Bird magazine
Bird magazine
Bird magazine
All you need to know
about this fascinating
animal kingdom!
Fun Facts
Guiness World Records
What are Birds?
Ornithology and Ornithologists
Rare Bird Species
Renowned Bird Sanctuaries of India
Fun Facts
Hummingbirds can see
ultraviolet light! Some house birds enjoy
listening to music genres like
classical or rock, but rarely
like pop or rap songs!!
Lightest Bee
Weirdest Shoebill
Cutest Peach Faced
Most Cassowary
What are Birds??
Birds are warm blooded vertebrates who make up the group
Aves(ay-VEEZ). Birds are characterized by the laying of hard-
shelled eggs, the possession of feathers, their strong yet light
hollow skeletons, toothless beaked jaws, their four- chambered
heart and their high metabolic1 rate. They live worldwide and
range from the 5 2 cm bee hummingbird to the 2.8-metre-tall
common ostrich. There are over 11,000 species of bird alive
today. More than half of these are passerine2 or perching birds.
of bird wings
HOW??? varies
according to
the bird
species. The
only known wingless birds are the now-extinct
moa and the elephant bird. Wings are modified forelimbs that
give birds the ability to fly, but further evolution has led to the
loss of flight in birds like penguins and ostriches 3. The digestive
and respiratory systems of birds are uniquely adapted for
flying. Some seabirds, like seagulls, have further evolved for
swimming. Birds are the only dinosaurs alive today. Their
closest living relatives are the crocodilians 4.
Metabolism is the conversion of food into energy by living organisms.
Passerine means that the bird has three toes at the front of its feet and one at the back. This helps in
perching on a branch.
As a result, they have smaller wings than other birds. These wings are redundant.
That means the whole society raises the kids.
An anti-predator strategy that involves the targeted flock harassing the predator.
Many species of birds are economically important to certain
countries. For example, chickens are economically important
for food, songbirds are extremely popular as pets, guano 7 is
sold as fertilizer, and recreational birdwatching is an important
part of the ecotourism in many countries.
Birds have mention in the mythologies of many countries. For
example, the symbol of Athena was a little owl, two ravens
used to whisper news in the ears of the Norse god Odin, and
the vehicles of multiple Hindu gods were birds.
2. Kakapo Parrot
The kakapo, sometimes known as the owl parrot or owl-faced parrot, is a
species of large, nocturnal, ground-dwelling parrot. It is endemic to New