P-304 Cement Treated Base Course
P-304 Cement Treated Base Course
P-304 Cement Treated Base Course
304-1.1 This item shall consist of a cement-treated base (CTB) course composed of mineral aggregate and
cement, uniformly blended and mixed with water. The mixed material shall be spread and shaped with a
mechanical spreader, and compacted with rollers in accordance with these specifications and in
conformance to the lines, grades, dimensions, and cross-sections shown on the plans.
304-2.1 Aggregate. The aggregate shall be select granular materials, comprised of crushed or uncrushed
gravel and/or stone, or recycled crushed and graded portland cement concrete (PCC). The material shall
be free of roots, sod, and weeds. The crushed or uncrushed aggregate shall consist of hard, durable
particles of accepted quality, free from an excess of soft, flat, elongated, or disintegrated pieces, and
objectionable matter. The method used to produce the aggregate shall ensure the finished product is as
consistent as practicable. All inferior quality stones and rocks shall be wasted. If recycled PCC is used as
the aggregate, it must meet the requirements for virgin aggregate.
The percentage of wear of the crushed aggregate retained on the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve shall not be
greater than 40% when tested in accordance with ASTM C131. The sodium sulfate soundness loss shall
not exceed 10%, or the magnesium sulfate soundness loss shall not exceed 15%, after five cycles, when
tested in accordance with ASTM C88.
When tested in accordance with ASTM C136, the aggregate shall conform to the gradation(s) shown in
the table below (titled Aggregate Gradation for CTB Material). An aggregate blend that meets the
requirements of the table shall be selected by the Contractor and used in the final mix design. The final
aggregate blend shall be well graded from coarse to fine within the limits designated in the table and shall
not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on adjacent sieves, or vice versa. The portion of
final aggregate blend passing the No. 40 (425 µm) sieve shall have a liquid limit of not more than 25 and
a plasticity index of not more than six (6) when tested in accordance with ASTM D4318.
Aggregate Gradation for CTB Material
The Engineer shall specify ASTM C150, [ Type I ] [ Type I or II ]
[ Type II, low alkali ] or ASTM C595 [ Type IP ] [ Type IPM ].
304-2.3 Cementitious additives. Pozzolanic and slag cement may be added to the CTB mix. If used,
each material must meet the following requirements:
a. Pozzolan. Pozzolanic materials must meet the requirements of ASTM C618, Class F, or N with the
exception of loss of ignition, where the maximum shall be less than 6%. [ The supplementary
optional physical requirements of Table 3 contained in ASTM C618 shall
apply. ]
b. Slag Cement. Slag shall conform to ASTM C989, Grade 80, 100, or 120.
304-2.4 Water. Water used in mixing or curing shall be potable, clean and free of oil, salt, acid, alkali,
sugar, vegetable, or other deleterious substances injurious to the finished product.
304-2.5 Curing materials. [ For curing CTB placed under PCC pavement, use
white-pigmented, liquid membrane-forming compound conforming to ASTM
C309, Type 2, Class A or Class B (wax-based). ]
[ For curing CTB placed under HMA pavement, use emulsified asphalt
conforming to [ ].
304-2.6 Sand blotter. Sand shall be applied, when required, to prevent
tracking of the emulsion curing materials. The sand material shall be
clean, dry, and non-plastic. ]
The Engineer shall specify the type and grade of material to be used and the
corresponding application temperature from the table below.
Emulsified Asphalt Curing Material
Emulsified Asphalt
RS-1, SS-1 ASTM D977 75 – 130°F 25 - 55°C
CRS-1 ASTM D2397 75 - 130°F 25 - 55°C
In areas subject to considerable wet-dry and/or freeze-thaw cycles, insert the
following statement:
“Wet-dry and/or freeze-thaw tests shall be performed in accordance with AASHTO
T135 and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) T136 respectively. The weight loss for each type of test shall not exceed
14% after 12 cycles.”
An estimated cement content may be determined from Table 1, Chapter 2, of the
Soil-Cement Laboratory Handbook, published by the Portland Cement Association
(PCA). In designing the mixture, cement contents above and below the initial
estimated amount should be tested to determine the minimum quantity of cement
needed to achieve the required strength (or strength and durability where freeze-
thaw resistance is deemed necessary by the Engineer.
The mix design shall include a complete list of materials, including type, brand, source, and amount of
cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water, and cementitious additives.
Should a change be made in aggregate sources or type of cement, or if cementitious additives are added or
deleted from the mix, production of the CTB mix shall be stopped and a new mix design shall be
304-3.3 Submittals. At least 30 days prior to the placement of the CTB, the Contractor shall submit
certified test reports to the Engineer for those materials proposed for use during construction, as well as
the mix design information for the CTB material. Tests older than six (6) months shall not be used. The
certification shall show the ASTM or AASHTO specifications or tests for the material, the name of the
company performing the tests, the date of the tests, the test results, and a statement that the material did or
did not comply with the applicable specifications. The submittal package shall include the following:
a. Source(s) of materials, including aggregate, cement, cementitious additives, curing, and bond-
breaking materials.
b. Physical properties of the aggregates, cement, cementitious additives, curing, and bond-breaking
c. Mix design:
Mix identification number
Aggregate gradation
Cement content
Water content
A test section is not required on jobs less than 3,000 tons.
All equipment necessary to mix, transport, place, compact, and finish the CTB material shall be furnished
by the Contractor. The equipment shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer at the job site prior to
the start of construction operations.
304-4.1 Mixing. The mixer shall be a batch or continuous-flow type stationary mixer. The mixer shall be
equipped with calibrated metering and feeding devices that introduce the aggregate, cement, water, and
cementitious additives (if used) into the mixer in the specified quantities. If necessary, a screening device
shall be used to remove oversized material greater than 2 inches (50 mm) from the raw aggregate feed
prior to mixing.
The Engineer shall have free access to the plant at all times for inspection of the plant’s equipment and
operation and for sampling the CTB mixture and its components.
304-4.2 Hauling. The mixed CTB material shall be transported from the plant to the job site in trucks or
other hauling equipment having beds that are smooth, clean, and tight. Truck bed covers shall be provided
and used to protect the CTB from rain. CTB material that becomes wet during transport shall be rejected.
304-4.3 Placing. CTB material shall be placed using a mechanical spreader or a machine capable of
receiving, spreading, and shaping the mixture without segregation into a uniform layer or lift. The
equipment shall be equipped with a strike-off plate capable of being adjusted to the specified layer
thickness. It shall also be equipped with two end gates or cut off plates, so that the CTB may be spread in
widths varying up to lane width.
304-4.4 Compaction. Compaction of the CTB layer shall be accomplished using one or a combination of
the following pieces of equipment: tamping or grid roller; steel-wheeled roller; vibratory roller;
pneumatic-tire roller, and/or vibrating plate compactor (for areas inaccessible to rollers). The number,
type, and weight of rollers and/or compactors shall be sufficient to compact the mixture to the required
304-4.5 Finishing. Final trimming of the compacted CTB to meet surface requirements shall be
accomplished using a self-propelled grader or trimming machine, with a mold board cutting edge, which
is at least 12 feet (3.7 m) wide and is automatically controlled by sensors in conjunction with an
independent grade control from a taut stringline. Stringline will be required on both sides of the sensor
304-5.1 Weather limitations.
304-5.1.1 Cold weather. Do not construct [ base ] [ subbase ] when weather conditions will
detrimentally affect quality of the finished course. Apply cement when the ambient temperature is a
minimum of 40°F (4C) and rising. Do not apply cement to aggregate materials that are frozen or contain
frost. If ambient temperature falls below 40°F (4C), protect completed cement-treated areas against
freezing. Reprocess, reshape, and recompact damaged material. The CTB shall not be placed on frozen
surfaces. Provide drainage to prevent water from collecting or standing on stabilized areas, and on the
pulverized, mixed, or partially mixed materials.
304-5.1.2 Rain. The CTB may not be placed when it is raining. If unexpected rain occurs during
placement, the layer should be quickly compacted. CTB material that becomes wet by rain during
transport or placement shall be evaluated by the Engineer, and may be rejected.
304-5.2 Preparation of underlying course. The underlying course shall be checked by the Engineer
before placing and spreading operations are started, to ensure that it is free of any ruts, depressions, or
bumps and is finished to the correct grade. Any ruts or soft yielding places shall be corrected before the
CTB mixture is placed. The underlying course shall be wetted in advance of placing the CTB layer. The
final prepared grade prior to placing the CTB should be in a firm and moist condition free of frost. Use of
chemicals to eliminate frost will not be permitted.
To ensure proper drainage, placement of the base shall begin along the centerline of the pavement on a
crowned section or on the highest elevation contour of a pavement with variable cross slope.
304-5.3 Grade control. Grade control between the edges of the CTB shall be accomplished at intervals of
50 feet (15 m) or less on the longitudinal grade and at 25 feet (7.5 m) or less on the transverse grade.
304-5.4 Handling, measuring, and batching. The continuous flow central plant site, layout, equipment,
and provisions for transporting material shall assure a continuous supply of material to the work.
Aggregate stockpiles shall be constructed in a manner that prevents segregation and intermixing of
deleterious materials. Aggregates that are segregated or mixed with earth or foreign material will not be
Continuous flow plants shall be equipped with feeders to automatically and accurately proportion
aggregates and bulk cement, by weight. When bulk cement is used, the Contractor shall use a suitable
method of handling the cement such as a chute, boot or other device, to prevent loss of cement between
the weigh hopper and mixer. The device shall provide positive assurance that the specified cement content
is present in each batch.
304-5.5 Mixing. Aggregate and cement may be proportioned either by weight or volume, and shall be
mixed sufficiently to prevent the forming of cement balls when water is added. The mixing time shall be
that required to secure a well-blended, uniform mixture of aggregate, cement, water, and pozzolan (if
used). The minimum mixing time will be based on the uniformity and consistency of the mixture.
304-5.6 Placing. The CTB mixture shall be deposited on the moistened subgrade or subbase and spread
into a uniform layer of specified width and thickness that, when compacted and trimmed, conforms to the
required line, grade, and cross-section. The Contractor may install the CTB layer in single or multiple
compacted lifts; however, each compacted lift must be no greater than 6 inches (150 mm) thick. In multi-
lift construction, the surface of the compacted lift shall be kept moist until covered with the next lift.
The curing seal shall be maintained and protected until the pavement is placed. If the surface of the
finished CTB and/or the curing seal becomes damaged, additional curing material shall be applied at the
time it is damaged or when the damage is first observed.
304-5.11 Protection. Completed portions of the cement-stabilized area may be opened to local traffic
provided the curing process is not impaired and to other traffic after the curing period has elapsed,
provided that the cement-stabilized course has hardened sufficiently to prevent surface marring or
distortion by equipment or traffic. Do not permit construction equipment on the area during protection
and curing periods. Necessary cement and water may be hauled over the area with pneumatic-tired
equipment on approval of the Engineer. Protect finished portions of cement stabilized base from traffic of
equipment used in constructing adjoining sections in a manner to prevent marring or damaging completed
work. The CTB shall also be protected from freezing at all times.
[ 304-5.12 Bond-breaker. When the CTB is to be placed directly beneath
PCC, the entire surface of the CTB shall be coated with a de-bonding
compound applied in a quality sufficient to prevent bonding of the PCC
pavement to the base course. If an impervious membrane or asphalt
emulsion is used as a curing material, additional applications of
curing materials may be required. The Contractor shall be responsible
for selecting the de-bonding compound and determining the necessary
application rate. The de-bonding compound shall be approved by the
Engineer prior to being incorporated into the work. ]
Delete paragraph 304-5.12 if the CTB will not be placed directly beneath PCC.
304-6.1 Acceptance sampling and testing. All acceptance sampling and testing, with the exception of
thickness determination, necessary to determine conformance with the requirements specified in this
section will be performed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide the required CTB samples during
construction for acceptance testing purposes. The samples shall be taken in the presence of the Engineer.
Testing organizations performing these tests shall meet the requirements of ASTM D3666. All test
equipment in Contractor-furnished laboratories shall be calibrated by the testing organization prior to the
start of operations.
The CTB layer shall be tested for density, thickness, grade, and surface tolerance on a lot basis, with a lot
consisting of either (1) one day’s production not to exceed 2,000 square yards (1700 sq m), or (2) a half
day’s production, where a day’s production consists of 2,000 to 4,000 square yards (1675 to 3350 m2).
Each lot shall be divided into four equal sublots. Within each sublot, one density test, one thickness
measurement, and continuous surface straightedge tests (surface tolerance testing) shall be performed, as
described below. Sampling locations shall be determined by the Engineer per ASTM D3665.
The Engineer shall select the appropriate ASTM for in-place density determination.
304-6.1.2 Thickness testing. The CTB shall be tested for thickness using the same lot and sublots
established for density testing. After three (3) days of curing, one 3-inch (75 mm) diameter core per
sublot shall be obtained from a random location, per ASTM D3665. The thickness of each sampled core
shall be determined using the caliper measurement procedures provided in ASTM C174. The average
thickness for the lot shall be determined using the individual sublot core thicknesses. Acceptance criteria
for CTB thickness are provided in paragraph 304-6.2.2. At all locations where cores have been drilled, the
resulting core holes shall be filled by the Contractor with CTB or non-shrink grout.
304-6.1.3 Grade testing. The elevations of the finished CTB shall be surveyed every 25 feet (7.5 m) on
both sides of the CTB lane as soon as it has hardened sufficiently. Acceptance criteria for CTB grade are
provided in paragraph 306-6.2.3.
304-6.1.4 Surface tolerance testing. After the CTB has hardened sufficiently, it shall be tested for
surface tolerance with a 12-foot (3.7-m) straightedge or other approved measuring device for tolerances
outlined in paragraph 304-6.2.
304-6.2 Acceptance criteria. Acceptance of CTB will be based on density, thickness, grade, and surface
tolerance, as described in the paragraphs below.
304-6.2.1 Density requirements. For density, each lot of compacted material will be accepted without
adjustment if the average in-place density of the lot is equal to or greater than 98% of the average
laboratory density determined for the lot. Each lot of compacted CTB shall be accepted and payment
adjusted in accordance with the table below.
304-7.1 Cement-treated base course. The quantity of cement-treated base course will be determined by
measurement of the number of square yards (m2) of CTB actually constructed and accepted by the
Engineer as complying with the plans and specifications.
ASTM C88 Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or
Magnesium Sulfate
ASTM C131 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse
Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine
ASTM C136 Standard Test Method for Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse
ASTM C174 Standard Test Method for Measuring Thickness of Concrete Elements Using
Drilled Concrete Cores
ASTM D75 Standard Practice for Sampling Aggregates
ASTM D558 Standard Test Methods for Moisture-Density (Unit Weight) Relations of Soil-
Cement Mixtures
ASTM D1556 Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-
Cone Method
ASTM D1633 Standard Test Methods for Compressive Strength of Molded Soil-Cement
ASTM D2167 Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the
Rubber Balloon Method
ASTM D6938 Standard Test Method for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-
Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)
ASTM D3665 Standard Practice for Random Sampling of Construction Materials
ASTM D3666 Standard Specification for Minimum Requirements for Agencies Testing and
Inspecting Road and Paving Materials
ASTM D4318 Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of
AASHTO T135 Standard Method of Test for Wetting-and-Drying Test of Compacted Soil-
Cement Mixtures
AASHTO T136 Standard Method of Test for Freezing-and-Thawing Tests of Compacted Soil-
Cement Mixtures