Iii. Key Events in British History: Historical Periods
Iii. Key Events in British History: Historical Periods
Iii. Key Events in British History: Historical Periods
o firstly British Isles (all over) were settled by Nomads
o Britain and its hunter-gatherers (Nomads) separated from the European mainland as the
sea level rose (by 127m)
o Doggerland was a former landmass in the southern North Sea that connected Great Britain
to mainland Europe
o 14 000BC Ireland originally connected with Britain
they conquered and settled in Scotland and Ireland and wanted to settle England as
well, but they were defeated by king Alfred the Great (king of the Saxon kingdom
of Wessex)
those fights were extremely cruel – never before has such an atrocity been seen
and lasted over 200 years
after that the England was divided between Wessex in the south and west and
Danelaw (where English and Danish Vikings were equal in law) in the north and
however, differences between Anglo-Saxons and Danes were small – 10th century
England was united as one kingdom, also Scotland was united Gaelic kingdom
upper class – aristocracy, nobles rich, but not as the Cavaliers, lawyers, historians
thought that king Charles I. could rule without
supported the Parliament
the parliament
House of Lords, Noble Men House of Commons
expensive clothes, long hair plain clothes, short hair
religious traditional Puritans
conservative radicalism
later Conservative party later Labour party
o Course of the Civil War
First Civil War (1642-1646): Parliament had the support of the south-east England,
merchants (obchodníci), London and the navy, leader of Roundheads Oliver
Oliver Cromwell set up New Model Army and won decisive victories
Second Civil War (1648-1649): Charles I. tried to defeated the Parliament for the
second time but failed
Parliament put him under the trial for treason and in 1649 was executed
England was a republic for the next 11 years and ruled by Oliver Cromwell also
known as “Lord Protector”
Third Civil War (1649-1651): supporters of Charles II against supporters of the
when Cromwell died, his system of the government and the puritan ethics became
son of Charles I. – Charles II. took the throne and the monarchy and the Anglican
Church was restored 1660 – he wanted it to be even more Catholic and he also
didn’t want the Parliament to help him rule
o The Glorious Revolution (1688)
called glorious because it was bloodless
Prince William of Orange (the ruler of Netherlands) and his Stuart wife Mary
accepted parliament invitation to become king and queen instead of James II.
it was established that the monarch could rule only with the support of the
Parliament immediately drew up a Bill of Rights 1689, which limited some of the
powers of the monarch – Parliament more powerful than the monarch – notably
(zejména) the power to dismiss (zamítnout) judges, also those who did not agree
with the practises of Anglicanism were allowed to practise their religion freely (but
couldn’t become Members of Parliament)
Jacobites in Scotland – they wanted to restore Catholic James II. as a king of
England, Battle at the Boyne in Ireland – fight James II. (Catholic) against William
(Protestant) – William won
Penal laws = laws that tried to force Irish Catholics and Protestants to Anglican
Orange Lodges = Protestant organization in Ireland, non-Protestants couldn’t
become members unless they converted
Highland Clearances = significant displacement of people in Scottish Highlands as
a result of agricultural revolution – land used for grazing sheep or farming