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A broiler is any chicken that is bred and raised

specifically for meat production. Most
commercial broilers reach slaughter weight White Leghorn
between four and seven weeks of age, although The Leghorn is a breed of chicken originating in
slower growing breeds reach slaughter weight at Tuscany, in central Italy. Birds were first
approximately 14 weeks of age. Typical broilers exported to North America in 1828 from the port
have white feathers and yellowish skin. city of Livorno, on the western coast of Tuscany.
They were initially called "Italians", but by 1865
the breed was known as "Leghorn", the
traditional anglicisation of "Livorno".

Plymouth rock
The Plymouth Rock is an American breed of
Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying domestic chicken. It was first seen in
poultry birds for the purpose of commercial egg Massachusetts in the nineteenth century, and
production. Layer chickens are such a special for much of the early twentieth century was the
species of hens, which need to be raised from most popular chicken breed in the United States.
when they are one day old. They can produce It is a dual-purpose breed, raised both for its
about one kg of eggs by consuming about 2.25 kg meat and for its brown eggs.
of food during their egg laying period.
Rhode island red

The Rhode Island Red is an American breed of Bolinao

domestic chicken. It is the state bird of Rhode
The 'Bolinao' chickens are predominantly found
Island. It was developed there and in
in the province of Pangasinan particularly in and
Massachusetts in the late nineteenth century, by
around the municipality of Bolinao. The adult
cross-breeding birds of Oriental origin such as
male 'Bolinao' has a predominantly red plumage
the Malay with brown Leghorn birds from Italy.
with black breast and tail feathers. The hackle
NATIVE CHICKENS feathers are bright orange.


Banaba is an indigenous chicken found in the

Paraoakan Quezon and Batangas provinces. Although
commercial chicken strains have good
Paraoakan is becoming the choice of native reproduction and production qualities, the
chicken raisers. It is the native chicken from breeding of these types of chicken are solely in
Palawan. Of the several strains of native the hands of big breeding companies.
chickens, Paraoakan is the biggest of them all. It
has long legs, bigger body than the rest, long
neck and bigger head.

Darag is the native chicken strain local to

Western Visayas. It has established a niche
market in the poultry industry in the area due to
its unique quality of meat and distinctive taste.


Pure LABUYO is as small which measures only up

to 8 inches for male and more or less 7 inches for
female high from its feet to the crown.
Deforestation, hunting and human presence
pushes the habitat of these wild birds deep into
the forest and the status of their species (pure
breed) maybe are now on the red list. Though
the range of their habitat is in deep forest areas,
they seek open spaces to hangout so they can
easily detect the presence enemies and potential

far wide as New Zealand, Australia, UK and

Europe where small feral colonies exist.


The mallard is a dabbling duck that breeds

throughout the temperate and subtropical Pekin
Americas, Eurasia, and North Africa and has been
introduced to New Zealand, Australia, Peru, It is a domesticated duck used primarily for egg
Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the and meat production. It was bred from the
Falkland Islands, and South Africa. Mallard in China, it was brought to the United
States about 1873, where it is the most popular
commercial duck breed. Due to its friendly
nature, more and more people are enjoying this
breed as pets. Their average lifespan (if not used
for meat production) is about 9 to 12 years.


The Muscovy duck is an unmistakable sight with

its bright red caruncles. This unusual looking
duck has been kept for hundreds of years and is
Khaki Campbell
a staple, for many indigenous peoples of South
America adding eggs and meat to their diet. Khaki Campbells are good layers, good foragers,
Although originally a tropical bird it has adapted and perfectly willing and able to sit on and hatch
well to a variety of climates and can thrive in their eggs. If you want a general purpose duck
temperatures down to 10°F. It has become a for your farm or back yard, a Khaki Campbell is
common sight across much of the US and also as an excellent choice.

few true breeding mutations of this quail


Native quail

The quail, locally known as pugo, is a small game Tuxedo

bird found in temperate and tropical regions
throughout the world. The true or Old World A mutation of colors on the standard Tibetan
quail is a migratory bird that can be found in Coturnix, fully mature between 6-8 weeks.
Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. The American Tuxedos make a great addition to any flock,
quail (sometimes called “partridge”) and is non- adding a splash of color and character.

Japanese seattle
Asian blue
The Japanese quail is the most common species
of quail found mainly in East Asia. It was The King quail comes in many colors including
considered as a subspecies of the common quail, brown, blue, dark brown, maroon, silver and
but it was distinguished as it’s own species in black. Their feet are of orange color, and the feet
1983. Since the 12th century, the Japanese quail are very hard which are able to withstand a
has played an active role in the lives of humanity. continuous life on the ground like many other
And it is still playing very important and major game birds. The female King quail is similar to
roles in industry and scientific research. These the male in appearance, but cannot come in
birds are abundant across most of their range, shades of blue. Average body length of the
where they are found. And currently there are a mature King quail is around 14 cm. And their
average live body weight is around 50 grams.

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