QB Unit 1
QB Unit 1
QB Unit 1
1. ‘Power of Parliament to modify the rights conferred by this part in their application to forces etc.’
is the basis of which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution?
a) Article 32
b) Article 33
c) Article 33(1)
d) Article 32(1)
2. In which of the following respects the Directive Principles differ from the Fundamental Rights?
a) The Directives are not enforceable in the courts and do not create any justiciable rights in favor of
b) The Directives require to be implemented by legislation, and so long as there is no law carrying
out the policy laid down in a Directive, neither the state nor an individual can violate any existing law
or legal right under the color of following a Directive
c) The Courts are not competent to compel the Government to carry out any Directive or to make
any law for that purpose
d) All of them
3 Which of the following interpretations of the Constitution regarding the utility of Directives is/are
found to be correct? I. Even though the implementation of a Directive Principle may cause hardship
to a few individuals, it should be upheld in the larger interests of the community. II. In view of the
absolute prohibition of consumption of liquor in Article 47, there cannot be any fundamental right to
manufacture and sell intoxicating liquor.
a) I and II
b) Neither I nor II
c) Only I
d) Only II
4 Which kinds of justice have been mentioned in Article 38 in Part IV of the Indian Constitution?
a) Social
b) Economic
c) Political
d) All of them
5 According to Article 39 of the Indian Constitution the State shall, in particular, direct its policy
towards securing: I. That the citizens, men and women equally, have the right to an adequate
means of livelihood. II. That the ownership and control of the material resources of the community
are so distributed as best to subserve the common good. III. That there is equal pay for equal work
for both men and women.
a) I, II and III
b) II and III
c) I and III
d) I and II
6 Which of the following directives has been given the Supreme Court for the welfare of the
children according to clauses (e), (f) of Article 39 of the Indian Constitution?
a) The Children should not be employed in hazardous jobs in factories for manufacture of match
boxes and fire works
b) Positive steps should be taken for the welfare of such children as well as for improving the
quality of their life
c) The employer of children below 14 years must comply with the provisions of the child labour Act
providing for compensation, employment of their parents/ guardians and their education
d) All of them
7 ‘Right to work, to education and to public assistance in certain cases’ is an essence of which of the
following Articles of the Indian Constitution?
a) Article 40
b) Article 41
c) Article 39
d) Article 42
8 Which of the following statements regarding ‘Right to education is/are found to be correct? I. The
duty of the State, under this directive is not only to establish educational institutions but also to
effectively secure the right to education, by admitting students to the seats available at such
institutions, by admitting candidates found eligible according to some rational principle. II. Even
though this right is not a fundamental right and is not judicially enforceable as such, once the State,
by legislative or administrative actions, provides facilities for education, its action must conform to
the standard of equality and rationality underlying Article 14 of the Indian Constitution.
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) I and II
d) None of them
9 Living, wage etc. for workers have been mentioned in Article of Indian Constitution.
a) 41
b) 43
c) 43A
d) 42
10 ‘Uniform Civil code for the citizens’ is mentioned in which of the following Articles of the Indian
a) Article 43
b) Article 43A
c) Article 44
d) Article 45
11 Which of the following Articles says “The State shall endeavor to provide early childhood care
and education for all children until they complete the age of six years”?
a) Article 44
b) Article 45
c) Article 43A
d) Article 46
12 According to Article 47 of the Indian Constitution, it is the duty of the state to raise the level of
nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health. Which of the following statements
regarding public health is/are correct? I. Article 47 makes improvement of public health a primary
duty of the State. II. In case of need, the local authority should approach the State Government to
grant loan or aid, and the latter should supply the money required in view of primary duty of the
‘State’ under Article 47.
a) I and II
b) Only II
c) Only I
d) None
a) Article 50
b) Article 51
c) Article 49
d) Article 51A
14 Fundamental Duties have been added in the Constitution by which of the following Amendment
15 Which of the following statements regarding Fundamental Duties is/are found to be correct? I.
Fundamental Duties are not enforceable by mandamus or any other legal remedy. II. If the state
seeks to promote any of these duties, that can be done only through methods permitted by and in
consonance with the constitution.
a) I and II
b) Only I
c) Only II
d) Neither I nor II
16 Which of the following directions has/have been issued by the Supreme Court to the Central
Government to take a number of steps to improve the environment?
a) To direct all educational institutions throughout Indian to give weekly lessons in the first ten
classes, relating to the protecting and improvement of the nature
b) To get books written for the said purpose and to distribute them free of cost
c) To introduce short term courses for training up teachers who teach this subject
d)All of them
(b) Absolute
(c) Inalienable
18 The right to constitutional remedies for enforcement of Fundamental Rights is given in:
(a) Article 13
(b) Article 14
(d) Article 32
19 A boy, aged 11 years, has been compelled to work in a factory making match boxes. Which
Fundamental Right is violated in this case?
(a) Articles 25 to 27
(b) Articles 25 to 28
(c) Articles 26 to 29
(d) Articles 22 to 28
23 Which one of the following amendments established the importance of Directive Principles over
certain Fundamental Rights?
24 Freedom of Residence under Article 19 of the Indian Constitution is available in which of the
following clauses?
a) 19 (1) (e)
b) 19 (1) D
c) 19 (1) B
d) 19 (1) C
25 Directive Principles have been included in the Constitution to achieve the ideals of:
(c) Democracy
26 Under which Articles have the Directive Principles of State Policy been mentioned in the
27 Consider the following statements: The Indian Constitution is (1) unwritten Constitution (2)
written Constitution (3) largely based on Government of India Act, 1935
28 One of the Directive Principles is that the State shall introduce free and compulsory education for
all children up to the age of
(a) 10 years
(b) 10 years
(c) 06 years
(d) 14 years
(a) Seven
(b) Six
(c) Eight
d) Ten
32 Consider the following statements with reference to the term ‘secularism’: 1. Secularism means
that the State has no recognized religion of State 2. Secularism means that the State treats all the
religions equally 3. Secularism means that the State regulates the relation of man with God. Which
of these statements are correct –
a) 1, 2, and 3
b) 1 and 2
c) 2 and 3
d) 1 and 3
33 Which of the following said that “In any event, whatever system of Government we may
establish here must fit in with the temper of the people and be acceptable to them”:
a) Jawaharlal Nehru
b) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
c) D. D. Basu
d) M. V. Pylee.
34 Which one among the following is a fundamental duty of the citizens under the Constitution of
c) To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so
c) Bicameral Parliament
d) Written Constitution.
38 The feature ‘power of judicial review’ is borrowed from which of the following country:
a) UK
b) USA
c) Canada
d) Ireland.
39 Which of the following Articles describe about the person voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a
foreign state not to be citizens:
a) Article 5
b) Article 7
c) Article 8
d) Article 9.
a) a prisoner
41 Article 6 enshrines the provision conferring Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have
migrated to India from Pakistan. Which one of the following provision is incorrect?
a) he or either of his parents or any of his grand-parents was born in India as defined in the
Government of India Act, 1935
c) such person has so migrated on or after the 19 July, 1948, he has been registered as a citizen
(a) Part II
(c) Part IV
(d) Part V
44 Which of the following are included in the concept of ‘the State’ under Article 12:
b) Judiciary
c) University
45 Which provision of the Constitution of India has been described as the soul of the Constitution?
(a) Fundamental Rights
(c) Preamble
46 How many Fundamental Duties were incorporated in Article 51-A, by the 42nd Amendment Act,
(a) Ten
(b) Nine
(c) Two
(d) Twenty
b) not void
c) become void (from the date of the commencement of the Constitution) insofar as they are
inconsistent with the fundamental rights
48 Article 13(2)
c) states that the State shall not make any law which takes away or abridges the fundamental rights
(a) 1974
(b) 1976
(c) 1978
(d) 1980
50 Article 14 guarantees equality before law and equal protection of law to:
51 A new Chapter IV A on Fundamental Duties was inserted in the Indian Constitution in?
(a) 1972
(b) 1976
(c) 1980
(d) 1984
52 Which of the following rights are conferred to Indian citizens under protection of certain rights
regarding freedom of speech etc.?
d) All of them
53 Which of the following statements is/are found to be correct? I. The rights conferred by Article
19 the Indian Constitution are not available to any person who is not and cannot be a ‘Citizen of
India’. II. A person cannot complain of the infringement of any of the rights conferred by Article 19,
if his citizenship of India has been validly terminated by law made by Parliament in pursuance of the
power conferred by Article 11. III. The National Awards are violative of the principles of equality
. a) I and II
b) I, II and III
c) II and III
d) I and III
54 How many times has the President declared financial emergency in the country so far?
(a) Once
(b) Twice
(c) Thrice
(d) Never
55 Which of the following constitutes a faecet of the freedom of the Press? I. The right to publish
includes the right to publish not only its own views but also those of its correspondents. II. The right
to circulate refers to the matter to be circulated as well as the volume of circulation. III. To require a
newspaper to reduce its space for advertisements would directly affect its circulation since it would
be bound to raise its price.
a) I and II
b) I, II and III
c) II and III
d) I and III
56 Clause (1) B of Article 19 of the Indian Constitution is associated with which of the following?
b) Freedom of assembly
a) 19 (1) A
b) 19 (1) B
c) 19 (1) C
d) 19 (1) D
58 Right to Freedom of Association is the ordinary right which is enjoyed by all citizens to form
associations. This right state that: I. The word ‘form’ includes not only the right to start an
association but also to continue it, or refuse to be a member of an association, if he so desires. II. It
also includes the right that composition of a society shall not be so altered by law as to introduce
members other than those who voluntarily joined to form the society, without the consent of
members of the original association. Which of the above statements is/are found to be correct?
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II
59 Which one of the following is a Human Right as well as Fundamental Right under the Constitution
of India?
a) Right to information
b) Right to Education
c) Right to work
d) Right to Housing
60 Which article of the Indian constitution includes fundamental duties to the Indian Citizens?
a) Article 50A
b) Article 50B
c) Article 51A
d) Article 51B
62 Which of the following statement is true? 1) Constitution of India does not accept strict
separation of power 2) Constitution of India does accept strict separation of power 3) Constitution
of India prescribes for independent judiciary 4) Preamble of the Indian Constitution is enforceable in
the court of law
a) 1,4,2
b) 1,3
c) 1,2,4
d) 1,3,4
63 Sovereignty lies in
a) Parliament in India
b) People of India
c) Constitution of India
65 Directive Principles of State Policy is not enforceable but: 1)These principles are fundamental in
governance of the country, 2) It is the duty of the state to apply these principles in making laws 3)
Laws, include all normative exercise of power including the decision making 4) Are subsidiary to
fundamental rights Choose the correct one:
a) 1,2
b) 1,2,3,4
c) 1,2,3
d) 1,2,4
66 Constitution of India was adopted on: a) 26th January, 1950 b) 24th November 1950 c) 15th
August, 1947 d) 26th November 1949
a) Article 20 & 21
b) Article 16 & 19
c) Article 18 & 28
d) Article 15 & 14
a) Article 362
b) Article 368
c) Article 367
d) Article 363
71 The Fundamental Rights of the Indian citizens have been enumerated from:
72 Which among the following parts of constitution of India, includes the concept of welfare states?
a) Preamble
b) Fundamental rights
c) Directive principles
d) Fourth Schedule
73 In which among the following parts of Constitution of India are enshrined the Fundamental
a) Part III
b) Part IIIA
c) Part IVA
d) Part IV
(a) Article 16 (
b) Article 17
(c) Article 19
(d) Article 15
(a) On the advice of the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister
(c) On the advice of the leader of the ruling party or set of parties in power
(b) Citizenship
(c) Tribunals
(d) Elections
(d) Preamble
79 Equal pay for equal work for both men and women has been laid down in the Indian Constitution
as one of the
80 The authority to alter the boundaries of States in India rests with the:
(b) Parliament
(d) President
83 The terms: ‘Secular, Socialist and Integrity’ were added to the Preamble in
(a) 1979
(b) 1977
(d) 1975
84 Who is the custodian of the Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution?
(a) Parliament
(b) President
(c) Supreme Court
86 How many types of Emergency have been visualized in the Constitution of India?
(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) One
(d) Two
87 How long did the Constituent Assembly take to finally pass the Constitution?
(b) It is original
91 Which of the following is enforceable in a court of law? (a) Fundamental Rights (b) Fundamental
Duties (c) Directive Principles (d) Preamble
(a) Preamble
93 When there is a conflict between Fundamental Rights (Part III) and the Directive Principles of
State Policy (Part IV) of the Constitution of India, the _______ will prevail.
b) Fundamental Rights
d) Neither
(a) 25
(b) 26
(c) 29
(d) 30
95 The right to move court for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights is itself a guaranteed
Fundamental Right
. (a) High
(b) Subordinate
(c) Quasi-Judicial
(d) Supreme
96 Assertion :-The Preamble of the Constitution starts with ?We, the people of India? Reason :It
implies that the Constitution is created by the entire nation.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
98 Assertion: -The Chapter on the Fundamental Rights was framed upon the model of American
Constitution. Reason:-Fundamental rights are enforceable.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(a) 12 years.
(b) 14 years
. (c) 18 years.
(d) 20 years.
101 Which portion of the Indian Constitution reflects the mind and ideals of its framers?
(a) Preamble
(a) 20
(b) 14
(c) 15
(d) 16
103 Which right has been deleted from the list of Fundamental Rights and has become a
constitution right?
104 Assertion :-The Constitution of India is often termed as a borrowed document. Reason :-The
concept of Rule of Law is borrowed from UK.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
105 Assertion :-Secularism is a basic feature of the Constitution of India in the sense that the State
should be neutral to the different religions. Reason :-One of the Directive Principles of State Policy
states that uniform civil code may be implemented.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
106 Assertion :-In the Constitution of India the unity and fraternity of the people of India, professing
numerous faiths, has been sought to be achieved by enshrining the ideal of a secular State. Reason
:-The ideal of a Secular State means that the state protects all religions equally and does not itself
uphold any religion as the state religion.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
107 Assertion: -If a person feels that his Fundamental Rights have been infringed by a State, he can
approach Supreme Court for his right. Reason: -Fundamental Rights are justiciable.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
108 Assertion: -For any violation of any of the Directive Principles of State Policy, the affected party
cannot move the court. Reason: -The Directives Principles are not justiciable.
109 Assertion :- Article 25 stipulates that all persons have the right to entertain any religious belief
and to propagate it. Reason :-India is a secular state
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A