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7e's Lesson-Plan-Introduction

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Topic / Title Proof and Disproof

Grade Level Grade 9

Time Allotment 1hr & 30 minutes
Teacher Jose Enrique Ababa, Anna Katherine C. Arsolon, and Lira Mae B. Brobo
Learning Competency
Mastering Proof and Disproof Techniques
By the end of class, students should be able to:
1. Define proof and disproof in Mathematics.
2. Identify different types of proofs, including direct proof, indirect proof, and proof by contradiction.
3. Determine disproof and types of disproof.
4. Apply appropriate proof techniques to prove or disprove statements.
5. Understand the importance of proofs in Mathematics and real-world applications.

ELICIT (Access prior knowledge). Materials and Assessment

Start with a thought-provoking question related to proof and disproof.
"Can you always trust your intuition in Mathematics?"

Discuss students' responses and encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences. Whiteboard or chalkboard
Markers or chalk
Remind students of basic logical reasoning skills by asking them to recall simple Pen and paper for students
mathematical statements and their truth values
"2 + 2 = 4",
"All squares are circles" Assessment Tool:
Emphasize the importance of clear and logical thinking in mathematics.
Pose questions like: Observation and
1. What does it mean for a statement to be true or false? Participation
2. Can you give an example of a true mathematical statement? Peer Review and
3. How can we prove that a statement is true? Discussion
Informational Assessment
ENGAGE (Get the students’ minds focused on the topic (short; question or picture).
Show a mathematical puzzle or problem related to proof and disproof to the class and let the
students engage with it. Materials:
Mathematical Puzzle: The Four Color Theorem Maps with various regions
The Four Color Theorem states that any map can be colored using at most four colors in such a
way that no two adjacent regions have the same color. Regions are considered adjacent if they Coloring materials such as
share a common boundary (not just a point). colored pencils, markers, or
Paper and writing utensils
1. Provide the students with a map that has several regions. for students to record their
2. Challenge them to color the map using only four colors while ensuring that no two solutions and explanations.
adjacent regions have the same color.
Handout of the maps for
3. Allow students time to work on the puzzle individually or in small groups. students to refer to and
work on during the activity.
4. After they've attempted to color the map, discuss their approaches and solutions as a
Then ask the following questions: Assessment Tool:

1. What do you think is the purpose of proving or disproving a statement in mathematics? Observation
Critical Thinking
2. Can you give an example of a statement that you believe is true in mathematics? How Discussion and Reflection
would you prove it?
3. Have you ever encountered a statement that seemed true but was actually false? How
did you realize it was false?

EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience).

Divide students into small groups. Activity 1: Group Work
Assign each group a statement to prove or disprove using one of the proof methods discussed. Materials:
Handouts or digital copies
Assign each group one of the following statements to prove or disprove using the specified of the assigned statements
proof method: for each group.

1. Group 1: "The sum of two odd numbers is even." (Direct proof) Whiteboards, flip charts, or
paper and markers for
2. Group 2: "There exist irrational numbers a and b such that a × b is rational." (Proof by

3. Group 3: "If n is an even integer, then n2 is also even." (Proof by contrapositive) Pen and Paper for notes

4. Group 4: "Every prime number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two Online Resources or
prime numbers." (Disproof by counterexample) Textbooks.
5. Group 5: "For all integers x and y, if x + y is odd, then x and y are both odd." (Proof by
contradiction) Assessment Tools:
This will give them a hands-on experience with different logical reasoning techniques. Group work assessment.
Problem analysis.
Encourage students to collaborate, discuss strategies, and apply the appropriate technique. Application task
Peer evaluation.

EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students).
Define proof as a logical argument that establishes the truth of a mathematical statement.
Proof and disproof are two concepts used in mathematics to establish the validity or
invalidity of statements or conjectures. Whiteboard or chalkboard
Differentiate between proof and disproof: Markers or chalk
Handouts with examples
Proof: Establishes the truth or validity of a statement. Pens or pencils
Disproof: Demonstrates the falsity or invalidity of a statement. Assessment Tools:
Explain that while proofs provide evidence for the truth of statements, disproofs are
equally important as they help identify false or invalid statements. Problem-solving tasks
Peer evaluations
Provide an example of a disproof: Handouts with examples of
proofs and disproofs
Statement: "All prime numbers are even."

Disproof: Provide a counterexample (e.g., 2 is a prime number but not even).

Discuss the role of counterexamples and logical reasoning in disproofs, highlighting

their significance in mathematical analysis and refinement.
ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned in the Explain).
Introduce different types of proofs such as direct proof, indirect proof, proof by contrapositive
and proof by contradiction. Provide examples and explain the steps involved in each type of
proof. Materials:
Different types of proofs: Handouts with examples of
Direct Proof: proof and disproof
Explain that in a direct proof, we start with known facts or assumptions and use logical
reasoning to reach a conclusion. Writing tools for students'
assignments and notes
Example: Prove that the sum of two even numbers is always even.

 Hypothesis: Let a and b be even numbers. Whiteboard/chalkboard for

 Proof: Since an even number is defined as an integer divisible by 2, a can be
written as 2m and b as 2n, where m and n are integers. Projector for digital
 A + b = 2m + 2n = 2(m+n), which is divisible by 2, hence proving that the sum
of two even numbers is even. Assessment Tools:
Walk through the steps involved in a direct proof, such as stating the hypothesis, providing
Short quizzes on proof and
evidence, and drawing a logical conclusion.
disproof concepts
Indirect Proof:
Homework assignments
Explain that in an indirect proof, we assume the negation of the statement we want to prove applying techniques
and derive a contradiction from this assumption.
Peer evaluation for proof
Example: Prove that if n is not divisible by 3, then n2 is not divisible by 9. analysis
 Assume n2 is divisible by 9.

 Since n2 is divisible by 9, n must be divisible by 3 (as the square of any

integer divisible by 3 is also divisible by 9).

 This contradicts our initial assumption that n is not divisible by 3.

 Therefore, our assumption that n2 is divisible by 9 must be false, proving the


Walk through the steps involved in an indirect proof, such as assuming the negation, deriving a
contradiction, and concluding that the original statement must be true.

Proof by Contrapositive:

Explain that in a proof by contrapositive, we prove the contrapositive of the statement (i.e., the
statement's negation and reversed implications) to indirectly prove the original statement.

Example: Prove that if a number is not divisible by 3, then its square is not divisible by

 Contrapositive: If n2 is divisible by 9, then n is divisible by 3.

 Proof: Suppose n is not divisible by 3. Then n can be written as 3m+r, where r

is the remainder when n is divided by 3 and 0 < r < 3.
2 2 2 2
 n =(3 m+r ) = 9m + 6mr + r
 Since r can only be 1 or 2, r 2will always be 1 or 4, but not divisible by 9.

 Therefore, n2 is not divisible by 9, proving the contrapositive.

Walk through the steps involved in a proof by contrapositive, such as stating the contrapositive,
providing evidence, and drawing a logical conclusion.

Proof by Contradiction:

Explain that in a proof by contradiction, we assume the opposite of what we want to prove and
then show that this assumption leads to a contradiction.

Example: Prove that the square root of 2 is irrational.

 Assume the square root of √2 is rational, i.e., 2=ba where a and b are integers
with no common factors other than 1.
 Squaring both sides, we get 2 = 2
 This implies a 2=b 2, which means a 2 is even (as it is twice a number).

 Since a 2 is even, a must also be even.

 If a is even, a 2is divisible by 4 (as a 2=2b 2).

 But then b 2 is also even, contradicting our assumption that a and b have no
common factors.

 Therefore, our assumption that √2 is rational must be false, proving that √2 is


Walk through the steps involved in a proof by contradiction, such as assuming the statement is
false, deriving a contradiction, and concluding that the original statement must be true.

Introduce different types of disproof:

Counterexamples: Explain that a counterexample is a specific instance that disproves a

general statement. It shows that the statement is not universally true by providing a single case
where it fails.

Example: Disprove the statement "All prime numbers are odd" by providing the
counterexample 2, which is a prime number but not odd.

Walk through the concept of counterexamples, emphasizing their importance in disproving


Logical Fallacy: Define a logical fallacy as an error in reasoning that undermines the logic of
an argument. Explain common types of fallacies such as affirming the consequent, ad hominem
attacks, or circular reasoning.

Example: Disprove the argument "If it's raining, then the streets are wet. The streets are
wet, so it must be raining" by pointing out the fallacy of affirming the

Discuss different logical fallacies and how they can be used to invalidate arguments.

Proof by Contradiction (as a form of Disproof): Revisit proof by contradiction from the
proof perspective and explain that it can also be used as a disproof technique. In disproof by
contradiction, you assume the statement is true and then derive a contradiction to show it must
be false.

Example: Disprove the statement "There exists a smallest positive real

number" by assuming such a number exists and showing a contradiction

Emphasize the dual nature of proof by contradiction in both proving and disproving statements.

Introduce real-world examples where proof and disproof are essential (e.g., cryptography,
scientific hypotheses).

Discuss how mathematical proofs are used in various fields and the impact of incorrect

Connect the concept of proof to everyday situations where logical thinking is crucial.

EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept)?
Administer a short quiz with multiple-choice questions and true/false statements related to
proof and disproof concepts.
True or False:
Printed or digital quiz
1. True or False: All irrational numbers are also real numbers.
2. True or False: Proof by contrapositive is equivalent to proof by contradiction. Answer sheets
Whiteboard or projector
3. True or False: A direct proof always starts with the assumption that the statement Pens or pencils
is false.
Assessment tools:
4. True or False: Every prime number greater than 2 is odd.
5. True or False: Disproving a statement by providing a counterexample is a valid Review session for
Multiple Choice:
6. What is the correct method to prove the statement "If n is an even integer, then n +
1 is odd"?
a. Direct proof b. Proof by contrapositive c. Proof by contradiction d. Disproof by
7. Which of the following is a valid example of a proof by contradiction?
a. Assuming that a triangle has four sides and reaching a contradiction.
b. Showing that the sum of two odd numbers is even.
c. Proving that the square root of 2 is irrational.
d. Demonstrating that all multiples of 3 are divisible by 6.
8. What is the correct negation of the statement "All birds can fly"?
a. No birds can fly. b. Some birds can't fly. c. All birds can't fly. d. Some birds can
9. Which method of proof involves assuming the opposite of what you want to prove
and showing that it leads to a contradiction?
a. Direct proof b. Proof by contrapositive c. Proof by contradiction d. Disproof by
10. What is the contrapositive of the statement "If it is raining, then the streets are
a. If the streets are wet, then it is raining.
b. If the streets are not wet, then it is not raining.
c. If it is not raining, then the streets are not wet.
d. If the streets are wet, then it is not raining.
Review and discuss the answers as a class, providing explanations for each question.

EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in new context).

Challenge students to create their own mathematical statements and either prove or
disprove them using the methods learned. Encourage creativity in formulating statements
that can be logically analyzed. Discuss the importance of precision and clarity in
mathematical language. Materials:
1. Ask students to create at least two original mathematical statements. These Paper/notebooks for
statements should be clear, concise, and related to concepts covered in class. students' statements
2. Instruct students to analyze each statement by either proving or disproving it using
appropriate proof techniques (e.g., direct proof, indirect proof, proof by Whiteboard/flip chart for
contradiction). discussions
3. Emphasize the importance of using precise and clear mathematical language in
their analyses. Rubric sheets for
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs Assessment Tools:
Improvement (1)
Creativity in Student Student Student Student's Rubric for creativity,
Formulating creates creates formulates basic mathematical logical analysis, precision,
Statements original and mathematical mathematical statements lack and engagement
complex statements statements with creativity and
mathematical with some limited creativity, originality,
statements that originality and demonstrating a reflecting a limited
Observation checklist
demonstrate creativity, basic understanding of
deep showcasing a understanding of problem-solving Discussion guide
understanding good grasp of problem-solving concepts.
and creativity problem- concepts.
in problem solving
formulation. concepts.
Logical Analysis Student Student Student attempts Student struggles to
and effectively applies proof to apply proof and apply proof and
Proof/Disproof applies a and disproof disproof disproof techniques
Techniques variety of techniques to techniques but accurately, leading
proof and analyze and may have to unclear or invalid
disproof validate their inconsistencies or analyses of
techniques mathematical gaps in their mathematical
learned in statements, logical analysis. statements.
class to demonstrating
analyze and a good
validate their understanding
mathematical of logical
statements. reasoning.
Precision and Student's Student's Student's Student's
Clarity in mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical
Mathematical statements are statements are statements are statements lack
Language precise, clear, mostly precise somewhat precision and
and well- and clear, with imprecise or clarity, making it
defined, using minor unclear, leading to difficult to
appropriate instances of confusion or understand the
mathematical ambiguity or misinterpretation intended problem or
language with lack of clarity of the problem. analysis.
accuracy and in
clarity. mathematical
Overall Student Student shows Student Student shows
Understanding demonstrates a a good demonstrates limited
and Engagement deep understanding some understanding of
understanding of the understanding of the importance of
of the importance of the importance of precision, clarity,
importance of precision, precision, clarity, creativity, and
precision, clarity, creativity, and logical reasoning in
clarity, creativity, and logical reasoning mathematical
creativity, and logical in mathematical problem-solving.
logical reasoning in problem-solving.
reasoning in mathematical
mathematical problem-
problem- solving.

Roberts, Charles E. "Introduction to Mathematical Proofs: A Transition." New York: CRC Press, 2020.
Velleman, Daniel J. "How to Prove It: A Structured Approach." Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Rosen, Kenneth H. "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications." New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.
Abbott, Stephen. "Understanding Analysis." New York: Springer, 2015.
Maddox, Randall. "A Transition to Abstract Mathematics: Learning Mathematical Thinking and Writing." Boston: Jones
& Bartlett Learning, 2018.

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