IC Assignment - Q
IC Assignment - Q
IC Assignment - Q
a. Sachidananda Sinha
b. B N Rao
c. H N Kunjuru
d. V N Menon
2. On which date Indian Constitution was finally signed by the members of the constituent
a.November 26, 1949
b. January 24,1950
c. January 26, 1950
d. January 26, 1949
3. What was the duration in the making of Indian Constitution?
a. 2 Years 10 Months and 5 Days
b. 2 Years 10 Months and 17 Days
c. 2 Years 11 Months and 18 Days
d. 1 Year 11 Months and 18 Days
4. The proposal for framing of the Constitution of India by an elected Constituent Assembly
was made by
a. Cabinet Mission
b. Simon Commissions
c. Cripps Mission
d. Government of India Act, 1935
6. Which of the following ideals in the Preamble emphasizes the unity and integrity of
the nation?
a. Justice
b. Liberty
c. Equality
d. Fraternity
11. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution reflects the influence of which historical
17. Which amendment made elementary education for all children a fundamental right?
Also choose the article added after that:
a. 80th Amendment, Article 21 A
b. 86th Amendment, Article 21
c. 44th Amendment, Article 22 A
d. 86th Amendment, Article 21 A(2002)
18. Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides equal pay for equal work and secures
men and women equal rights.
a. Article 38
b. Article 39
c. Article 325
d. Article 326
19. Right against exploitation comes under
a. Article 23 to 24
b. Article 25 to 32
c. Article 18 to 16
d. Article 12 to 18
20. Which article prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of
a. Article 13
b. Article 14
c. Article 15
d. Article 16
21. Equality of opportunities in matters of public employment;
a. Article 13
b. Article 14
c. Article 15
d. Article 16
22. Which of the following fundamental rights is available only to Indian citizens?
a. Article 14
b. Article 15(Articles 15, 16, 19, 29, and 30 are available to only Indian Citizens.)
c. Article 17
d. Article 18
23. Abolition of titles except military and academic is mentioned in which article?
a. Article 15
b. Article 16
c. Article 17
d. Article 18
24. Where did the concept of “Equality before the law” originate?
a. Britain
b. The USA
c. Japan
d. France
25. Where did the concept of “Equal Protection of law” originate?
a. Britain
b. The USA
c. Japan
d. France
26. Which of the following Fundamental Rights under the constitution is guaranteed only to
the citizens of India and not to foreigners living in India?
a. Equality before the law
b. Freedom of speech and expression
c. Protection of life and personal liberty
d. Free practice of religion
27. Which of the following writs can be issued by a High Court to secure the liberty of the
a. Mandamus
b. Quo-warranto
c. Habeas Corpus
d. Prohibition
28. Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?
a. Habeas corpus "To have the body of"
b. Mandamus "We command"
c. Prohibition "To be certified"(“to forbid” is the right answer)
d. Quo-warranto "By what authority"
e. Certiorari “to be informed”
29. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution contain the Right to Religious
a. Articles 25-28
b. Articles 29-30
c. Articles 32-35
d. Articles 23-24
30. Under the Constitution, who is the guardian of the Fundamental Rights?
a. Parliament
b. President
c. Supreme court
d. Cabinet
31. In which year were fundamental duties were added to the Indian constitution.
a. 1987
b. 1976
c. 1981
d. 1975
32. The concept of Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) in India is derived from which
country's constitution?
a. Spanish Constitution
b. Irish Constitution
c. Indian Constitution
d. French Constitution
33. What are the ideals that a state must keep in mind while framing policies called?
1. Fundamental Rights
2. Directive Principles of State Policy
3. Gandhian Principles
4. Socialism
34. Which article states about Uniform Civil Code throughout the country?
a. Article 48
b. Article 44
c. Article 42
d. Article 49
36. How many duties were in the original constitution (when the constitution was created)?
a. Eight
b. Ten
c. Four
d. Zero
37. In which year were fundamental duties were added to the Indian constitution.
a. 1987
b. 1976
c. 1981
d. 1975
38. Who administers the oath of office to the president?
a. Prime minister
b. Vice president
c. Chief justice of india
d. None of the above
39. The procedure of impeachment of the president of India is
a. Judiacial procedure
b. Quasi judicial procedure
c. Legislative procedure
d. Excecutive procedure
40. The executive actions of the government are carried out under whose name?
a) Cabinet
b) Prime Minister
c) President
d) Both (b) and (c)
41. Who among the following shall communicate to the president all the decisions of the
council of ministers under article 78?
a. Home minister
b. Prime minister
c. Attorney general
d. Finance minister
42. Who among the following appoints the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme
a. Prime minister
b. Vice-president
c. Home minister
d. President
43. The council of ministers are collectively responsible to which among the following ?
a. Attorney general of India
b. President
c. Lok Sabha
d. Rajya Sabha
44. Which schedule to the Constitution of India carries the form of oath or affirmation for the
Prime Minister of India?
a. Second
b. Third
c. Fourth
d. Fifth
45. Who among the following shall communicate to the president all the decisions of the
council of ministers under article 78 ?
a. Home minister
b. Prime minister
c. Attorney general
d. Vice-President
46. The joint sitting of the both houses is chaired by the
a. President of India
b. Vice president of India
c. Prime minister of India
d. Speaker of lok sabha
47. ___ is an ex officio chairman of Rajya Sabha
a. The Vice president of India
b. The President of India
c. Th ePrime minister
d. Speaker of the rajya sabha
48. Which of the following are Standing Committees?
66. Who decides on the disqualification of the members of the legislative assembly?
a. Speaker of legislative assembly
b. Governor
c. Chief Minister
d. None of the above
67. If the legislative assembly dissolves while any bill is pending, then what becomes of the
a. Bill lapses
b. Bill remains till another session
c. The Bill is sent to legislative council
d. None of the above
69. Article ________ of the Indian Constitution has established the Election Commission.
a. 321
b. 324
c. 338
d. 416
70. The number of seats reserved for scheduled caste in the Lok sabha is:
a. 59
b. 79
c. 89
d. 99
71. Emergency provisions are contained in which among the following parts of the
constitution ?
a. Part XVIII
b. Part XVII
c. Part XVI
d. Part XV
72. Financial emergency is imposed under article?
a. Article 354
b. Article 365
c. Article 367
d. Article 360
73. Which among the following amendment acts made significant changes to the emergency
provisions of the constitution ?
a. 44th Amendment Act
b. 1st Amendment Act
c. 24th Amendment Act
d. 42nd Amendment Act
74. Which article of Indian constitution deals with constitutional amendments?
a. Article 332
b. Article 386
c. Article 368
d. None of the above
75. Which constitutional amendment reduced the voting rights from 21 years to 18 years?
a. 54th
b. 36th
c. 62 th
d. 61st