Concrete Work 1. Standard and Codes of Practice
Concrete Work 1. Standard and Codes of Practice
Concrete Work 1. Standard and Codes of Practice
Unless otherwise specifecied,all concrete work shall be executed in accordance with the
requirement and recommendations of British Standard ,Code of Practise together with all
amendments and addenda,and shall conform to the requirement of following British Stardard
or American Standards or equivalent Malaysia Standard that is current at the date of tender:
General material used shall be new,of the best quality and subject to the
approval of the architect /engineer before of materials shall be made
sufficiently in advance to enable test to made on the samples.all stardard
referred to shall be the latest issue,and it is responsibility of the contractor to
ensure that all materials satisfy the requirement of the appropriate standard
,unless specifically excluded or modified hereafter.
the cement used shall be Portland cement complying with BS:12 or Portland
blast furnace cement complying with BS:146 part 2 unless otherwise specified
The manufacturer’s test certificates will in general be accepted aas proof of
soundness, but the architect/engineer reserves the right to carry out independent tests
to rejects any cement which does not comply with the specifications. All such
rejected cement shall be removed from site, and replaced entirely at the contractor’s
own expense.the architect/engineer may,without test being made,order that any bag of
cement, a portion of the content of which has hardened,or which appears to be
defective in any way,be removed from the site.
Temperature of the cement not exceed 75 degree C at the time incorporations into a
concrete mix
A record of the amount of cement used each day in the constructions of works shall
be kept by the contractor.the contractor is to allow for inspection of the record by the
architect/engineer, and copies to be submitted to him upon request.
The use of cement other than Portland cement or Portland blast furnace cement,will
not be permitted in any part of the works withouts the approval of the
architect/engineer .if such approval is given,the extra cost which may be incurred by
using alternative shall be borne by the contractor ,unless the use of the alternative has
been specially instructed by the architect/engineer in writing.such alternative cment
shall be subjected to be the provisions of the relevant British stardard,and to the
provisions as stipulated above for the Portland cement and Portland blast furnace
The fine and coarse aggregates shall be naturally occurring sand and crushed
stone,and shall be obtained from a source known to produced aggregate suitable
for concreting . the aggregate shall comply with recommendations of BS:882 and
requirements of the revelents Malaysia standard.
For exposed or the presstressed concrete or concrete with sulphate resisting
cement ,aggregate with chloride salt shall not be used.
For the concrete,the total salt in shall not exceed 1.5% of the weight of cement.
For structural concrete grades the maximum size of fine aggragates shall be 7
mm maximum size of coarse aggragates shall be 20 mm
Aggragates shall be not contain any materials that deleteriously reactive with:
a. Alkalis in cement
b. Alkalis in the aggregates itself
c. Alkalis in th mixing water
d. Alkalis in water in contact with the finished concrete or mortar ,in amounts
sufficient to cause excessive localised or general expansion of the concrete or
Fine aggragates
Fine aggragate shall be natural sand as defined in (a) below or crushed stone
sand or crushed gravel sand as defined (b) below or mixed sand when it is the
product blending natural sand crushed stone or crushed gravel sand.
a. Natural sand:
Fine aggragates resulting from the natural disintegration of rock
b. Crushed stone sand or crushed gravel sand :
Find aggregates produced by crushing hard stone and gravel
Coarse Aggregates
The grading of the coarse aggregate shall be within the limits given in the
following table(part of table 1 of 882:1983)
type (a) and (b) coarse aggregates shall not be used in thin member and/or
where the reinforcement in congested .type(d) coarse aggregate shall be used
only when specifically required to be used
generals requirements
aggregates for concrete shall consist of the type of coarse aggregate to be
obtained with the type of fine aggregate or of all-in aggregates,all as defined
when an aggregate is to be supplied as a mixture of different size or type ,it shall
beproduced in such a way as to ensure thorough mixing of the yarious
compenenta materials and care shall be taken that the proportions are as
consistent as possible from consignment to consignment.
General requirement
The aggregate shall be hard ,durable and clean ,and shall not contain deterious materials in
such a form in sufficient quantity to affect adversely the strength at any age or the durability of
the concrete.Example of such materials are clay, particularly as an adherent coating flaking or
elongated particles, mica, shale and other laminated materials, coal and other organic
impurities, iron pyrites and soluble sulphate slats such as those of calcium magnesium and
Sample of the fine and coarse aggregate approved by the architect/engineer ,shall be kept on
site,and shall give a fair indication of the approved quality of the aggregates,for comparison
with aggregates delivered by during the course of the work . tests shall be carried out on
samples of the latter taken at intervels as required by the architect/engineer.the method od
sampling and amount of aggregate to be provided for the tests shall be those laid down in
relevant section BS:812.should a sample fail to comply with any of the test,the
architect/engineer may,at his own discretion,either reject the batch from which the sample was
the taken ,order it to be washed and/or screened,or permit such to be used with variationsin
proportions of th concrete mixes specified all at the Contractor’s expense,any batch of
aggregate rejected by the architect /engineer shall be removed from the site forthwith and
replaced entirely at the contractor’s expense.
All expense incurred for the testing og aggregates shall be borne by the contractor
Storage of aggregate
The fine and coarse aggregate shall be stored in properly constructed open bins with hard
,clean and adequately drained floor.Each size og aggregate shall be stored in a separate
bins are not provided,the different sizes of aggregate shall be separated by means to be
approved by the architect/engineer.
Al l water used in concrete work shall be from the public mains and shall be fresh,clean nad
free from all harmful matter in suspension or solution and in accordance with the standard
proposed tanks of sufficient size shall be maintained in the site to ensure an
abundant servise under pressure at all times.the use of sea water is prohibited
Suitable admixtures may be used in concrete mixes with the prior approval of the
architect/engineer. The type and source of admixture and the amount added and method of
used shall be to the approval of the architect/engineer,who shall be provided with the following
Air entraining admixtures shall be of such a type that air content can be maintained within the
limits specified irrespective of extension of extension of mixing time 30 minutes
Waterproofing Treatment to concrete
Unless specified otherwise on the drawing ,waterproofing treatment to concrete work shall be
with the addition of “Caltite” or other equal and approved integral waterproofer.the contractor
shall submit details of the proportions of waterproofing agent to be used and the warranty from
the manufacturer to the architect/engineer for his approval.the use of the waterproofing agent
admixture shall be in strict adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations.
The concrete mix shall be designed to have a target mean strength greater than the
specified characteristic strength ,by at least the current margin.the current margin
for each particular type of concrete shall be determined,or many be taken as1.64
timesthe standard deviation of cube test on at least 40 batches of concrete of
normally similar proportions of similar materials and produced over a period
exceeding 5 days but not exceeding 6 month by the same palnt under similar
supervision,but not less than 7.50N/mm
Evidence should be submitted to the architect /engineer foe each grade of concrete ,showing
that at the intended workability ,the proposed mix proportions and manufacturing method
will produce concrete of the required quality.
The following informations shall be provided before and designed mix is supplied to the
works.should there be any subsequent change in the sources of materials or any change in
cement content,the contractor shall submit to the architect /engineer the new data on the mix
Concrete shall not be placed in work until contractor has submitted to the architect/engineer
test results of the proposed design mix
Trial mixes
Result of all preliminary test shall be submitted as soon as available,and before any concrete
work start on site.
When trial mixes are required three separate bathes of concrete shall be prepared using
materials likely to be typical of the proposed supply.sampling and testings should be in
accordance with BS :1881.
The workability of each of the trial batches should be measured as specified in section 16(B)
and recorded. Nine cube shall be made from each batch ,three cube shall be tested in 7
days,,and three cubes at 28 days.the remaining three shall be tested as directed by the
architect/engineer.the trial mix proportions shall be approved if the test result by the
Trial mixes
If the trial mixes are required to demonstrate that the maximum free water/cement ratio
is nit exceeded ,two batches shall be made in a laboratory ,with cement and surface dry
aggregate known from the past records of the supplies of the be typical.the proposed
mix proportions shall not be accepted unless both batches have the correct cement content and
a free water/cement ratio below the maximum specified values,at the proposed degree of
workability ,for this purpose ,existing laboratory test reports my be accepted.instead of trial
mixes only ig the architect/engineer is satisfied that the materials to be used in structural
concrete are likely to be similar to those used the tests.
Adjustments of mix proportions
Thr architect/enginner may permit the use of ready mixed concrete from an approved
source ,provided that the contractor’s complies with the requirement for concrete mixes as
previously described. Such permission shall only be given as long as the architect/engineer is
satisfied that the concrete complies with soecifications and the recommendations of BS:5328
The architect/engineer may call for the test s to establish the cement content and water /cement
ratio of the ready mixed concrete delievered to site,in order to determine compliance with the
specifications,and the contractor is to allow for such tests.
The contractor is to maintain records of all supplies of ready mixed concrete placed on the
(1) Delivery notes giving details of materials used and mix proportions
(2) The time at which each batch of concrete was mixed and details of an y additives used
(3) Position in the works where concrete is placed.
The concrete is to be agitated continuosly by rotation of the mixer drum during transport the
site and while awaiting discharge
In the case of truck mixed concrete ,in water may be added either at the concrete supplier’s
plant ,or under the contractor’s supervision after arrival at site,but not during transit
The concrete is to be compacted in its final position in as short a time as possible after mixing.
For massive concrete pours,or id directly by the architect /enginner ,the contractor shall be
produce concrete of lower temperature at the time of palcing as required by the
architect/engineer,either by using ice chilled water or other approved means,in order to reduce
the effect of the heat of hydrations
(a) General
Before erecting formwork.the contractor shall submit details to the architect/engineer of
the system of formwork he proposed to use for main structural members.metal form or
other system of formwork as approved by architect/engineer shall be used for the
construction of all circular colums.
No metal part of any device used for maintaining formwork in the correct location/shall
remain permanently within the specified concrete cover to the reinforcement.
Where the support of formwork is provided by the permanent structure. The adequacy
of the structure for this temporary role shall be checked and approved by the
architect/engineer before work commences.
(a) General
The finish of all formed concrete surface shall be obtained by the use of properly
designed formwork of closely jointed sawm timber or other approved materials.small
blemishes caused by entrapped air or water may be excepted but the surface shall be free
from voids and honeycombing.
Approval for the size,type and position of any holes,insert or fixing required by
the thecontractor or any sub-contractor shall be ohbtained before work proceeds
Unless otherwise specified or approved.all holes shall be formed and all insert cast in at the
time of pouring .no part of the concrete works shall be subsequently drilled,chipped or cut
away ,without approval from the architect/engineer.
The internel faces of formwork shall be coated with an approved release agent.
Release agaent shall be materials marketed as such,and shall be of one of the following
Release agent shall be stored and used strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer printed instructions.
The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the realease agent is
chemically and physically compatible with the finishes to be applied later,where
there are no applied finishes,the contractor shall be responsible foe ensuring that
release agent will not stain the surface of the finished concrete.
Release agent shall be applied evently,and care shall be taken to ensure that the
release agents do not come into contact with the reinforcement
(d) Cambers
Where flying forms or similar type of form are used,they shall be designed
sufficiently rigid and stable to support the weight of concrete and construction loads and
mantain the finished work within the specified tolerences. The method of moving the flying
form from one floor to the next shall be carefully worked out to ensure the operation can be
carried out with full assurance of safety.flying form shall be cleaned of loose materials that
may fall on during transit, before it is brought out into the open.
Formwork (including support) shall be sufficiently rigid to maintain the form in correct
positions and to correct shape and profile so that the final concrete structure is within the
limit of dimensional tolerances and deviations specified.the support shall be designed to without
the worst combinations of self weight,formwork weight ,formwork forces,reinforcement
weight,wet concrete weight and construction loads,together with all incidental dynamic effect
caused by placing ,vibrating and compacting the concrete .
The formwork shall be so arranged as to be readily adismentled and removed without causing
damage to the see cast concrete.
Not less than two weeks before the start of any concrete pour requiring props,the
contractor shall submit to the Architect/Engineer, drawing indicating the props he
proposes to use ,a detailed programme of the fixing and striking sequences, and an
estimate of the loads to be carried by the props
All propping shall be done with steel props. The use of “bakau” props is not permitted.
Sawn timber props may be used only if specifically approved in writing by the
Architect/Engineer. If timber props are used, they shall be straight,clear of knots and
cracks,and shall not be spliced.
The contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all necessary temporary works,and
safety measures in accordance with the regulation and bye – laws of the government of
The contractor shall employ a professional Architect/Engineer who shall be fully responsible
for the design and supervision of all temporary works to ensure complete safety for both
temporary and permanent construction
(a) General
Construction joints are normally left to the contractor unless dictated by engineering
reason. Where construction joints are not shown on the drawings, but necessary for
constructions purposes, the contractor shall obtain approval from the
Architect/Engineer for their location before work commences. The contactor shall allow
in his rates for all construction joint required by him whether or not they are shown
on the drawing. At all construction joints, the surface against which new concrete is
cast shall be free from laitance and shall be roughened so that so that the larger
aggregate is exposed but not dislodged.
The contractor shall obtain approval from the Architect/Engineer for his proposals for
forming and preparing construction joint before commencing work.
Unless otherwise instructed, the construction joint shall be located such that:
(1) The effect of shrinkage of the concrete is minimum and within permissible
(2) The spacing of construction joints for structure other than watertight
construction,shall not exceed the following:
Maximun area within joints.............................200m
Maximum distance between joint......................20.00 m
(3) The spacing of construction joints for watertight construction shall not exceed the
following limits:
Slab......more than 10.00 m in any direction
Walls ......maximum distance between joints 5.00 m
Where the position of construction jointed desired by the contractor will results in
alterations to the design, the contractor shall be responsible for providing
complete revised details for approval by the Architect/Engineer prior to
commencing work.
(4) Adjacent bays of slabs and wall shall not be cast within 7 calendar days apart.
(d) Kickers
Kicker shall be cast and compacted in accordance with specification, using concrete of
the same grade as the adjacent concrete.
(e) Movement joints
Movement joints shall be left unconcreted until all expected movement of the structure
has occurred,or as otherwise directed by the Architect/ Engineer.
Before any formwork is removed, the contractor shall ensure that the concrete has
attained sufficient strength and that structure will be stable and not adversely affected
when formwork is struck.
The responsibility for the safe removal of any part of the formwork or props rests
entirely with the contractor
Minimum Forming Period
Location period
Beam sides,walls and colums 3 day
Slab soffit(formwork props left –in-place) 7 days
Formwork props to slabs 14 days
Beam soffit 8 days
Formwork props to beams 15 days
Earlier striking of forms(but not props) may be approved, if the Contractor can show
that this will not cause damage to the concrete of the structure. The contractor shall
make good any such damage at his expense should it occur.
The making and testing of cubes to establishthe period before striking, shall be at the
contractor’s own expense. These cubes shall be stored any cured in a manner that
simulates the curing of the concrete used in Works.
Permissions to strike formwork on the basisi of the strength of specially cast cubes,
shall be withdrawn if the Architect/Engineer is not satisfied that the strength of the
cubes is representative of the strength of the cast concreta.
The vertical propping to all formwork shall be carried down sufficiently far in the
structure to provide the necessary support, without damage or overstress or
displacement of any part of construction. As a minimum, the floor being constructed
shall be supported by 3 previously constructed levels.
All formwork to soffits shall be constructed such that formwork can be removed without
disturbing the structural props
(a) Materials
The types of reinforcement bars will be indentified on the Drawaing as a prefix to the bar
The sources of supply for all materials shall be approved by the architect/engineer before
these material are deliverd to the site
Reinforcement shall be stored clear of working areas and supported above the surface of the
ground , and shall be protected from damage and from deterioration due to exposure.
Reinforcement hooks and bends shall comply with the requirement of BS:4466. The contractor
shall prepare bar bending schedules, copies of which will be made available to the quantity
Surveyors for his assistance during re-measurement of reinforcement.
The contractors shall supply the architect/engineer with a test certificates from the steel
manufacturer showing compliance with specified requirement . one tension tes shall be made
for each lot of 50 tonnes supplied for the work, or as frequently as required by the architect
/engineer. All test shall be carried out at contractor ‘s own expense.
Reinforcement details are provided in the drawing. The contractor shall determine from
these drawings the required dimensions of the bars, and shall cut and bend the
reinforcement in accordance with BS: 4466 to meet the requirement of cover, lap
length,etc., as indicated on the drawing
Reinforcement shall not be re-bent unless approved by the architect/engineer. Any bar
that shown signs of fracture shall be replaced. Any estimated remedial work that is
consequential to bar damage and considered necessary by the architect/engineer entirely
shall be carried out at the contractor’s expense
All reinforcement shall be accurately placed with correct cover and securely fixed in the
position shown on drawing , by an approved method. Typing wire, etc. Shall be fixed such that
it does not encroach into the concrete over.
Where spacers are used to maintain the concrete cover to the reinforcement ,these may be of
either concrete or plastic , unless otherwise specified . plastic spacers shall be of approved
design, and are not to be used to support heavy loads.
The contractor shall supply and fix all chairs required to maintain the reinforcement in the
correct positions
The contractor shall be obtain approval for the size and spacing of chairs, if not detailed.
Spacer blocks shall be made of cement, sand and fine aggregate, and shall match the
proportions of the surrounding concrete, being similar in strength, durability and appearance
Concrete surfaces which will be exposed to view in the finished works, shall be protected from
staining due to rusting of projecting reinforcement, by coating the reinforcement with cment
grout or by other approved means.
(f) Splicing
Laps and joints including lapping bars, sleeving, threading, and other mechanical
connections shall be made strictly in accordance with the method specified and at the
positions shown on the drawings or as otherwise approved by the Architect/Engineer.
Welding shall be carried out in accordance with BS:5135 and BS : 638. Butt welds shall
be of the double V type and two butt weld bots test shall be carried out on a specimen
prepared to represent each from of butt welded joint used in welding the reinforcement
and for each position of welding. The method of making butt weld tests shall be that laid
down in BS: 709.the specimen shall past the test to the satisfaction of the
architect/engineer before approval is accorded to use the joint which the specimen
No claims for extra costs or extension of the time will be authorised because of delay due
to failure to give notification or make allowance, as described above. The inspection or
approval by the Architect /Engineer shall not relieve the contractor of his
responsibility for the proper execution of the work.
Immediately before the concrete is placed in any section of the formwork, the interior of
that section shall be completely cleared of all extraneous materials, including water, by
means of compressed air or other approved methods.
All reinforcement shall be free mud, paints, oils, retarders, rust, loose mill scale,grease
or any other substance which may adversely affect the steel or concrete chemically, or
reduce the bond . the Architect/engineer may instruct the contractor to clean off
thoroughly any such substance by wire brushing or other method and the
contractor shall allow in his rates for any such cleaning.
(b) Mixing
The volume of mixed materials in each batch shall comply with the mixer
manufacturer’s written recommendations
The quantity of cement , fine aggregate and the various sizes of coarse aggregate, shall
be measured by weight
A separate weighing device shall be provided for weighing the cement. Alternatively,
the cement may be measured by using a whole number of bags in each batch
Solid admixtures shall be measured by weight, while liquid or paste admixtures may be
measured by weight or volume.
The batch weight of aggregate shall be adjusted to allow for a moisture content typical
of aggregate being used.
(c) Mixing
The accuracy of all measuring equipment , over the entire range of the scale, shall be
checked when set up at each site, and thereafter at least once per month. The accurary
of each scale shall be checked and adjusted daily to read zero when not loaded.
Checking shall be done using proper certified weight.
The mixer shall comply with the requirement of BS: 1305 or BS: 4251,where applicable.
Mixing time shall be not less than that used by the manufacturer in assessing mixer
The water content of each batch of concrete shall be adjusted to produce a concrete that
has the workability of the trial mixes.
Concrete shall be transported and placed by approved methods that ensure segregation
or loss of material will not occur. Concrete drop during pouring shall not exceed 2.50 m,
the contractor shall pour concrete through enclosed chutes or access hatches, details of
which shall be approved by the Architect/Engineer.
Concrete shall be transported as quickly as possible from mixer to its final position, and
in no case shall the time interval between the addition of water and placing exceed 30
minutes. Where retarders are used, such interval Concrete shall be transported as
quickly as possible from mixer to its final position, and in no case shall the time interval
between the addition of water and placing exceed 30 minutes. Where retarders are used,
such interval may be extended subject to the approval of Architect/Engineer.
All placing and compacting shall be carried out by experienced workman and under the
direct supervision of a competent staff.
Gangways for concrete transporter and foot traffic,shall not be permitted to bear on the
fixed reinforcement. They shall be supported on chairs or stools designed for the
purposes, clear of reinforcement.
Concrete shall remain in sufficiently plastic condition for adequate compaction when
Concrete shall be placed as near as possible to its final position, and shall be placed
square against the forms. Concrete shall be moved into by means of vibrations.
The Contractor shall submit detail of the type, size and number of vibrations to be used
in the works. Whenever concrete is being vibrated, at least one spare vibrator in
serviceable condition of each type in use, shall be available in case of breakdowns.
Compaction shall commence as soon as there is sufficient concrete within the formwork
to immerse the vibrator. Vibration shall continue during the placing operation so that at
no time shall there be a large volume of uncompacted concrete in the formwork
The concrete shall be thoroughly worked into all parts of the formwork and between
and around the steel reinforcement. It shall be compacted to give a dense and compact
concrete,free from voids of any kind. Steel reinforcement shall be prevented from being
displaced or deformed during concreting
The contractor shall provide sufficient vibrators, based on the assumption that one
vibrator can compact 5-8 m of concrete per hour,unless instructed
Records of Placing
The contractor shall be submit weekly, a complete record of the concrete works
completed during the week including details to the and date of each pour.
All concrete shall be cured by a material such as polythene sheet on curing compound or
absorbent material kept constantly damp by frequent watering or by any method as
approved by the Architect/Engineer.
Where the use of a liquid curing membrane has been approved, the concrete shall be
cured by the application of the approved liquid membrane in accordance with the
manufacturer’s written instructions.
The contractor shall use a curing method which also shields the concrete ,and his shall
be placed in position on later than half an hour after final tamping. If the surface
exhibits cracking while the concrete is still plastic, it shall be retamped to close the
Any formwork made of metal. Concrete or other material of high thermal capacity,
shall be cooled with water before it comes in contact with poured concrete.
The surface of concrete shall be adequately cured for a minimum period of 7 days
Unless otherwise directed, no treatment of any kind, other that required for curing the
concrete, shall be applied the concrete after removal of the forms, until the concrete has
been inspected by the Architect/Engineer.
The contractor’s methods of making good any defect are to be subjected to the
approval of the Architect/Engineer in each case, and the remedial measures shall be
carried out immediately after the inspection by the Architect/Engineer or when
directed by the Architect/Engineer. Making good will only be permitted on the basis
that, if the results are not satisfactory, demolition may be required.
Concrete may be pumped subject to the approval of the Architect/Engineer. All pumping
machinery shall be of an approved type. Complete standby equipment shall be provided in
order to maintain a continuous concrete supply in the event of a breakdown. All machinery
and pipes shall be kept clean and shall be thoroughly washed out when placing a continuous
‘wet edge’ is maintained. Aluminium pipes are not permitted.
The concrete shall be uniformly levelled and tamped. When hardened sufficiently the surface
shall be wood floated by hand to produce a uniform.
Alternatively , where required , the surface shall be steel-floated by hand or machine to produce
a dense, smooth, uniform surface free from towel marks.
After being placed in position, all fresh concrete shall be protected from rain, sun and drying
wind, and shall not be subjected to any vibrational disturbance other than that arising from
Surfaces which are exposed to view in the finished works, shall be protected from spillage
strains and other damage.
Concrete placed below ground level shall be protected from falling earth and vegetation, and
the excavated ground shall be kept free of any water by pumping or other means of drainage.
Approved means shall also be taken to protect immature concrete from damage by
debris,excessive loading, moving vehicles, mixing with earth or other materials, flotation and
other influences that would impair the strength the durability of the concrete with ground and
with water draining therefrom, during placing and for a period of 3 days or as otherwise
instructed thereafter.
(a) General
All test and checks on site shall be carried out in the presence of, or as directed by the
The contractor shall be responsible for carrying out all test required by this specification,
or called for by the Architect/Engineer and shall arrange for copies of test results to be
supplied direct to the Architect/Engineer, immediately they are available .
For all cement and reinforcement delivered to the site, the contractor shall obtain ,and keep
on the site, a copy of the manufacturer’s certificate of tests , carried out the frequency and
using the methods specified in the relevant British standard certificates. For reinforcement
this shall include the rebend tests and shall be accompanied by details of manufacturer’s
identification mark rolled into each brand of bar supplied.
The contractor will not be reimbursed for any special test called for by the
Architect/Engineer in consequence of any failure by the contractor to comply with this
Before concreting commences, the contractor shall establish on the site a laboratory
,manned by suitably qualified staff, for carrying out test required by this specification
Unless otherwise directed, the contractor shall maintain on the site the following apparatus,
which shall be kept in good condition throughout the contract, and shall remain the
property of the contractor:
Apparatus for carrying out the tests described in clause 11 and 14 of BS : 812
Syphon can, gammon, morgan or speedy apparatus for measuring the moisture content
of aggregates or other approved method
Apparatus for assessing workability in accordance with clause 2 of BS:1881:part 2
Apparatus for making and curing the concrete test cubes required by this specifications,
all in accordance with BS: 1881, except that the cubes shall be stored in a tank
containing water at ambient temperature and the protected from the sun. The test
cubes shall be weight and tested by the testing Authority in accordance with BS:1881
In case of ready mixed concrete, the apparatus described in above may be maintained at the
depot of the ready mixed concrete supplier.
(a) All sampling and testing of aggregates shall be carried out in accordance with BS: 812
(b) Pleliminary test
As soon as source of supply of aggregate have been approved, the contractor shall
instruct the testing authority to carry out the following test.
I. Sieve analysis
II. Test for clay,salt and dust content
III. Test for arganic inpurities
IV. Test for salt content
The results of these tests shall be submitted for approval as soon as available
The contractor shall carry out such test on the aggregates as are necessary for the
production of the specified concrete. The grading of each size of aggregate from each
source shall be determined at least once weekly
Test for soluble salt content shall be made on hardened concrete specimens or samples
of aggregates if so desired. The means of carrying out the tests shall be subjected to
approval of the Architect/Engineer.
(a) General
The sampling of works concrete shall be generally be at the average rate of one sample for
every 20 m concrete placed. For critical elements, the average rate may be increased to one
sample for every 10 m of concrete placed. If, for any reason ,the Architect/Engineer is not
satisfied with the work concrete.he may instruct the contractor to further increase the rate of
(a) General
At least one sample shall be taken on each day on which concrete of the grade is used.
(b) Workability
The required workability for any part of the work shall be determined by the
contractor, subject to agreement by the architect/engineer. The mix design shall be
ensure that this workability is obtained.
The workability shall be checked by means of the slump test and the slump shall be
within 25 mm of the required value. If the slump is not within these limits. Or if the
slump test show likelihood of segregation, the architect/engineer may reject the mix.
As an alternative , flow test to BS: 1881: part 105 or other means of assessing
workability may be considered subject to approval by the architect/engineer.
At the commencement of the construction works, a sample of the concrete shall be taken
on each of the first 5 days and work cubes shall be made. For reinforced concrete 6
cubes shall be made from each samples of concrete taken. 2 cubes for test at 3 days, 2
cubes at 7 days and 2 cubes at 28 days. For prestressed concrete work 2 cubes each
during the period 3 and 9 days to determine the attainment of the minimum transfer
stress for prestressing work proceed. The concrete shall be accepted as complying with
the specied characterist requirement if thr result meet both the following:
Each individual test result is grater than 95% of the specified characteristic
The average 28 days strength determined from any group of 4 consecutive test
cubes exceed the specified characteristic strength .
2) Asf
4) fas
8) aasfsdfsag1
I. 1afCVCaCO
III. 1Da1q1da