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DRBF European Regional Conference

Delegate List
Dr. Manuel Agria
DRBF Portugal Country Representative
Av. Manuel Julio Carvalho Costa, 116, 8-B
2750-423 CASCAIS Portugal
P: +351 967005443
E: manuelagria@gmail.com

Anthony Albertini
Clyde & Co LLP
The St Botolph Building
138 Houndsditch
London United Kingdom
P: +44 (0) 20 7876 5000
F: +44 424-1737-226165
E: anthony.albertini@clydeco.com

Romano Allione
Viale Sempione 24/52
Arese Italy
P: +39-029-3581164
F: +39-027-00400414
E: romano.allione@tiscali.it

Cerasela Angelescu
Marketing Manager
Techno Engineering & Associates
22, Muzelor Street
District 4
Bucharest Romania
P: +4 0752 167 787
E: cerasela.angelescu@technoeng.ro

Richard Appuhn
Consulting Engineer
corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 154
Rome Italy
P: +39-06-978-48576
F: +39-06-976-58189
E: dick@appuhn.us

Murray Armes
Probyn Miers
Hamilton House, 1 Temple Avenue
1 Temple Avenue
London England
P: +44-20-7583-2244
F: +44-20-7583-2255
E: marmes@probyn-miers.com

Angela Bardenhewer
Legal Team Coordinator
Fusion for Energy
Josep Pla, 2 Torres Diagonal
B3, 13/21
Barcelona Spain
P: +34 93 3201874
E: Angela.Bardenhewer@f4e.europa.eu

Andrea Barsanti
Project Manager
Tirrena Scavi SpA Italia Suc. Romania
Str. Clujului 89
Cluj Napoca Romania
P: +40728134242
E: a.barsanti@tirrenascavi.ro

Radu Baruta
General Manager
Strada Calea Araduluinr
21 Bl.p65 Et.2 Ap.7
Oradea Romania
P: 0743-148261
E: radubaruta@yahoo.com

Pieter Beckers
BE & Eng
Molenbergstraat 85 C
Stekene Belgium
P: +32-3-7796913
E: info@beckers-engineering.be

John Bellhouse
9 Gray's Inn Square
Gray's Inn
London United Kingdom
P: +44 (0)7808 144 349
E: john@jmhbellhouse.com

Ahmed Benbarka
Procurement Specialist
Procurement Advisory Services
P.O. Box 12356
Dahra, Tripoli Libya
P: +218 92 561 2865
E: ahmedbenbarka@yahoo.com

DRBF European Regional Conference

Delegate List
Dr. Lyda Bier B.V.
Baroniesingel 32
Vught Netherlands
P: +31-73-6841786
F: +31-73-6840328
E: lbier@xs4all.nl

Michel Binard
Avenue de l'Arme 70
Bruxelles Belgium 1040
E: michel.binard@skynet.be

Tony Bingham
Barrister & Arbitrator
3PB Barristers
3 Paper Buildings, Temple
London England
P:+ 44-2075-838055
F: +44-2073-536271
E: info@tonybingham.co.uk

Karina Blancquaert
Company Lawyer
Rue de l'Industrie 52
Bruxelles Belgium
E: elodie.pierre@total.com

Robert Blood
A.I.L Limited
Tophanelioglu Cad. No 8 C Blok
Arduman Is Merkezi
Altunizade Uskudar Turkey
P: +0216 5544946
E: robert.blood-ext@transport.alstom.com

Serge Bodart
PMG Consulting Engineers & Economists
72, rue du Centre
St Sulpice / Lausanne Switzerland
P: +41-21-695.24.40
E: sybodart@pmg-ing.ch

Jean-Franois Boucly
Falque & Associs
17 rue de la Paix
Paris France 75002
P: 33-0-153535101
E: jean-francois.boucly@falque.com

David Brown
Clyde & Co LLP
134 boulevard Haussmann
PARIS France
P: +33144438888
E: David.Brown@clydeco.com

William Buyse
C.E.M. Consulting
Monshof 32
Bocholt Belgium
P: +32 89 47 13 29
F: +32 89 46 64 79
E: buyse@cem-eao.be

Peter H. J. Chapman
Dispute Adjudicator/DAB Member
Somersby House Chambers
Stokesheath Road
Oxshott Surrey KT22 0PS UK
P: +44-7971-249902
F: +44-1372-843420
E: phjchapman@btinternet.com

Chris Cnudde
Technical Services Manager
Haven 1053 - Nieuwe Weg 1
Zwijndrecht Belgium
E: chris.cnudde@ineos.com

Peter Collie
Fenwick Elliott LLP
Aldwych House
71-79 Aldwych
London WC2B 4HN - United Kingdom
P: +44-20-7421.1986
F: + 44-8701991463
E: pcollie@fenwickelliott.com

DRBF European Regional Conference

Delegate List
Valrie Contri
Senior Counsel
Sefrioui Law Firm
72 boulevard de Courcelles
Paris France
P: +33147661100
E: contact@cabinetsefrioui.com

Kristof Cox
Supervisor Commercial Law
Deloitte Fiduciaire
Gouverneur Roppesingel 13
3500 Hasselt Belgium
P: + 32 11 89 38 17
E: Kristof.Cox@law.kuleuven.be

Adrian - Gabriel Cringas
Deputy Team Leader
Calea Floreasca
No. 141 - 143, Et. 2
Bucharest Romania
P: +021 316 11 64
E: adrian.cringas@inocsa.es

Andrea Del Grosso
Univ. of Genoa--School of Engineering
Via Montallegro 1
Genoa Italy
P: +39-010-3532525
F: +39-010-3532534
E: delgrosso@diseg.unige.it

Eddy De Rademaeker
Prevention Management International
Waterstraat 63
Schilde B-2970 Belgium
P: 32-3-321-3222
F: 32-3-366-3534
E: pmi.edr@skynet.be

Giovanni Di Folco
Techno Enginnering & Associates
22, Muzelor street, District 4
Bucharest Romania
P: +40743046910
F: +40-21-336-3078
E: giovanni.difolco@technoeng.ro

Franois Dore
Risk Manager
Bouygues Btiment International
Challenger EC 09
1. Av. E. Freyssinet
Saint Quentin en Yvelines Cedex France
P: +33 1 30 60 33 63
E: f.dore@bouygues-construction.com

Eugenia Dunca
Managing Director
Techno Engineering & Associates
22, Muzelor street, District 4
Bucharest Romania
P: +40743046911
E: e.dunca@technoeng.ro

Benot Dupuis
Head of Major Projects Legal Division
7, Place Ren Clair
Boulogne-Billancourt France
P: +01 47 61 75 64
E: dupuis@siege.colas.fr

Dr. Carina Egli-Lanfredi
Head Contract and Claims Management
Siemens AG
Freyslebenstrasse 1
Erlangen Germany
P: +49 174 1990086
E: carina.egli-lanfredi@siemens.com

Mathias Fabich
Head of Unit, Bauwirtschaft International /
Construction Economy International
Porr Bau GmbH
Absberggasse 47
1100 Vienna Austria
P: +43 (0)50 626-3366
E: mathias.fabich@porr.at

Giuseppe Paolo Freda
Contract Manager
C.M.C. di Ravenna
Via Trieste, 76
Ravenna Italy
E: giuseppe.freda@cmcra.com

DRBF European Regional Conference

Delegate List
Marc Frilet
Managing Partner
Frilet Societe d'Avocats
94 Boulevard Flandrin
Paris France
P: +33-1-56 26-0040
F: +33-1-562-5021
E: avocats@frilet.com

Giorgia Gagliardi
Contract Management Department Assistant
CMC Di Ravenna
Via Trieste 76
Ravenna Italy
E: valentina.crociani@cmcra.com

Stefano Galva
Legal Advisor
Fusion for Energy
C/ Josep Pla, 2. Torres Diagonal Litoral
Barcelona Spain
E: stefano.galva@f4e.europa.eu

Paul Gelinas
69 Avenue Victor Hugo
Paris France
P: +33 144173660
F: +33-1-4067-9140
E: pgelinas@pgelinas.com

Anthony Glover
European Construction Ventures (ECV)
Rue de lAnemone 22
1180 Bruxelles - Belgium
P & F : +32-2-648489
E : tony.glover@scarlet.be

Nicholas Gould
Fenwick Elliott LLP
71-91 Aldwych
London United Kingdom
P: +44 20 74211986
F: +4420-7421-1987
E: ngould@fenwickelliott.com

Garth Grisbrook
Legal Counsel/Solicitor
European Investment Bank
100, bd Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg
P: +352 4379 83356
E: g.grisbrook@eib.org

Howard Gutman
US Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium
Embassy of the United States of America
Regentlaan 27 Boulevard du Rgent
B-1000 Brussels
P: (32-2) 811-4000
F: (32-2) 811-4500

Noki Iguchi
Partner / Attorney-at-Law
Anderson Mori & Tomotsune
Izumi Garden Tower
6-1, Rappongi 1-Chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-6036 - Japan
T: (03)6888-1089
F: (03)6888-3089
E: naoki.iguchi@amt-law.com

Levent Irmak
Construction Contracts/Claims Consultant
GIZ International Services
Burhan Felek Caddesi No.1
Istanbul Turkey
P: +90 216 550 8120
F: +90-216-550-8123
E: leventi@tiac.net

Takashi Ito
Director, Loan Procurement Policy and
Supervision Division
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Tokyo Japan
P: +81-3-5226-9236
F: +81-3-5226-6381
E: ito.takashi.2@jica.go.jp

Gordon L. Jaynes Esq.
Faircross, Wentworth Drive
Virginia Water England
P: +44-1344-845687
F: +44-1344-845087
E: GLJ4law@aol.com

DRBF European Regional Conference

Delegate List
Volker Jurowich
Managing Director
JuCon International
Rebenreute 64
Stuttgart Germany
P: +49 711 649 4071
F: +49-711-640-9881
E: vjurowich@t-online.de

Franz-Josef Kallscheid
Senior Project Manager
TGE Gas Engineering GmbH
Mildred-Scheel-Str. 1
Bonn Germany
P: +49 228 60448 269
E: franz-josef.kallscheid@tge-gas.com

Frank Kehlenbach
European International Contractors
P: +49 30 21 286 268
E: frank.kehlenbach@bauindustrie.de

Malcolm Kelly
M. Kelly Consulting Ltd
58 Stoke Road
Taunton UK
P: +44-1823-352525
E: malcolm@yllek100.freeserve.co.uk

Dr. Helmut Kntges
Lilienstr. 14
Essen Germany
P: +49 (0) 201 42 45 12
E: Koentges.ipm@-online.de

Pablo Laorden
Managing Partner
Lmbal Abogados
Ayala 120, 2 B
Madrid Spain
P: +34914261891
F: +34-9142-61982
E: plm@lambal.es

Yves Lavallee
Lavcorp Solutions Inc.
10908-148 Street NW
Edmonton Canada
P: +1 7802240336
E: yveslavallee@yahoo.ca

Vincent Leloup
International Director
5 avenue Augustin Louis Cauchy
NANTES Cedex 3 France
P: +33674707487
E: vincent.leloup@sce.fr

Steven Luyten
Site Development & Energy Manager
Haven 1053 - Nieuwe Weg 1
Zwijndrecht Belgium
P: +32 3 250.91.61
E: steven.luyten@ineos.com

Deborah Mastin
Assistant Attorney
Broward County
500 Northeast 55 Terrace
Miami USA
P: +1 305-505-7448
E: deborahmastin@gmail.com

Jan Melis
Grote Markt 18
2260 Westerlo - Belgium
T: 014-540192
F: 014-543048
E: info@irarch-janmelis.be

Ann McGough
454 Burr Road
Southbury, CT 06488
P: +1 828 238 5534
E: amcgough@drb.org

DRBF European Regional Conference

Delegate List
Edwin McLaughlin
1650 Stephens Road
Virginia Beach USA
P: +1 757-481-7669
F: +1 757-481-3825
E: ewmcl@cox.net

Christopher Miers
Managing Director
Probyn Miers Ltd
Hamilton House, 1 Temple Avenue
1 Temple Avenue
London UK
P: +44-20-7583-2244
F: +44-20-7583-2255
E: cmiers@probyn-miers.com

Aisha Nadar
Research Fellow, Construction Contracts and
Dispute Resolution
Queen Mary, University of London
1 Hans Place
London SW1X 0EU
E: anadar@nadarconsulting.com

Michel Nardin
PMG Consulting Engineers
Rue du Centre 72
St-Sulpice Switzerland
P: +41-21-695-2440
F: +41-21-695-2444
E: mnardin@pmg-ing.ch

Carl Neeskens
Technical Purchasing Manager
Nieuwe Weg 1
Zwijndrecht Belgium
P: +03-2509094
E: carl.neeskens@pandora.be

Stuart Ness
Managing Director
Rosmartin Associates
Oudloosdrechtsedijk 131N
Loosdrecht Netherlands
P: +31-65-142-4190
E: stuart@rosmartin.com

Mihai Nica
General Director
Septembrie Consulting
Aleea Botorani no.2 Bl V80 sc 2
Apt 31, Sector 5
Bucuresti Romania
P: +40213199463
E: mihai.nica@septembrie-consulting.ro

Takashi Okamoto
Technical Advisor
NIhon Suido Consultants
22-1 Nishi Shinjuku 6 Chome
Tokyo Japan
P: +81 3 5323 6264
E: okamoto.wrk@gmail.com

Alina Valentina Oprea
General Director
Str. Magura Vulturului nr. 29 Ap. 1A, S2
Bucharest, Romania
P: 0040-722613446
F: 0040-318151518
E: alina.oprea.v@gmail.com

Marco Padovan
Studio Legale Padovan
P: +39024814994
E: mpadovan@studiopadovan.com

Lindy Patterson
Dundas & Wilson
191 West George Street
Glasgow United Kingdom
P: +44 (0)141 304 6100
F:+ 44-141-222-2201
E: lindy.patterson@dundas-wilson.com

James Perry
PS Consulting
7 rue du Printemps
Paris France
P: +33-1-47-664729
E: jamesperry@noos.fr

DRBF European Regional Conference

Delegate List

Daniela Popoviciu
Popoviciu&Marin - Mediators Associates
Prof. Dr. Ion Athanasiu Street, no. 8
District 5
Bucharest Romania
P: +40213155764
E: promedierea@gmail.com

Liliana Niculina Radu
Executive Director
Septembrie Consulting
Aleea Botorani no.2 Bl V80 sc 2
Bucuresti Romania
P: +40-21-319-9463
F: +40-21-319-9463
E: radu.liliana@septembrie-consulting.ro

Franco Ricci
Project Manager
Tirrena Scavi S.p.A
Str. Clujului 89
Cluj Napoca Romania
E: f.ricci@tirrenascavi.ro

Derek Ross
Layng Ross Construction Disputes Resolution
37 Pine Grove
Weybridge United Kingdom
P: +441932856463
F: +44-1932-829840
E: derek@layngross.com

Basar Sahin
Senior Consultant
ICM Consulting
Ulus Gozde Sok, Gurcay Apt. 4/4
Istanbul Turkey
P: +90 530 5131396
E: basar@icmconsultation.com

Oana Irina Soimulescu
Attorney at Law
SCA Soimulescu Dragan Costin
Mihai Eminescu 238, Sector 2
Bucharest Romania
P: 0040-212019487
F: 0040-212123955
E: office@oflaw.eu

Mona Maria Soltan
Attorney at Law
SCA Soimulescu Dragan Costin
Mihai Eminescu 238, Sector 2
Bucharest Romania
P: 021 201 94 87
E: mona.dragan@oflaw.eu

Albert Stocker
Lenzenwiesstrasse 7
CH 8702 Zollikon (Zuerich)
P: +41 32 511 2942
E: albert@albertstocker.com

Hakan Taplamacolu
Procurement and Finance Officer
European Union
Uur Mumcu Cad. No:88
Ankara Turkey
P: +903124598700
E: hakantap@yahoo.com

Julian Terpitz
Project Engineering Manager
TGE Gas Engineering GmbH
Mildred-Scheel-Str. 1
Bonn Germany
P: +49 228 60448 263
E: julian.terpitz@tge-gas.com

Claude Tohme
International Projects Real Estate Manager
14 Boulevard Poissonnire
Paris France
P: +33 157439923
E: claude.tohme@bnpparibas.com

Emilian Traista
Independent Consulting Engineer
Str. Fagului 15
Iasi Romania
P: 004-0726745044
E: etraista@yahoo.co.uk

DRBF European Regional Conference

Delegate List
Hannah Tmpel
ICC Dispute Resolution Services
38 Cours Albert 1er
75008 Paris France
P: + 33 1 49 53 30 53
E: hannah.tuempel@iccwbo.org

Cristian Turluianu
Contracts Manager
Astaldi SpA
53 Nicolae Caramfil, Sector 1
Bucharest Romania
P: 40726123295
E: cristi.turluianu@astaldi.ro

Marnix Vandenberghe
Head Legal Department
Jan De Nul Group
Tragel 60
9308 Hofstade Aalst, Belgium
T: 053-731630
F: 053-773434
E: info@jandenul.com

Piet Van Der Biest
Project Manager Fossil Power Generation
Square Marie Curie 30
1070 - Anderlecht
Brussels Belgium
P: +32 253-68027
E: piet.van_der_biest@siemens.com

Francois Vermeille
Senior Partner
PMG Consulting Engineers & Economists
Rue du Centre 72
Lausanne/St-Sulpice Switzerland
P: 41-21-695-2440
F: 41-21-695-2444
E: fvermeille@pmg-ing.ch

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