2010 Hudson Valley Garlic Festival Vendors List
2010 Hudson Valley Garlic Festival Vendors List
2010 Hudson Valley Garlic Festival Vendors List
A1 Kenai Music and Crafts inlightcreations@hotmail.com
Jose Farinago Innovative jewelry creations with
PO Box 680058 Specialty papus varnish on plex-glass,
Carona NY 11368 As well as gemstone jewelry
www.kenaimusic.com A7 Elaine Thompson Art
tolyfar@hotmail.com Elaine Thompson and Zachary Joyea
Native American Crafts 25 Mountain Ave
Ellenville NY 12428
A2 Wild Ravens 631-848-8265
Mark and Terry Smith elainethompsonart.com
410 Park Ave. elainethompsonart@gmail.com
Johnstown PA 15902 The “Garlic Eaters” series 8x10 prints
518-587-7148 Original oil painting and graphite
www.wildravens.net Drawings, framed, on canvas
mark@wildravens.net And prints available
Hand dyed hand screened clothing and
Limited edition serigraph A8 Kent Crafts
Bill and Teri Kent
A3 Allan Ditton Pottery 37 Henrietta Blvd.
Allan Ditton/ Michael Calhoun Amsterdam NY 12010
6572 State Rte 158 518-842-2908
Altamonte NY 12009 wkent001@nycap.rr.com
518-861-0324 Wooden toys, puzzles, games
Allandittonpottery@yahoo.com A9 Rainbarrel Soap
Garlic Jar/Keeper,Garlic rub/Dipper, oil Kirk and Lynne Timperio
Cruet ,mugs, bowls, Plates ,Spoon rests 1183 Milton Trnp
845-883-6520 / 845-389-7811
A4 Handcrafted by Karen rainbarrelsoap.com
Karen D. Parker rainbarrel soap@hotmail.com
Parkerkdvet@yahoo.com Handmade soap creams, oil, bath products,
Hand painted gourds ,light bulbs Gifts baskets and more
And clay pots. Crocheted baby
Sweaters/dresses A10 Crafts by Katie
Kathy Ellis
A5 Gail LaBoissiere 5 Meadow St.
281 Northline Dr. Rensselare NY 12144
Melrose NY 12121 518-477-8534
518-753-0489 kwelter1@nycap.rr.com
Gail281@netzero.com Wood crafts handmade +hand painted
Ceramics, doll clothes,catmats,aprons Children wall hanging woodcrafts for house +yard
Towels, totebags, fleece blanket
A11 Nature’s Clothing
A6 In Light Creations Kathleen E. Grassi
Danielle Payette 3271 State Rt. 28
30 Koeppel Ave Shokan, NY 12481
Catskill NY 12414 845-657-6313
handmade clothing made mostly of prints which 978-939-8905
depict nature scenes, animals, flowers, trees fudgerus@comcas.com
One hand salad server
A12 Family Fleece Small woven items hot pads
Maureen Perilli, Eileen Hull, Janet Barrett Marie Lang Pot holders
14 McCarthy Dr.
Ossining NY 10562 A18 My Eclectic Mind
914-762-1608 Heather Gleason
Fleece children & adult hats, children fleece pants 54 Church St.
Poncho, decorative magnets, batik & tye dye items Bloomington, NY
Car seat covers shopping carts covers garlic aprons 845-382-9902
A13 Birds’s Nest Bends Myeclecticmind@yahoo.com
Kim Hines-Kaisik and Kim Knisell One of a kind acrylic and oil paintings
www.Birdsnestbeads.net Halloween art collectibles limited edition
Handcrafted jewelry made from A19 Ruth Ann’s Crafts
Glass shell stone and wooden beads Ruth Ann Barnes
241 Hamilton Rd
A14 True Blue TC Collection Athans NY 12015
Shengzhu Bernardin 518-731-1906
37 Aubuon Way www.ruthannscrafts.com
Torrington CT 06790 rabar@mhcqable.com
860-866-2070 dolls, doll clothes, furniture and
www.trueblue-tc.com accessories, garlic aprons for dolls
zhuzhu 111@hotmail.com and girls, garlic note paper, magnets, stickers,
natural Indigo dyed fabric crafts garlic basket liners hand turned wine bottle stoppers