Developing Academic Literacy in Context
Developing Academic Literacy in Context
Developing Academic Literacy in Context
Research Online
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) - Papers
Jan Skillen
University of Wollongong,
Mary Deane
Coventry University,
James Donohue
Open University,
Kelly Peake
University of London,
Publication Details
Purser, E. Rose., Skillen, J., Deane, M., Donohue, J. & Peake, K. (2008). Developing academic literacy in context. Zeitschrift Schreiben.
Where, when and how (indeed whether) academic writing should be taught to university students, who are
not necessarily aiming to study language per se, has long been a concern in higher education. While
students need to develop high level communication skills, in genres often quite specific to higher education, in
order that their learning can be assessed, teaching them academic writing during the course of their
disciplinary studies raises a number of pedagogical, organisational and research issues. This paper reports on a
collaboration between a group of academics in different geographic and institutional locations, who share a
dream of improving student learning through curriculum-integrated teaching of writing. Their project has
attempted to apply a model of learning development practice that works well in one arena to a range of new
contexts, in order to test its efficacy and transferability. Results indicate that the pedagogical strategies tried (e.
g. collaborative, inter-disciplinary design of learning tasks, resources and assessment processes based on
analysis of contextually-specific literacy demands) prove true in various situations, enabling positive
changes in student learning, in the design of curricula, in teachers professional development and in general
perceptions of the role of language in learning.
Purser, E. Rose., Skillen, J., Deane, M., Donohue, J. & Peake, K. (2008). Developing academic literacy in
context. Zeitschrift Schreiben.
University of Wollongong
University of Wollongong
Mary Deane
James Donohue
Kelly Peake
Open University
Coventry University
Where, when and how (indeed whether) academic writing should be taught to university students, who are not
necessarily aiming to study language per se, has long been a concern in higher education. While students need
to develop high level communication skills, in genres often quite specific to higher education, in order that their
learning can be assessed, teaching them academic writing during the course of their disciplinary studies raises a
number of pedagogical, organisational and research issues. This paper reports on a collaboration between a group
of academics in different geographic and institutional locations, who share a dream of improving student learning
through curriculum-integrated teaching of writing. Their project has attempted to apply a model of learning
development practice that works well in one arena to a range of new contexts, in order to test its efficacy
and transferability. Results indicate that the pedagogical strategies tried (e.g. collaborative, inter-disciplinary
design of learning tasks, resources and assessment processes based on analysis of contextually-specific literacy
demands) prove true in various situations, enabling positive changes in student learning, in the design of
curricula, in teachers professional development and in general perceptions of the role of language in learning. 26.6.2008
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