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T Proc Notices Notices 040 K Notice Doc 35762 449071606

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For the purposes of this worksection the definitions given below apply.
- Absolute level tolerance: Maximum deviation from design levels.
- Relative level tolerance: Maximum deviation from a 3 m straight edge laid on the surface.

Give sufficient notice so that inspection may be made of the following:
- Concrete formwork, reinforcement and dowels in position.
- Commencement of concrete placing.

Products – proposals
Curing compounds: If it is proposed to use a liquid membrane-forming curing compound submit
certified test results for water retention.
Curing by the covering sheet method: Submit details of the proposed covering material.
Repair materials: Submit proposals for epoxy resin/grout and elastomeric sealant.

Perform tests of the type and frequency necessary to adequately control the materials and processes
used in the construction of the works and in conformance with the Pavement tests table.
Compliance assessment tests
Timing: Obtain materials samples at the time of delivery to the site.
Location: Sample from selected sample sites within designated uniform test lots, consisting of an area
placed, or compacted or both in one day. Test lots must be uniform in terms of material properties and
Specimen type: A set of compression test specimens shall consist of four 200 x 200 x 200 mm cubes,
each cube being one specimen.
The specimens within each set shall be tested at the following ages in conformance with the
Pavement tests table.
- One at 7 days for information.
- Two at 28 days. The 28 day strength shall be taken as the average of the two specimens. If one
specimen in this test shows evidence of improper sampling, molding or testing, it shall be discarded.
The remaining specimen shall be considered the test result. Should both specimens show the
specified defects, the entire test shall be discarded.
- The fourth shall be retained as a spare to be tested as required.
Discharge slump tests
Carry out slump tests at approximately one quarter and three quarter points of the load during
Working slump: 100mm
Maximum slump: 125 mm. Note concrete with slump greater than this value will be rejected and
removed from the site at the contractors cost.
Flexural strength assessment of concrete
Acceptance criterion: The average strength of any set of 3 consecutive project samples must not
exceed the specified maximum value.

Pavement Tests Table

Samples ASTM C172
Curing ASTM C31
Testing ASTM C39
Slump Determination ASTM C143
Air Content ASTM C231 or C173


All reinforcing shall be supported and wired together to prevent displacement by construction loads, or
the placing of concrete, beyond the tolerances specified in ACI 301. Any tack or spot welding of
reinforcement shall not be performed without approval from the Employers Representative.
Reinforcement shall be free of loose rust and of any other coating which may adversely affect the
Splices in bar reinforcement shall be located and lapped as shown on the design drawings. Bars in
lapped splices shall be in contact unless otherwise shown on the design drawings. Additional splices,
if required, shall be made only at locations, and in a manner approved by the Employers
Representative. Welded splices shall not be used. All lap splices in bar reinforcement shall be fully in
compliance with ACI 318-02.
Welded wire fabric used in concrete paving shall have lapped splices made so that the overlap
between the outermost cross wires of each fabric sheet is at least 50 mm.
Unless specifically indicated on the design drawings, splicing by means of proprietary mechanical
splices shall not be used.
Concrete spacers, metal or plastic bar spacers i.e. chairs, shall be used for obtaining proper spacing
of reinforcement from the bottom and sides of formwork.
Provide each dowel in one piece, straight, cut accurately to length with ends square and free from
burrs. Fix in locations as shown on the design drawings.
Aggregate size:
- For fixed form placement: < 40 mm.
- For slip form placement: To be a size compatible with the paving machine.
Washing: Wash aggregate as necessary or as directed to remove significant dust or achieve
requirements for soluble salt content or concrete drying shrinkage.

Aggregate Sieve Table

Sive size Percent by weight passing
mm in
Coarse Sieves
25 1 90-100
19 3/4 40-85
12.5 1/2 10-40
9.5 3/8 0-15
Fine Sieves
4.75 No. 4 95-100


2.36 No. 8 80-100

1.18 No. 16 50-85
600 μm No. 30 25-60
300 μm No. 50 5-30
150 μm No. 100 0-10

Cement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM specification C-150 Type 1 or similar approved
standard for normal Portland cement.
Cement shall be free from any hardened lumps and foreign matter. It shall have a minimum of 90% of
particles by weight passing the 75-micron sieve, an initial setting time in excess of 30 minutes and a
final setting time of less than 7 hours.
Cement shall be stored in a waterproof shaded area. The cement stacks shall be placed at a minimum
distance of 300mm from the walls. The damp proof floor shall be constructed by raising it minimum
300mm above the ground.
Curing products
Curing compounds: Obtain approval from the Employers Representative for all curing compounds
prior to use.
Covering sheet materials: To be opaque polyethylene film, or burlap-polyethylene sheet, or equivalent
Ready-mixed concrete shall comply with M-150 (1:2:4) for non-reinforced mass concrete and M-200
(1:1.5:3) for reinforced concrete and the requirements of these standards.
On site batch mixed concrete shall have characteristics and proportions of concrete ingredients which
conform to those specified in M-150 (1:2:4) and M-200 (1:1.5:3).
Admixtures: Introduce in solution in a portion of the mixing water. Ensure a uniform distribution of the
admixture in the batch within the mixing period.
Mixing time: Measure the mixing time after solid materials are in the mixer, provided that mixing water
is introduced before a quarter of the mixing time has elapsed. Increase mixing time if necessary to
obtain the required uniformity and consistence of concrete. Do not overmix such that additions of
water are needed.
Transport: Transport and discharge the concrete without segregation.
Elapsed delivery time: Discharge truck mixed concrete within a time (t hours) determined as follows,
where T is the temperature of the concrete in degrees Celsius:
t = 2 - 0.05T.


Place at a rate of at least 25 linear metres of pavement per hour.
Edges abutting gutters: Within  5 mm of the level of the actual gutter edge.
Rigid pavement surface:
- Absolute tolerance: ± 10 mm.
- Relative tolerance: 5 mm.
Concrete surface course: + unspecified, - 5 mm.
Joint locations (rigid pavement): 15 mm.
Cold weather
Subbase: Ensure that the subbase surface is free of frost.
Cold weather concreting shall be in accordance with the following:

a. The guidelines of ACI 306R shall be followed when the Forecasted Mean Daily Temperature drops
below 4°C for three consecutive days. The minimum concrete temperature when delivered at the site
shall be in accordance with the Minimum cold weather temperature table.
b. If water or aggregate is heated above 38°C, the water shall be combined with the aggregate in the
mixer before cement is added. Cement shall not be mixed with water or with mixtures of water and
aggregate having a temperature greater than 38°C.
c. Concrete shall only be poured when the ambient temperature is rising.
d. All concrete shall be insulated from freezing for the greater of following:
1. 3 days
2. Until the concrete reaches an in-place compressive strength of 35 kg/cm 2,
e. All materials shall be free from frost.
f. Accelerating admixtures shall not be used without approval from the Employers Representative.
Maintain the concrete at a temperature of at least 10C for at least 24 hours after placing.
General: Do not add calcium chloride, salts, chemicals or other material to the mix to lower the
freezing point of the concrete.

Minimum Cold Weather Temperature Table


For Sections With Smallest For Sections With Smallest
Dimension Less Than 300 Dimension 300 mm Or
mm Greater
-1 to 4 16 13

-18 to -1 18 16

Below -18 21 18

Hot weather
Avoid premature stiffening of the mix and reduce water absorption and evaporation losses. If the
temperature of the surrounding air is higher than 32C:
- Mix, transport, place and compact the concrete as rapidly as possible, and cover with an impervious
membrane or hessian kept wet until moist curing begins.
- Hold the concrete to a temperature  32C when placed.
Hot weather concreting shall be in accordance with the following:
a. Concrete temperatures shall be kept within desirable limits using methods recommended in ACI
b. For mass concrete, i.e., concrete sections having a minimum dimension of 750mm or greater, the
maximum acceptable concrete temperature is 21°C at time of discharge.
c. For other concrete structures, the maximum acceptable concrete temperature is 32°C at time of
d. If ice is used as part of the mixing water, mixing should be continued until the ice is completely
e. Retempering shall not increase the water content above that in the mix design.
Placing in fixed forms
Place concrete uniformly over the width of the slab or lane and so that the face is generally vertical
and normal to the direction of placing. Hand spread concrete using shovels, not rakes.


Compact concrete using internal mechanical vibration of sufficient amplitude to produce noticeable
vibrations at 300 mm radius. Insert vibrators into the concrete to the depth which will provide the best
compaction, but not deeper than 50 mm above the surface of the subbase, and for a duration
sufficient to produce satisfactory compaction, but not longer than 30 seconds in any one location.
Slip form placing
Spreading: Place the plastic concrete in a uniform layer over the width of the slab being placed. Do
not damage the existing surface and edge of previously constructed concrete.
Vibration: Use suitable internal vibrators or surface type equipment with vibrating beam or beams of
adequate power to fully compact the whole depth of the concrete.
Slab edges: Use supplementary immersion type vibrators next to slab edges if necessary to ensure
that the sides of slabs present a uniform dense appearance free from honeycombing or areas
deficient in fines over at least 95% of the surface.
Immediately after placement and spreading and compaction of the plastic concrete, start finishing
operations to achieve finish shown on the drawings.
Protect fresh concrete from premature drying and from excessively hot or cold temperatures. Maintain
the concrete at a reasonably constant temperature with minimum moisture loss for the curing period.
- Temperature: Maintain the concrete at a temperature > 5C for at least 7 days.
Curing compound method: Spray the entire surface including edges using a mechanical sprayer, at a
uniform application rate of at least 0.35 L/m2. Respray defective areas within 30 minutes. Respray
within 3 hours after heavy rain. Apply as a continuous coating without visible breaks or pinholes.
Covering sheet method: Immediately after finishing operations cover concrete using damp hessian or
cotton mats overlapped at least 150 mm and anchored against displacement by wind or other
interference. Keep the mats continuously damp until covered by the covering sheet material. Repair
tears and the like immediately.
- Joint sawing: Sheet materials may be removed for the minimum distance and period to permit joint
sawing, provided the concrete is kept moist by other means.
Moist curing method: Immediately after finishing operations keep the concrete surface continuously
damp by spraying constantly with water, fog, or mist, using suitable spraying equipment.
Minimum curing time: 7 days.

Construct expansion, contraction and construction joints straight and plumb. Make transverse joints
normal to longitudinal joints. Extend transverse expansion and contraction joints continuously from
edge to edge of the pavement through interconnected slabs.
Transverse construction joints: To be as follows:
- Planned location: Terminate each day’s placing operation at a transverse construction joint located
to coincide with a planned contraction or expansion joint.
- Unplanned joints: If placement is interrupted for 30 minutes or longer, form a tied transverse
construction joint within the middle third of the distance between planned joints but no closer than
1.5 m to the nearest planned joint. If necessary remove placed concrete back to the required
Expansion joints: Provide formed full depth joints around structures and features which project
through, into or against the pavement, and elsewhere as required.

Keep traffic, including construction plant, off the pavement entirely during curing, and thereafter permit
access only to necessary constructional plant vehicles until the pavement is at least 14 days old.
Traffic on pavement
General: Give notice before opening the pavement to traffic before the work is completed. Provide
adequate means of protection.


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