BIRDS Activity
BIRDS Activity
BIRDS Activity
(Adapted with permission from “Birds: Exhibit Activity Guide” Friends of the National Zoo)
Background Information
I. What is a bird?
The ability to fly may be the first thing that pops into your head when you think of birds;
however, not all birds fly. There are some traits that are common to all 9,000 species of birds,
though. All birds:
• are vertebrates*,
• are endothermic*(warm-blooded),
• lay eggs,
• have feathers*,
• and have wings (even the flightless species).
Beyond these general characteristics, birds vary tremendously in size, color, and diet. Birds
range in size from the 250 pound/113 kilo ostrich to the one ounce/28 gram hummingbird. Some
birds are camouflaged* in shades of brown and gray. Others have brightly-colored feathers.
Birds’ diets also cover a broad spectrum. Some eat exclusively meat, some eat seeds and nuts,
others eat fruit, and still others survive on aquatic vegetation.
They thrive in wetlands, temperate forests, deserts, grasslands, and cities. They build nests in
tree branches, on the side of cliffs, inside tree trunks, and even in holes in the ground.
Egg Laying
Instead of bearing fully-developed offspring, female birds lay eggs and the young develop
outside the mother. This is another weight-saving adaptation of birds. The eggs are laid
one at a time over a period of hours or days. As the fertilized egg passes through the
*This word is on the vocabulary list.
oviduct*, the egg shell is deposited by a lime-secreting gland, and other glands add
pigments to the shell. The porous structure of the shell allows oxygen to enter and
carbon dioxide to exit as the embryo develops inside.
Once eggs are laid, the job of incubation and protection begins. An egg’s survival depends
on a narrow range of temperatures. A sudden drop of several degrees can kill an embryo.
Too much heat can also be destructive. Birds sit on eggs to maintain them at a constant,
warm temperature. Some birds, like ducks, even line their nests with feathers to keep
eggs from getting too cold. In warm climates, birds need to shield their eggs from the
hot sun. Sometimes birds will stand over the nest to create shade, allowing air to flow
over the eggs to help keep them from getting too warm.
Nests are built for incubation*, but also to keep nutritious eggs out of the mouths of
predators. Birds nests can be found on or dangling from tree branches, in tree cavities,
under mounds, on cliffs, in caves, even on the back sides of large leaves. Many species
have nests and eggs that are camouflaged. Nests can be built out of twigs, grass, leaves,
pebbles, earth, and even unusual materials like yarn or dog hair.
A bird’s coloring is also tied to how it functions in a particular environment. Mottled earth
tones help a bird to blend in with its surroundings, an adaptation for avoiding predators,
or for hunting prey. Many shorebirds, such as curlews and sandpipers, have this type of
mottled coloration. Bright colors are often an advertisement to attract mates.
Frequently the male of a species is brightly colored, while the female, who usually sits on
the nest, is camouflaged from predators. Male and female mallards are an excellent
example of this type of sex-based coloration.
Zoos are actively trying to help conserve* bird species through a cooperative program called
the Species Survival Plan (SSP). Zoos and aquariums throughout North America have created
SSP programs for a number of the world’s most endangered birds. One of the purposes of the
SSP program is to breed endangered species in order to maintain genetically healthy populations
in zoos and aquariums. Some of the SSP species are being reintroduced into the wild.
In addition to zoos and aquariums, government agencies, nonprofit organizations and other
groups are working to conserve birds. Individuals also can help by using natural resources
wisely, protecting bird habitat (including keeping pet cats indoors), supporting the efforts of
conservation organizations, and by becoming better informed about conservation issues.
8. feathers - the body covering of birds. Feathers are made out of a protein called keratin,
the same substance in hair and fingernails.
9. grassland - An area dominated by grasses or grass-like species that is too dry to grow a
forest and too wet to be a desert.
10. habitat - the area where an animal, plant, or microorganism lives and finds the nutrients,
water, sunlight, shelter, and space it needs to survive.
11. incubation - creating an ideal environment for eggs to develop and hatch.
12. nocturnal - an animal that is active at night instead of during the day.
14. oviduct - the internal passage through which the eggs travel from the ovary to the cloaca
(external opening).
16. prey – animals that are killed and eaten by other animals.
Find out what your students already know about birds by holding a brainstorming session with
your class. Create a list on the chalk board of things the class knows about birds. Use the
following questions to get the discussion rolling:
Birds live in just about every type of ecosystem on Earth. This exercise will help students
investigate the kori bustard and its habitat (see Additional Information at the end of this
activity for detailed information on the kori bustard and Grasslands).
Begin by having students select an adaptation the kori bustard possesses that interests them
from the list below, and decide on how that adaptation fits into their habitat. For instance, if
they decide they want to investigate the bustard’s color, they will need to show how the bird’s
color helps with reproduction and camouflage. Here are the adaptations to choose from:
Next, tell students they need to find what makes up African grasslands and where grasslands
are found in Africa. They can use the library or the Internet to track down the information.
Students should also be able to list at least two other animals that live in the African
grasslands along with the kori bustard. Pass out the small pieces of paper and have each
student create a labeled drawing of a grassland and the two animals they’ve chosen.
When everyone is ready, hang the map in the front of the class. Have the class show where
African grasslands are found and describe a grassland. Then have each student describe the
animals they found that live there. Finally, each student should attach their drawings to the
map in the appropriate regions. After each student attaches their drawing, attach the picture
of a kori bustard in both areas they are found. Using the adaptations the students chose
discuss what makes the kori bustard uniquely adapted to its environment and its relationship (if
any) to the animals they found.
*For older students – Instead of drawing, have pre-printed photos of various African grassland
animals and elements of the grasslands for the students to choose and research. As a closing,
discuss what the impact would be if the kori bustard disappeared. For example, if the kori
bustard became extinct how that would affect its predators such as hyenas, the insects it
preys upon, and its “partnership” with the Carmine bee-eater?
Additional Information
Kori bustard
Both males and females look similar but males are
twice as big as females. They are mottled grayish-
buff with dark brown, irregular lines and a black
crest. The chin, throat, and neck are creamy white
mixed with black bands. Male kori bustards stand
about four and a half feet tall with females half
the size with slimmer necks and thinner legs. The
kori bustard has three toes on each foot and lacks
a hind toe, making the bird strictly terrestrial.
The kori bustard has no preen gland. In order to
keep clean, they produce a powder down. Kori
bustards also clean and maintain their feathers by
sun bathing and dust bathing. Males of the East African subspecies (Ardeotis kori
struthiunculus) weigh between seven and 14 kilograms (15 to 31 pounds) with females weighing
three to six kilograms (6.5 to 13 pounds). The southern subspecies (Ardeotis kori kori) is similar
in appearance to the East African subspecies but is slightly taller. Males of this subspecies
weigh between 13 and 18 kilograms (29 to 40 pounds) with females weighing six to seven
kilograms (13 to 15 pounds). At these sizes, the kori bustard males approach the weight limit
for flying!
Kori bustards are omnivorous (feeding on both animal and vegetable substances) with insects
forming a large part of their diet. They also consume a variety of small vertebrates such as
mammals, lizards, snakes and birds. Seeds and berries of a variety of plant materials are also
eaten as well as the gum from Acacia trees, which has earned them the name ‘Gompou’
(Afrikaans for “gum-eating” bird). They feed mostly in the early morning and late afternoon and
rest during the heat of the day. Kori bustards are one of the few species of birds known to
drink water using a sucking action rather than scooping it up with their bill.
In the wild, there are two populations of kori bustard: Ardeotis kori struthiunculus in eastern
Africa including Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan, Kenya and Tanzania and Ardeotis kori kori in southern
Africa including Botswana, Zimbambwe, Namibia, southern Angola, South Africa and
Mozambique. The miombo woodland of Central Africa separates the two populations.
The kori bustard is found in grasslands and wooded savannas. In arid grassland areas the
southern subspecies (A.k.kori) can be found along dry watercourses where patches of trees
offer shade during the heat of the day. The eastern subspecies can be found in areas of open
grasslands, scrubland and savanna habitats.
Breeding is closely tied with rainfall and, in drought years, may be reduced or not even occur.
Kori bustard males mate with more than one female during the breeding season (polygynous).
For the eastern subspecies (A.k.struthiunculus), breeding occurs between December and
August. For the southern subspecies (A.k.kori) breeding is September to February. During
breeding season, males gather either singly or in loose lek like formations and perform “balloon”
displays to attract females. Displays can occur throughout the day, but are usually most intense
in the early morning and late afternoon/evening. During the height of the display, the male’s
esophagus inflates to as much as four times its normal size, resembling a balloon. With the neck
expanded, the tail and wing feathers pointed downward, and the crest erected, the male gives a
low-pitched booming noise as he snaps his bill open and shut. This display can be seen up to one
kilometer (1.6 miles) away! Females are presumably attracted to the male with the most
superior display. Actual copulation lasts no more than a few seconds. Once over, the male leaves
and resumes displaying to attract another female. He does not assist in egg incubation or chick
rearing. Outside of breeding season, kori bustards are generally solitary animals except for
females with chicks.
The female makes a nest by making a shallow scrape in the ground and lays her green eggs. The
nest is usually near a small clump of grass so the female is partially hidden. The clutch is usually
one or green eggs. In captivity, the incubation period is 23 days. The precocial chicks are able
to follow their mother around several hours after hatching and remain with her until the start
of the next years breeding season. It’s a tough beginning for kori bustard chicks -
approximately 82 percent do not survive the first year of life.
Life Span
Life spans in the wild are unknown, but the longevity record in captivity is 29 years.
Humans have also developed a relationship with kori bustards. These birds have been included in
dances and songs of the Bushmen of Botswana. Drawings have been found in caves depicting the
species. Although listed as “protected game” it is still hunted throughout its range. In Namibia,
it is commonly referred to as the “Christmas turkey” and in South Africa it is called the
“Kalahari Kentucky”. The kori bustard feather is also popular for fly fishing lures.
Inflatable esophagus
White underparts
Feathers are loosely supply-counter
packed to aid in heat shading and aid in
dissipation camouflage
As the common name implies, grasslands are flat or gently rolling terrain covered by grasses.
Having few or no trees, grasslands create a sense of “wide open spaces.” Grasslands today cover
one-quarter of the Earth’s land surface. They occur on all continents except Antarctica.
Grasslands have different names on different continents: in Asia, they are called “steppes”; in
South America, “pampas”; in Africa, “savannas” or “velds”; and in North America, “prairies” or
“plains.” Regardless of what they are called, grasslands around the world have similar
• Kinds of soil - Grasslands have alkaline, fine-grained soil that contains much organic matter
and is almost completely covered by vegetation.
• Patterns of precipitation - In grassland areas, periods of rain are followed by periods of
drought. Spring storms can bring more than three feet (0.9 m) of rain in a few
• Presence of wind and fire - Winds can lead to powerful storms with gusts up to 60 mph (96.6
km) per hour in the winter, creating wind chills far below zero degrees Fahrenheit.
Fire is a natural occurrence that helps to rejuvenate the grasslands.
• Grassland plants - Grasses are the most successful flowering plant family on Earth. They
provide four to five pounds (1.8-2.3 kg) of plant matter per square yard of soil
each year, making them one of the most efficient of all terrestrial ecosystems.
The grass above the surface is only 15 percent of the prairie's total biomass. At the end of the
rainy season, grasses drop their seeds onto hard earth. There, until the next rains come, the
seeds are a main food source for birds and rodents.
Grassland survival
The survival of grasslands throughout the world depends on several elements of ecosystem
• intermittent fires
• long dry seasons with brief, heavy rains
• fast and efficient recycling of energy through scavengers
• grazing by large herbivores
• undisturbed sod
Natural and human forces of change that threaten the balance of grassland ecosystems are:
• lack of precipitation over a period of several years (drought),
• or long-term increase in precipitation,
• overgrazing by domestic stock,
• overuse of limited woody species for fuel,
• plowing,
• planting of homogenous crops,
• loss of topsoil,
• use of insecticides,
• fire prevention,
• drainage of wetlands and potholes for development, and
• introduction of new species of plants and animals.
Similar ecosystems throughout the world have similar plants, animals and environments. Animals
living in grasslands have adapted to a life of extreme environmental conditions (wind, fire, cold,
heat), few trees and little water.