkbi.or.id Initiative Prive et Communautaire de Lutte Contre Le VIH/SIDA au Burkina Faso (IPC/BF) Inppares, Peru www.inppares.org.pe Interact Worldwide www.interactworldwide.org Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development www.icad-cisd.com International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies www.ifrc.org International Harm Reduction Association www.ihra.net

International HIV/AIDS Alliance including International HIV/AIDS Alliance Madagascar, Mozambique, Ukraine, Zambia, India HIV/AIDS Alliance, Caribbean Regional Programme, China Programme, Myanmar Programme www.aidsalliance.org International HIV/AIDS Institute, Ukraine International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) including Central Office London, European, South Asia, Africa and Western Hemisphere regional offices) www.ippf.org International Planned Parenthood Federation, Laos International Relief Teams www.irteams.org International Service for Human Rights www.ishr.ch Irish Red Cross www.redcross.ie Jamaica Family Planning Association Japan AIDS & Society Association Kazakhstan Crisis Centres Union Kenya AIDS NGO Consortium (KANCO) www.kanco.org Kiribati Family Health Association LACCASO (Latin America and Caribbean Council of AIDS Service Organizations) www.laccaso.org LEPRA Society, India www.lepraindia.org LET (NGO Life Quality Improvement Organisation) Croatia Lutheran World Federation www.lutheranworld.org Lutheran World Relief www.lwr.org

Marie Stopes Clinic Society, Bangladesh www.mariestopes.org.uk/ww/bangladesh.htm Marie Stopes International www.mariestopes.org.uk Megapolis Saratov Oblast Nongovernmental Foundation, Russia Mexfam, Mexico www.mexfam.org.mx MSM: No Political Agenda www.msmnpa.org NACASO (North American Council of AIDS Service Organizations) National AIDS Foundation, Mongolia www.naf.org.mn National AIDS Trust, UK www.nat.org.uk National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA), Australia www.napwa.org.au Namibia Red Cross Naz Foundation International www.nfi.net

Palmyrah Workers Development Society, India www.pwds.org Pathfinder International www.pathfind.org PLANeS, Fondation suisse pour la sant sexuelle et reproductive www.plan-s.ch Plan USA www.planusa.org Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa www.ppasa.org.za Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand (PPAT) Planned Parenthood Federation of America www.plannedparenthood.org Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada www.ppfc.ca Population Action International www.populationaction.org Population Services and Training Center (PSTC), Bangladesh Radda MCH-FP Centre, Bangladesh REDLA+ (Latin American Network of PLWHA) www.redla.org Regional Public Foundation - Novoye Vremya (New Time), Russia Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia Roses and Rosemary, USA Russian Association Family Planning www.family-planning.ru Save the Children, Canada www.savethechildren.ca Sensoa International www.sensoa.be Singapore Planned Parenthood Association www.sppa.org.sg Soroptimist International www.soroptimistinternational.org

NELA (Network on Ethics, Law, HIV/AIDS,

Prevention, Support & Care), Nigeria New Way (Center of Psychosocial Information and Counseling), Georgia Northern AIDS Connection, Canada http://nacsns.tripod.com Norwegian Church Aid www.nca.no Norwegian Red Cross www.redcross.no ODYSEUS, Slovak republic www.ozodyseus.sk OSDUY (Organization for Social Development of Unemployed Youth), Bangladesh Oxfam International www.oxfam.org

Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT) www.satregional.org STI/AIDS Network, Bangladesh TAMPEP International Foundation, www.europap.net/links/tampep.htm Tonga Family Health Association Tuvalu Family Health Association UK Coalition of People Living with HIV and AIDS (UKC) www.ukcoalition.org Vasavya Mahila Mandali www.vasavya.com Voronezh Regional Fund to Support Youth Entrepreneurship, Russia VSO www.vso.org.uk Wild Foundation www.wild.org Wilderness Foundation, South Africa www.wild.org/southern_africa/wf.html World Alliance of Reformed Churches www.warc.ch World Alliance of YMCAs www.ymca.int World Council of Churches (WCC) www.wcc-coe.org World Student Christian Federation www.servingthetruth.org World YWCA www.worldywca.org

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