Specifications 02252020 004
Specifications 02252020 004
Specifications 02252020 004
405.1 Description
405.1.1 Scope
This Item shall consist of furnishing, bending, placing and finishing concrete in
all structures except pavements in accordance with this Specification and conforming
to the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the Plans. Concrete shall consist of a
mixture of Portland Cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, admixture when
specified, and water mixed in the proportions specified or approved by the Engineer.
Five classes of concrete are provided for in this Item, namely: A, B, C, P and
Seal. Each class shall be used in that part of the structure as called for on the Plans.
Class B – Footings, pedestals, massive pier shafts, pipe bedding, and gravity
walls, unreinforced or with only a small amount of reinforcement.
Class C – Thin reinforced sections, railings, precast R.C. piles and cribbing
and for filler in steel grid floors.
63 2-1/2” 100
50 2” 100 95 – 100
37.5 1-1/2” 95 – 100 - 100
25 1” - 35 – 70 100 95 – 100
19.0 ¾” 35 – 70 - 100 95 – 100 -
12.5 ½” - 10 – 30 90 – 100 - 25 – 60
9.5 3/8” 10 – 30 - 40 – 70 20 – 55 -
4.75 No.4 0-5 0-5 0 – 15* 0 – 10* 0 – 10*
* The measured cement content shall be within plus (+) or minus (-) 2 mass
percent of the design cement content.
405.2.4 Water
It shall conform to the requirements of Item 710, Reinforcing Steel and Wire
405.2.6 Admixtures
As work progresses, at least one (1) sample consisting of three (3) concrete
cylinder test specimens, 150 x 300mm (6 x 12 inches), shall be taken from each
seventy five (75) cubic meters of each class of concrete or fraction thereof placed
each day.
* The measured cement content shall be within plus or minus 2 mass percent
of the design cement content.
** Based on 40 kg/bag
405.4.2 Consistency
Concrete shall have a consistency such that it will be workable in the required
position. It shall be of such a consistency that it will flow around reinforcing steel but
individual particles of the coarse aggregate when isolated shall show a coating of
mortar containing its proportionate amount of sand. The consistency of concrete
shall be gauged by the ability of the equipment to properly place it and not by the
difficulty in mixing and transporting. The quantity of mixing water shall be
determined by the Engineer and shall not be varied without his consent. Concrete
as dry as it is practical to place with the equipment specified shall be used.
405.4.3 Batching
1. Portland Cement
2. Water
3. Aggregates
The batching plant shall include separate bins for bulk cement, fine
aggregate and for each size of coarse aggregate, a weighing hopper, and
scales capable of determining accurately the mass of each component of
the batch.
5. Batching
6. Admixtures
Technical Specifications
For batch mixing at the site of construction or at a central point, a batch mixer
of an approved type shall be used. Mixer having a rated capacity of less than a one-
bag batch shall not be used. The volume of concrete mixed per batch shall not
exceed the mixer’s nominal capacity as shown on the manufacturer’s standard rating
plate on the mixer except that an overload up to 10 percent above the mixer’s
nominal capacity may be permitted, provided concrete test data for strength,
segregation, and uniform consistency are satisfactory and provided no spillage of
concrete takes place. The batch shall be so charge into the drum that a portion of
the water shall enter in advance of the cement and aggregates. The flow of water
shall be uniform and all water shall be in the drum by the end of the first 15 seconds
of the mixing period. Mixing time shall be measured from the time all materials,
except water, are in the drum. Mixing time shall not be less than 60 seconds for
mixers having a capacity of 1.5m3 or less. For mixers having a capacity greater than
1.5m3, the mixing time shall not be less than 90 seconds. If timing starts, the instant
the skip reaches its maximum raised position, 4 seconds shall be added to the
specified mixing time. Mixing time ends when the discharge chute opens.
Technical Specifications
The timing device on stationary mixers shall be equipped with a bell or other
suitable warning device adjusted to give a clearly audible signal each time the lock is
released. In case of failure of the timing device, the Contractor will be permitted to
continue operations while it is being repaired, provided he furnishes an approved
timepiece equipped with minute and second hands. If the timing device is not placed
in good working order within 24 hours, further use of the mixer will be prohibited until
repairs are made.
When bulk cement is used and volume of the batch is 0.5m 3 or more,
the scale and weigh hopper for Portland Cement shall be separate and
distinct from the aggregate hopper or hoppers. The discharge mechanism
of the bulk cement weigh hopper shall be interlocked against opening
before the full amount of cement is in the hopper. The discharging
mechanism shall also be interlocked against opening when the amount of
cement in the hopper is underweight by more than one (1) mass percent
or overweight by more than 3 mass percent of the amount specified.
When the aggregate contains more water than the quantity necessary
to produce a saturated surface dry condition, representative samples shall
be taken and the moisture content determined for each kind of aggregate.
The batch shall be so charged into the mixer that some water will enter
in advance of cement and aggregate. All water shall be in the drum by the
end of the first quarter of the specified mixing time.
Cement shall be batched and charged into the mixer so that it will not
result in loss of cement due to the effect of wind, or in accumulation of
cement on surface of conveyors or hoppers, or in other conditions which
reduce or vary the required quantity of cement in the concrete mixture.
The entire content of a batch mixer shall be removed from the drum
before materials for a succeeding batch are placed therein. The materials
composing a batch except water shall be deposited simultaneously into
the mixer.
All concrete shall be mixed for a period of not less than 1-1/2 minutes
after all materials, including water, are in the mixer. During the period of
mixing, the mixer shall operate at the speed for which it has been
Technical Specifications
The first batch of concrete materials placed in the mixer shall contain a
sufficient excess of cement, sand, and water to coat inside of the drum
without reducing the required mortar content of the mix. When mixing is to
cease for a period of one hour or more, the mixer shall be thoroughly
The maximum size of batch in truck mixers shall not exceed the
minimum rated capacity of the mixer as stated by the manufacturer and
stamped in metal on the mixer. Truck mixing, shall, unless other-wise
directed be continued for not less than 100 revolutions after all ingredients,
including water, are in the drum. The mixing speed shall not be less than
4 rpm, nor more than 6 rpm.
Mixing shall begin within 30 minutes after the cement has been added
either to the water or aggregate, but when cement is charged into a mixer
drum containing water or surface wet aggregate and when the
temperature is above 32oC, this limit shall be reduced to 15 minutes. The
limitation in time between the introduction of the cement to the aggregate
and the beginning of the mixing may be waived when, in the judgement of
the Engineer, the aggregate is sufficiently free from moisture, so that there
will be no harmful effects on the cement.
When a truck mixer is used for transportation, the mixing time specified
in Subsection 405.4.4 (3) at a stationary mixer may be reduced to 30
seconds and the mixing completed in a truck mixer. The mixing time in the
truck mixer shall be as specified for truck mixing.
Technical Specifications
The quantity of structural concrete to be paid for will be the final quantity
placed and accepted in the completed structure. No deduction will be made for the
volume occupied by pipe less than 100mm (4 inches) in diameter or by reinforcing
steel, anchors, conduits, weep holes or expansion joint materials.
Payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing, placing and finishing
concrete including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete
the work prescribed in the item.
404.1 Description
This Item shall consist of furnishing, bending, fabricating and placing of steel
reinforcement of the type, size, shape and grade required in accordance with this
Specification and in conformity with the requirements shown on the Plans or as
directed by the Engineer.
Reinforcing steel shall meet the requirements of item 710, Reinforcing Steel
and Wire Rope.
Before materials are ordered, all order lists and bending diagrams shall be
furnished by the Contractor, for approval of the Engineer. The approval of order lists
and bending diagrams by the Engineer shall in no way relieve the Contractor of
responsibility for the correctness of such lists and diagrams. Any expense incident
to the revisions of materials furnished in accordance with such lists and diagrams to
make them comply with the Plans shall be borne by the Contractor.
Steel reinforcement shall be stored above the surface of the ground upon
platforms, skids, or other supports and shall be protected as far as practicable from
mechanical injury and surface deterioration caused by exposure to conditions
producing rust. When placed in the work, reinforcement shall be free from dirt,
detrimental rust, loose scale, paint, grease, oil, or other foreign materials.
Reinforcement shall be free from injurious defects such as cracks and laminations.
Rust, surface seams, surface irregularities or mill scale will not be cause for
rejection, provided the minimum dimensions, cross sectional area and tensile
properties of a hand wire brushed specimen meets the physical requirements for the
size and grade of steel specified.
404.3.3 Bending
All reinforcing bars requiring bending shall be cold-bent to the shapes shown
on the Plans or required by the Engineer. Bars shall be bent around a circular pin
having the following diameters (D) in relation to the diameter of the bar (d):
Bends and hooks in stirrups or ties may be bent to the diameter of the
principal bar enclosed therein.
All steel reinforcement shall be accurately placed in the position shown on the
Plans or required by the Engineer and firmly held there during the placing and setting
of the concrete. Bars shall be tied at all intersections except where spacing is less
than 300mm in each directions, in which case, alternate intersections shall be tied.
Ties shall be fastened on the inside.
Distance from the forms shall be maintained by means of stays, blocks, ties,
hangers, or other approved supports, so that it does not vary from the position
indicated on the Plans by more than 6mm. Blocks for holding reinforcement from
contact with the forms shall be precast mortar blocks of approved shapes and
dimensions. Layers of bars shall be separated by precast mortar blocks or by other
equally suitable devices. The use of pebbles, pieces of broken stone or brick, metal
pipe and wooden blocks shall not be permitted. Unless otherwise shown on the
Plans or required by the Engineer, the minimum distance between bars shall be
40mm. Reinforcement in any member shall be placed and then inspected and
approved by the Engineer before the placing of concrete begins. Concrete placed in
violation of this provision may be rejected and removal may be required. If fabric
reinforcement is shipped in rolls, it shall be straightened before being placed.
Bundled bars shall be tied together at not more than 1.8m intervals.
404.3.5 Splicing
All reinforcement shall be furnished in the full lengths indicated on the Plans.
Splicing of bars, except where shown on the Plans, will not be permitted without the
written approval of the Engineer. Splices shall be staggered as far as possible and
with a minimum separation of not less than 40 bar diameters. Not more than one-
third of the bars may be spliced in the same cross-section, except where shown on
the Plans.
In lapped splices, the bars shall be placed in contact and wired together.
Lapped splices will not be permitted at locations where the concrete section is
insufficient to provide minimum clear distance of one and one-third the maximum
size of coarse aggregate between the splice and the nearest adjacent bar. Welding
of reinforcing steel shall be done only if detailed on the Plans or if authorized by the
Engineer in writing. Spiral reinforcement shall be spliced by lapping at least one and
a half turns or by butt welding unless otherwise shown on the Plans.
Technical Specifications
Sheets of mesh or bar mat reinforcement shall overlap each other sufficiently
to maintain a uniform strength and shall be securely fastened at the ends and edges.
The overlap shall not be less than one mesh in width.
The quantity of reinforcing steel to be paid for will be the final quantity placed
and accepted in the completed structure.
No allowance will be made for tie-wires, separators, wire chairs and other
material used in fastening the reinforcing steel in place. If bars are substituted upon
the Contractor’s request and approved by the Engineer and as a result thereof more
steel is used than specified, only the mass specified shall be measured for payment.
When there is no item for reinforcing steel in the Bill of Quantities, costs will
be considered as incidental to the other items in the Bill of Quantities.