2, June 2021
Abstract—With the globalising of education, discourse about Despite the realisation of the importance of STEM
the teaching of ESL (English as a second language) has learning in English for ESL learners globally, limited
contested ‘old’ literacy teaching and learning. Innovative research exists in language-integrated science
approaches to language have changed perspectives about intervention. In this article, we seek to identify the current
teaching and learning English in STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education and
pedagogies underpinning teaching and learning English
paved the way for ‘new’ developments of literacy practices. as a second language in STEM subjects. Using social
Yet, STEM education for ESL leaners is still standing in a constructivism as a theoretical framework, this article
disjuncture between the global digital forms of focuses on the literature detailing the issues ESL teachers
communication and traditional practices. This paper draws and students face in STEM subjects. Providing further
upon recent literature investigating the teaching of English understanding and a call for a content-language integrated
for ESL learners to engage in a robust discussion about ESL approach to teaching STEM subjects for enhancing ESL
teaching practices in STEM education. It presents some of students' English proficiency and academic achievement
the issues facing ESL teachers and learners, as well as the in STEM content subjects also remain in focus.
knowledge and skills that ESL practitioners must acquire
and integrate into their classroom practice to successfully
STEM education is facing several issues in teaching
address these arising challenges. This paper presents a need STEM subjects through English as a medium of
to change the current pedagogical practices in STEM instruction. Most teachers involved in teaching STEM are
Education to consider ESL learners’ needs in today’s disciplinary experts in either science or mathematics.
globalising and digital society, particularly in the midst of Even among science teachers, they can be physical
the rapid and continually evolving changes due to COVID19. science and biological science focused only [18]. Overall
STEM education at present is a collective teaching of the
Index Terms—STEM education, ESL teaching and learning disciplines involved. It is a cross-disciplinary of the
disciples involved and sometimes integrated where
I. INTRODUCTION practices and approaches vary from school to schools and
teachers to teachers. In this context, ESL learners need
The market-driven processes of globalisation have special focus and learning plans. STEM education
increased the demand for English teaching institutions focusing with ESL learners needs an integration of
worldwide to prepare individuals for global careers in innovative pedagogies along with traditional and routine
communication, science, education, business, diplomacy business of teaching and learning, examinations, and
and entertainment [1] In this globalised environment, reporting. STEM pedagogy also needs a fundamental
STEM education has been realised as a main driver to shift in pedagogy towards more ESL focused practices
support the technology driven future and several studies and integrating STEM subjects, which is found to be
supported this view [2]-[10]. STEM learning in English challenging [19]. It is important to focus on English
has gained importance over the last two decades due to language among ESL learners while approaching
the rising popularity of content-based ELT methods and a integrated STEM education, particularly in post COVID
STEM-based future world. Most non-English speaking scenarios where innovations in teaching and learning take
countries in the EFL setting across have adopted STEM place.
education with variable extent by utilising English as a
Medium of Instruction (EMI) to increase English II. STEM EDDUCATION AND ESL ENGLISH: PRESENT
language proficiency indicated by several research [11]- CLASSROOM PRACTICE AND PEDAGOGY
[15]. ESL learners are constantly increasing in number
globally and participation of ESL learners in greater Within English Speaking Countries (ESC), and Non-
proportions brings diversity to the STEM field workforce ESC contexts, various pedagogies to integrate ESL and
[16], [17]. STEM education coexist. Research indicates that most of
these interventions and conceptual frameworks within the
learning of STEM subjects are based on traditional views
Manuscript received March 21, 2021; revised June 8, 2021.
of science education. The main goal is learner’s mastery more prevalent for students in rural areas due to low
of scientific content was paramount and seeks to focus on English language proficiency. Using English as medium
student language proficiency and literacy achievement. of instruction is one of the main contributors to the
This traditional views of teaching STEM subjects draw substandard performance of learners in schools. Unlike
on traditional views of teaching English as Second students in urban areas where English is the medium of
language, where the focus is students mastering the instruction of all subjects, learners studying STEM in
linguistic forms. Contemporary approaches to STEM rural schools where L1 is used as medium of instruction
education take on effective science education center [28] indicate that scientific language is difficult to
around the desire for students to develop the necessary understand when English is employed as the language of
skills to make sense of scientific experiences and present teaching and learning in Mathematics and science. A
solutions to problems, just as qualified scientists and study [29] indicates that this issue is even more critical in
engineers are expected to [20]. This is a shift from the traditionally underrepresented groups in terms of
traditional views and is very significant. The socioeconomic status, race and ethnicity. Migrants
contemporary science education involves collaborative comprise the major portion of this group, a sizable and
engagement in presenting models, constructing evidence- fast-growing segment of students.
based arguments and explanations as a means of ESL learners are a rapidly growing student population
developing and strengthening individual scientific ideas. who represent immensely diverse cultural backgrounds
[21] use the term knowledge-in-use to describe this form [10]. Researchers have found that it may be more difficult
of science learning, as using and applying knowledge for for ESL students to learn STEM content when compared
a specific purpose are involved. An emerging to their non-ESL peers, even when ESL students display
sociocultural perspective, where language is considered proficient use of English language in their everyday lives.
to be acquired though social participation in meaning- Findings such as this have prompted significant research
making practices differs from the traditional view that into the barriers that exist to limit ESL students’
grammar and vocabulary are internalised by learners academic success, with a predominant focus on English
[22]-[24]. The term language-in-use is applied here as language proficiency and instruction-related teaching.
using language for a set purpose underpins this approach This increase the effort and time on the part of the ESL
to language learning [25]. This would strengthen student can have a negative influence upon their overall
conceptualization of contents better in STEM education performance in STEM subjects, and even lead to the
among ESL students. unfair assumption that ability is lacking.
An additional barrier to ESL student’s centres around
III. ISSUES IN TEACHING ESL IN STEM EDUCATION instruction. The level of training teachers receives
IN NON-ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES regarding teaching methods to meet the instructional and
linguistic needs of ESL students. Interventions including
The traditional pedagogical approaches to teaching teacher training programs (emphasising oral and visual
STEM subjects impose pressures for ESL learners
instruction), frameworks to inform methods of learning
studying STEM. ESL learners are experiencing STEM vocabulary and a direction to engage in hands-on
instructional, curriculum and materials issues in learning classroom activities have been put in place to address
STEM education. The issues arise from the content
these barriers.
matter and the complex science language. ESL learners The focus within the literature upon language
face challenges with science language and develop a proficiency and instructional modes as barriers to ESL
Language Identity Dilemma (LID) as they learn scientific
learners in a STEM context fails to address the
concepts and terms in both colloquial and academic psychological barriers students must also contend with,
scientific language, which is believed to facilitate a most notably their perception of belonging. This research
stronger understanding and greater retention ability with presents information to affirm that student academic
elementary level science students i.e., the concept of performance, and persistence in STEM, can be influenced
‘force’ in physics [26]. Also, the use of simple language
strongly by student feelings of belonging. Analysis of
such as ‘piece of light’, instead of photons. To highlight quantitative research focusing on younger ESL students
this further, the success of ESL students in STEM is (Middle and Elementary School) reveals high levels of
reliant upon their ability to understand STEM specific
uncertainty regarding belonging, combined with a lower
English vocabulary and apply it to the content of which sense of school belonging, to be a predictor for student
they are learning. Some ESL students find this aspect to academic performance. Such findings are on par with the
be especially difficult because, quite frequently, the
experiences of students in other underrepresented groups
English words used in STEM have different meanings and their academic performance in STEM.
when considered in non-STEM contexts (e.g., volume,
tangent, formula, and plane).
This also shows how scientific language shapes
students experiences of learning science. The research
[27] highlighted that biology courses included new A notable shift toward a more practice and socially
terminology in initial year of STEM. Students often orientated view of learning has occurred in both science
conflated the meaning of words that had an alternative to and Second Language Acquisition (SLA) education. The
the context of science. In non-ESC contexts, this issue is recent innovation has been to refer to everyday
phenomenon-based activities to improve language, resources [39]. [40] see language within a wider
particularly science language and proficiency. This communicative view. These scholars, similarly, to the
emphasis upon knowledge-in-use and language-in-use New London Group [40] suggest that rigid linguistic
combine to promote both language and science learning conceptualisations of language are too restrictive in
with ESL. Altering language and science instruction in today’s diverse cultural and pluri-linguistic contexts,
this mutually supportive way leads to greater coherence where language and language codes regularly interact and
in promoting student learning of science and language, overlap.
especially for ESL [30]. As previously mentioned, the traditional view of
Current approaches and methods in ESL contexts teaching language is still dominantly in STEM education.
where English is taught for general or specific business Linguistic theorists tend to view language as a set of rules
and academic purposes [31] include the Communicative and patterns that ‘control’ how language works. This
Language Teaching (CLT) method, Content- Based view includes principles of combining words in multiple
Instruction (CBI) method, Task-Based Learning (TBL) different patterns to form a finite set of sentences (which
method, Task-Based Instruction (TBI) and Content and have their own internal patterns. The focus of this
Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) method [32]. This abstract view of language is on a ‘system’ of linguistic
integrated method of teaching and learning STEM structures, and this tradition of linguistic theory
subjects has been acknowledged since 1980 where the represents little or no interest in the diversity of people
English language and STEM content are combined, and social groups using those structures or systems [41].
utilising English for the delivery of STEM. This approach However, this perspective has been challenged by other
is targeted towards K-12 learners in an ESL context, with theories that view language in relation to who uses it and
the key aim to improve English language proficiency. It the culture within which it is used. Sociolinguists, for
tests the students based on their skills and maintains instance, view language as a form of social behaviour.
encouragement throughout by ensuring learners gain The concept of multiliteracies or multimodality and using
hands on experience in their own fields. This helps to multimodal literacy practices in language classrooms can
keep students interested and acts as a driving force for be seen as another way of language educators responding
students to display their flexibility and sense of to the restrictions of what they see as more rigid linguistic
practicality while they are learning. The characteristics of conceptualisations of language. [42] also sees the field of
pedagogical methods can be firstly, responding to the multimodality as moving out and away from singular
requirements and interests of learners, and secondly, align notions of language. Furthermore, Jewitt prefers to see
their needs with the contextual characteristics of which multimodal language as “extend[ing] the social
will be applicable in the future [33]. representation of language and its meanings to the whole
This substantive pedagogical integration of content range of representational and communicational modes or
areas and English language education determine can help semiotic resources for making meaning that are employed
achieve content standards in conjunction with the in a culture – such as image, writing, gesture, gaze,
development of English language proficiency. speech, posture” (p.1).
Researchers e.g., [34]-[36] implemented this approach to According to [43], we experience the world through
integrate English and STEM education found this our senses and through multiple modes of communication
integrated approach is more meaningful and authentic for to which each of our senses are attuned. [44] reframe
learning. Integrating ESL and STEM subject learning in language as “the communicative repertoire available to
English through an instructional additional language is each individual within a multiplicity of needs, practices
influential in improving English language learning in and contexts”. According to Nicholas and Starks, they
STEM. CLIL offers a more authentic setting for language believe this merit “a shift in thinking about modes of
learning, targeting meaning and fluency rather than form language from oral, written and signed to one that
and accuracy respectively. However, Content-Based engages with the multiple ways in which traditional
Integration (CBI) is believed to be more suitable for ESL linguistic and non-linguistic features interact” [44]. By
(ESC) context while CLIL is considered most appropriate implementing multimodal pedagogies in the context of
for EFL (non-ESC) context. dominant traditional pedagogies higher education, ESL
The theories of language are also implemented in students are given an opportunity to use a wider palette of
teaching STEM subjects through the medium of English. semiotic resources, a study [45] identifies the need for
It is commonly believed that communication is the main recognising and adapting pedagogical strategies to
function of human language. Language can be seen as the address ‘multiliteracies’ in the ways adult ESL learners
dominant medium through which the communication adults are learning.
occurs, and it provides humans with symbolic resources This contemporary view of Language pedagogy has
through which to manipulate ideas. It is not a started to find its way in STEM education. Multimodality
distinguishing feature of all languages because all is fundamental in science. Multimodalities, specifically
creatures communicate in some way. For Yule, like many non-linguistic, are essential in communicating meaning.
other socio-cultural language scholars [37], [38] Appreciating the relevance and benefit of multimodality
creativity is a crucial dimension of human language. in science, and other content areas, redirects attention to
Humans not only communicate but also create new the assets using multimodality can bring to the classroom
expressions and novel utterances by using their linguistic rather than focus on language skills that are lacking [30].
One notable approach to teaching STEM subjects Teachers providing authentic experiences perusing
multiple modalities must be considered as a means for beyond challenges and produce ownership of
supporting ESL students to engage in language intensive knowledge among ESL learners’ using for further
SEPs such as constructing explanations and arguing from innovations
evidence. Students in the NGSS science classroom use Increase teacher’s self-efficacy to promote
graphs and tables as tools when interpreting and implementing ESL focused STEM activities in
analysing data. Over the course of instruction, as ESL classroom practices.
students increase their scientific understanding, they The following Fig. 1, details the approaches needed to
increasingly draw upon multiple modalities e.g. drawings implement for building confidence for learning STEM
and symbols. Importantly, students learn how to apply among ESL learners.
various modalities to communicate the increasing Initiatives for ESL Learners in STEM Education
sophistication of their ideas. More specifically, students
grow in understanding of when to display information in
graphs, how tables represent patterns and how arrows are ESL Focused
Initiatives of STEM
used to convey relationships. This can be particularly ESL Learners
and STEM ESL Focused STEM
Innovation Teaching
significant in the current context of the increasing of Confidence
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