Question Bank Uc20Ce101: Constitution of India, Cyber Law and Professional Ethics
Question Bank Uc20Ce101: Constitution of India, Cyber Law and Professional Ethics
Question Bank Uc20Ce101: Constitution of India, Cyber Law and Professional Ethics
2. Article 36 of the Indian Constitution says “In part IV, unless the context otherwise
requires, ‘the State’ has the same meaning as in Part III”. Which of the following
statements regarding the definition of ‘the State’ is/are found to be correct?
I. Since this Article adopts the definition of ‘state* in Article 12, of the Indian Constitution it
would include courts and statutory tribunals, so that they cannot overlook the objectives of
the Directives.
II. Any statutory corporation which answers the tests of a state instrumentality or agency
even though it may not be a ‘public utility undertaking’ is bound to act in consonance with
the Directive Principles.
3. In which of the following respects the Directive Principles differ from the
Fundamental Rights?
a) The Directives are not enforceable in the courts and do not create any justiciable rights
in favor of individuals
b) The Directives require to be implemented by legislation, and so long as there is no law
carrying out the policy laid down in a Directive, neither the state nor an individual can
violate any existing law or legal right under the color of following a Directive
c) The Courts are not competent to compel the Government to carry out any Directive or to
make any law for that purpose
d) All of them
4. Which of the following interpretations of the Constitution regarding the utility of
Directives is/are found to be correct?
I. Even though the implementation of a Directive Principle may cause hardship to a few
individuals, it should be upheld in the larger interests of the community.
II. In view of the absolute prohibition of consumption of liquor in Article 47, there cannot be
any fundamental right to manufacture and sell intoxicating liquor.
a) I and II b) Neither I nor II c) Only I d) Only II
5. Which kinds of justice have been mentioned in Article 38 in Part IV of the Indian
a) Social b) Economic c) Political d) All of them
6. According to Article 39 of the Indian Constitution the State shall, in particular, direct
its policy towards securing:
I. That the citizens, men and women equally, have the right to an adequate means of
II. That the ownership and control of the material resources of the community are so
distributed as best to subserve the common good.
III. That there is equal pay for equal work for both men and women.
7. Which of the following directives has been given the Supreme Court for the welfare
of the children according to clauses (e), (f) of Article 39 of the Indian Constitution?
a) The Children should not be employed in hazardous jobs in factories for manufacture of
match boxes and fire works
b) Positive steps should be taken for the welfare of such children as well as for improving
the quality of their life
c) The employer of children below 14 years must comply with the provisions of the child
labour Act providing for compensation, employment of their parents/ guardians and their
d) All of them
9. Which of the following statements regarding ‘Right to education is/are found to be correct?
I. The duty of the State, under this directive is not only to establish educational institutions
but also to effectively secure the right to education, by admitting students to the seats
available at such institutions, by admitting candidates found eligible according to some
rational principle.
II. Even though this right is not a fundamental right and is not judicially enforceable as such,
once the State, by legislative or administrative actions, provides facilities for education, its
action must conform to the standard of equality and rationality underlying Article 14 of the
Indian Constitution.
10. Living, wage etc. for workers have been mentioned in which of the following Article of
Indian Constitution:
a) 41 b) 43 c) 43A d) 42
11. ‘Uniform Civil Code for the citizens’ is mentioned in which of the following Articles of
the Indian Constitution?
12. Which of the following Articles says “The State shall endeavor to provide early childhood
care and education for all children until they complete the age of six years”?
13. According to Article 47 of the Indian Constitution, it is the duty of the state to raise the level
of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health. Which of the following
statements regarding public health is/are correct?
II. In case of need, the local authority should approach the State Government to grant loan
or aid, and the latter should supply the money required in view of primary duty of the ‘State’
under Article 47.
14. In which of the following situations shall the duties of Chairman be performed by the Deputy
of Legislative Council?
16. Fundamental Duties was added in the Constitution by which of the following
Amendment Acts:
17. Which of the following statements regarding Fundamental Duties is/are found to be correct?
I. Fundamental Duties are not enforceable by mandamus or any other legal remedy.
II. If the state seeks to promote any of these duties, that can be done only through methods
permitted by and in consonance with the constitution.
18. Which of the following directions has/have been issued by the Supreme Court to the
Central Government to take a number of steps to improve the environment?
a) To direct all educational institutions throughout Indian to give weekly lessons in the first
ten classes, relating to the protecting and improvement of the natural
b) To get books written for the said purpose and to distribute them free of cost
c) To introduce short term courses for training up teachers who teach this subject
d) All of them
19. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution states that there shall be a
President of India?
20. Which of the following statements regarding Executive Power of the Union is/are found to
be correct?
I. The executive power of the union shall be vested in the President and shall be exercised
by him either directly or through officers subordinate to him in accordance with the
II. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provision, the supreme command of
the Defence Forces of the union shall be vested in the President and the exercise thereof
shall be regulated by law.
21. In the exercise of its executive power, a Government may do any act provided:
I. it is not an act assigned by the constitution to any other authority or body such as the
Legislature or the Judiciary or the Public Service Commission.
II. it is not contrary to the provision of the Constitution or of any law.
III. the powers required for carrying out a policy are not available from the existing law.
22. By-laws are certain authorized rules, orders and constitutions of corporation:
23. In which of the following questions will the Judiciary not enter or involve?
a) Political Questions b) Policy involving Questions c) Ether (A) or (B) d) Both (A) and
24. The election to the Parliament is mentioned in which of the following Articles of the Indian
a) Article 52 b) Article 53 c) Article 54 d) Article 53(1)
25. The President shall be elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of:
27. Which of the following method is adopted for the election of the President of India?
28. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution describes the term of the office of
the President?
29. The term of the office of President can be terminated pre-maturely by which of the
a) The President may, by writing under his hand addressed to the Vice President, resign
his office
b) The President may, for violation of the constitution, be removed from office by
c) The President shall, notwithstanding the expiration of his term, continue to hold office
until his successor enters upon his office
d) All of them
30. The ‘Eligibility for re-election’ of President is the basis of the Indian Constitution.
31. Which of the following are the qualifications to be the President of India?
a) Citizen of India
b) Completion of the age of 35 years
c) Having qualifications for election as a member of the House of People
d) All of them
32. In order to prove the incurring of disqualification of the election of President, which of the
following conditions must be satisfied?
a) A permanent office b) Income or profit accrued from that office c) The candidate held
that office d) All of them
33. Which of the following conditions of Presidents’ office is/ are found to be correct?
34. Who among the following administers the oath to the President of India?
35. When a President is to be impeached for violation of the Constitution, the charges shall be
preferred by of Parliament.
36. Which of the following statements regarding mandatory time limit of Presidential election
according to Article 62 of the Indian Constitution is/are found to be correct?
I. The election of the President must be completed within the time fixed by the Article and there
is no provision for extension of this time limit.
II. Because of the rigidity of the time limit, the election must be held and completed before the
expiration of the outgoing President, notwithstanding the fact that at the time of such election,
the Legislative Assembly of a state has been dissolved.
37. The Vice President shall be the chairman of the council of states and shall not
hold any other office of Profit.
38. When the President is unable to discharge his functions owing to absence, illness or any other
cause, shall discharge his functions until the date on which the President
resumes his duties.
39. An electoral college which elects the Vice President of the country consists of:
40. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution is associated with the term of office of
Vice President?
42. Who among the following administers the oath to Vice President of India?
I. All doubts and disputes arising out of or in connection with the election of a President or Vice
President shall be inquired into and decided by the Supreme Court whose decision shall be
II. Subject to the provisions of this constitution, Parliament may be by law regulate any matter
relating to or connected with the election of a President or Vice President
III. The election of a person as President or Vice President shall not be called in question on
the ground of the existence of any vacancy for whatever reason among the members of the
Electoral College electing him
45. Subject to the provisions of the constitution, according to Article 73, of the Indian Constitution
the executive power of the Union shall extend:
I. To the matters with respect to which Parliament has power to make laws.
II. To the exercise of such rights, authority and jurisdiction as are exercisable by the
Government of India by virtue of any treaty or agreement.
46. Freedom of Residence under Article 19 of the Indian Constitution is available in which of the
following clauses?
47. Which of the following statements regarding Council of Ministers is/are found to be correct?
I. Council of Ministers shall be headed by the Prime Minister to aid and advise the President
who shall, in the exercise of his functions, act in accordance with such advice.
II. The question whether any, and if so what, advice was tendered by Ministers to the President
shall not be inquired into in any court.
48. Which of the following can be used to interpret the Articles 74-75 of the Indian Constitution?
49. The total number of ministers, including the Prime Minister in the Council of Ministers shall not
exceed of the total number of members of the House of the people.
50. Which of the following statements regarding the meaning of “Collective Responsibility” is/are
I. All members of a Government are unanimous in support of its policies and exhibit that
unanimity on public occasions although while formulating the policies, they might have differed
in the Cabinet meeting.
II. The Ministers, who had an opportunity to speak for or against the policies in the cabinet are
thereby personally and morally responsible for its success and failure.
a) 2 and 1 are correct b) 2 and 3 are correct c) 1 and 2 are correct d) 1 and 3 are correct.
52. Democracy and federalism are essential features of our Constitution and basic feature of its
structure. This observation was made in S.R. Bommai case by:
53. The text of the Preamble of the Constitution of India aims to secure:
54. In Tinsukia Electricity Company v. State of Assam, the Supreme Court pointed out that the
term ‘Socialist’ used in the Preamble to the Constitution of India, means State whose basic
policy is to:
55. The Preamble to the Constitution of India secures “Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” to:
a) all persons b) those who reside within the territory of India c) all citizens
d) those citizens who reside within the territory of India.
57. Consider the following statements with reference to the term ‘secularism’:
59. India has borrowed the scheme of federation i.e. ‘Union of States’ from which country:
60. Which of the following said that “In any event, whatever system of Government we may
establish here must fit in with the temper of the people and be acceptable to them”:
61. Which one among the following is a fundamental duty of the citizens under the
Constitution of India?
62. By which amendment Act ‘Unity of the Nation’ was substituted by ‘Unity and integrity of
the Nation’ in the Preamble of the Constitution:
a) Forty-second Amendment Act, 1976
b) Forty-fifth Amendment Act, 1980
c) Forty-fourth amendment Act, 1979
D. None of the above.
63. Who among the following said that “The new Constitution establishes, indeed a system
of Government which is at the most quasi-federal, almost devolutionary in character; a
unitary state with subsidiary federal features rather than the federal state with unitary
Which of the following feature is not borrowed from United Kingdom:
The feature ‘power of judicial review’ is borrowed from which of the following country:
a) UK
b) USA
c) Canada
d) Ireland.
Which of the following Articles describe about the person voluntarily acquiring
citizenship of a foreign state not to be citizens:
a) Article 5
b) Article 7
c) Article 8
d) Article 9.
a) a prisoner
b) member of armed forces
c) persons living within the territory of India
d) all of the above.
Under the Indian Constitution it was held in the case Pradeep v. Union of India:
Article 6 enshrines the provision conferring Rights of citizenship of certain persons
who have migrated to India from Pakistan. Which one of the following provision is
a) he or either of his parents or any of his grand-parents was born in India as defined in the
Government of India Act, 1935
b) such person has so migrated before 19 July, 1948.
c) such person has so migrated on or after the 19 July, 1948, he has been registered as a
d) such person has got married in India.
The Fundamental rights secured to the individual are:
The term ‘other authorities’ as given under Article 12 includes:
Which of the following are included in the concept of ‘the State’ under Article 12:
74. Article 12 of the Constitution defines ‘State’ for the purpose of enforcement of
fundamental rights. Against which of the following writs cannot be issued for the
enforcement of fundamental rights:
a) High Court
b) Income Tax Tribunal
c) Delhi Municipal Corporation
d) Port Trust.
75. In the light of the definition of State as including other authorities, which of the
following are not States:
a) Google
b) Gram Panchayat, Phoolpur
c) Town Area Committee, Ambala
d) Punjab Legislative Assembly.
76. Which of the following is not State for the purpose of Article 12 of the Constitution?
a) Facebook
b) Government of Karnataka
c) Union of India
Under Article 13(1) pre-Constitution laws:
In Keshvananda Bharti v. State of Kerala it was held that:
a) Under the amended Article 368, all provisions of the Constitution including those enshrined
fundamental rights could be amended
b) No provision of the Constitution can be amended
c) Fundamental Rights have the primacy and supremacy than any of the provisions of the
d) None of the above.
80. Article 14 guarantees equality before law and equal protection of law to:
a) All persons living within the territory of India
b) All Indian citizens living in India
c) All persons domiciled in India
d) All persons natural as well as artificial.
81. Under Article 16 of the Constitution, right to be “considered” for promotion is a
fundamental right:
I. Provided the employee is within the zone of consideration.
II. Provided it is not the mere “consideration” for promotion that is important but the
“consideration” must be “fair” according to established principles governing service
82. Which of the following is the thrust of Article 17 of the Indian Constitution?
a) To liberate the society from blind and ritualistic adherence and traditional beliefs
b) To establish a new and ideal society
c) Both (A) and (B)
d) Neither (A) nor (B)
83. Which of the following rights are conferred to Indian citizens under protection of
certain rights regarding freedom of speech etc.?
I. The rights conferred by Article 19 the Indian Constitution are not available to any person who
is not and cannot be a ‘Citizen of India’.
II. A person cannot complain of the infringement of any of the rights conferred by Article 19, if
his citizenship of India has been validly terminated by law made by Parliament in pursuance of
the power conferred by Article 11.
III. The National Awards are violative of the principles of equality.
a) I and II
b) I, II and III
c) II and III
d) I and III
Which of the following statements regarding Freedom of Speech and expression is/are
found to be correct?
I. This freedom means the right to express one’s convictions and opinions freely, by word of
mouth, writing, printing, picture or electronic media or in any other manner.
II. It would include not only the freedom of the press, but the expression of one’s ideas by any
visible representation such as by gestures and the like.
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Both I and II
d) None of them
86. Which of the following constitutes a restriction upon the freedom of the Press?
I. The right to publish includes the right to publish not only its own views but also those of its
II. The right to circulate refers to the matter to be circulated as well as the volume of circulation.
III. To require a newspaper to reduce its space for advertisements would directly affect its
circulation since it would be bound to raise its price.
a) I and II
b) I, II and III
c) II and III
d) I and III
87. Clause (1) B of Article 19 of the Indian Constitution is associated with which of the
a) 19 (1) A
b) 19 (1) B
c) 19 (1) C
d) 19 (1) D
89. Right to Freedom of Association is the ordinary right which is enjoyed by all citizens to
form associations. This right states that:
I. The word ‘form’ includes not only the right to start an association but also to continue it, or
refuse to be a member of an association, if he so desires.
II. It also includes the right that composition of a society shall not be so altered by law as to
introduce members other than those who voluntarily joined to form the society, without the
consent of members of the original association.
90. Which one of the following is a Human Right as well as an enumerated Fundamental
Right under the Constitution of India?
a) Right to information
b) Right to Education
c) Right to work
d) Right to Housing
91. Which article of the Indian constitution includes fundamental duties to the Indian
a) Article 50A
b) Article 50B
c) Article 51A
d) Article 51B
a) 1,4,2
b) 1,3
c) 1,2,4
d) 1,3,4
b) Supremacy of the constitution which cannot be altered except by the component units
c) Distribution of powers between union and regional units, each units sphere vested with
power, coordinate and independent of other and neither with power to unilaterally alter the
d) Supreme authority of the courts to interpret the constitution and invalidate action violative of
a) Parliament in India
b) People of India
c) Constitution of India
d) Preamble to the Constitution of India
96. Which of the following is correctly matched?
a) 1,2
b) 1,2,3,4
c) 1,2,3
d) 1,2,4
a) Article 20 & 21
b) Article 16 & 19
c) Article 18 & 28
d) Article 15 & 14
100 Proclamation of emergency” means:
a) Whereby the security of India or any of part of the territory is threatened by war or external
aggression or armed rebellion
b) Emergency arising out of failure of the constitutional machinery
c) Financial Emergency
d) All of the above
101. Which of the following Article deals with amendment of Indian Constitution:
a) Article 362
b) Article 368
c) Article 367
d) Article 363
a) 1,2,3
b) 2,3,4
c) 1,2
d) 1,2,4
104. New Delhi is the seat of Supreme Court, the Court may sit in such other place as:
107. Which one of the following is not a qualification for election as president?
a) 1,2
b) 3,4
c) 2,4
d) 1,4
108 The president shall hold office for a term of 5 years from the date on which:
109. Which among the following parts of constitution of India, includes the concept of
welfare states?
a) Preamble
b) Fundamental rights
c) Directive principles
d) Fourth Schedule
110. In which among the following parts of Constitution of India are enshrined the
Fundamental Duties?
a) Part III
b) Part IIIA
c) Part IVA
d) Part IV
111. The Governor of a State is appointed by the President on the advice of the
(a) Prime Minister (b) Vice- President (c) Chief Minister (d) Chief Justice
112. The President gives his resignation to the
(a) Chief Justice (b) Parliament (c) Vice President (d) Prime Minister
113. Which of the following is not true regarding the payment of the emoluments of the
(a) Chief Justice (b) Speaker (c) Vice President (d) Prime Minister
121 Who, among the following, has the final right to sanction the expenditure of public
money in India?
122. Which of the following is not an essential qualification for appointment as a Governor?
(a) Either House of Parliament (b) Any Vidhan Sabha (c) Only Lok Sabha (d) Rajya Sabha
124. Chief Minister of a State is responsible to
(a) Prime Minister (b) Rajya Sabha (c) Legislative Assembly (d) Governor
125. How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post?
(a) Once (b) 3 times (c) 2 times (d) Any number of times
126. Who among the following has the power to form a new state within the Union of India?
(a) Speaker of Lok Sabha (b) President (c) Prime Minister (d) Supreme Court
127. Under whose advice the President of India declares Emergency under Article 352?
(a) Chief Ministers of all states (b) Prime Minister (c) Cabinet (d) Council of Ministers
128. Who acts as the President of India when neither the President nor the Vice President is
(a) Four (b) Three (c) One (d) Two
(a) Election Commission (b) Speaker of Lok Sabha (c) President (d) Law Commission
137. How long did the Constituent Assembly take to finally pass the Constitution?
(a) Chief Justice of the High Court (b) President (c) Governor (d) Chief Justice of India
141 The age of retirement of the Judges of the High Court is
(a) Supreme Court (b) President (c) High Court (d) Privy Council
148 Who decides the number of Judges in a High Court?
(a) Governor of the State (b) Parliament (c) President (d) State Government
149 The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is appointed by the President
(a) In consulation with the Judges of the supreme court and the High Court
(b) Alone
(c) In consulation with the Governor
(d) In consulation with the Judges of the supreme court alone
150. Which of the 3 words were added LATER to the Preamble?
158 What is the name of the IT law that India is having in the Indian legislature?
a) India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000
b) India’s Digital Information Technology (DIT) Act, 2000
c) India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000
d) The Technology Act, 2008
160 The Information Technology Act -2000 bill was passed by K. R. Narayanan.
a) True
b) False
161 Under which section of IT Act, stealing any digital asset or information is written a
a) 65
b) 65-D
c) 67
d) 70
162 What is the punishment in India for stealing computer documents, assets or any
software’s source code from any organization, individual, or from any other
a) 6 months of imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 50,000
b) 1 year of imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 100,000
c) 2 years of imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 250,000
d) 3 years of imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 500,000
165 What type of cyber-crime, its laws and punishments does section 66 of the Indian
IT Act holds?
a) Cracking or illegally hack into any system
b) Putting antivirus into the victim
c) Stealing data
d) Stealing hardware components
167 All of the following are examples of real security and privacy threats except
a) Hackers
b) Virus
c) Spam
d) Worm
168 Viruses are ….
a) Man made
b) Naturally occur
c) Machine Made
d) All the options
a) Spam
b) Malware
c) Virus
171 Which of the following is not an external threat to a computer or computer network
a) Ignorance
b) Torgan Horses
c) Adware
d) Crackers
172 Which of the following is a class of computer threat ?
a) Phishing
b) Soliciting
c) DoS Attacks
d) Stalking
174 The use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a
group of individuals, or an organization is termed:
a) Cyberspace
b) Cyber
d) None of
175 Which of the following is a cybercrime?
a) Hac King
b) Worm Attack
c) Virus Attack
d) All the above.
176 Refers to email that appears to have been originated from one source when it was
actually sent from another source
a) Email bombing
b) Email spoofing
c) Email Spamming
d) None of these.
177 By hacking web server taking control on another person’s website called as web ..........
a) Spoofing
b) Hijacking
c) Spamming
d) None of these.
181 The practice of making a transmission appears to come from an authorized user.
a) Hacking
b) Spoofing
c) Spamming
d) Spamdexing
182 Section 66C of IT Act deals with
a) Cyber stalking
b) Email bombing
c) Child pornography
d) Punishment for Identity Theft
183 Section-66E of IT Act deals with
a) Punishment for violation of Privacy.
b) Spamming
c) Cyber stalking
d) Phishing
184 This is a program in which malicious or harmful code is contained inside
apparently harmless programming or data.
a) War dialer
b) Spam trap
c) Trojan horse
d) Email
This is a document that states in writing how a company plans to protect the
company's physical and IT assets.
a) Data Encryption Standard
b) Security policy
c) Public key certificate
d) Access control list
186 Which of the following describes e‐commerce?
a) Doing business electronically
b) Doing business
c) Sale of goods
d) All of the above
187 Which of the following is part of the four main types for e‐commerce?
a) B2B
b) B2C
c) C2B
d) All of the above
188 Which segment do eBay, belong?
a) B2Bs
b) B2Cs
c) C2Bs
d) C2Cs
189 Which type of e‐commerce focuses on consumers dealing with each other?
a) B2B
b) B2C
c) C2B
d) C2C
Which type deals with auction?
a) B2B
b) B2C
202 WhatisthepercentageofcustomerswhovisitaWebsiteandactuallybuysomethingcalled?
a) Affiliate programs
b) Click‐through
c) Spam
d) Conversion rate
203 What are materials used in production in a manufacturing company or are placed on the shelf for
sale in a retail environment?
a) Direct materials
b) Indirect materials
c) EDI
d) None of the above
204 What are materials that are necessary for running a modern corporation, but do not relate to the
company's primary business activities?
a) Direct materials
b) Indirect materials
c) EDI
d) None of the above
207 What is the process in which a buyer posts its interest in buying a certain quantity of items, and sellers
compete for the business by submitting successively lower bids until there is only one seller left?
a) B2B marketplace
b) Intranet
c) Reverse auction
d) Internet
208 What are plastic cardsthe size ofa credit cardthat contains an embedded chip on whichdigital
information can be stored?
a) Customer relationship management systems cards
b) E‐government identity cards
c) FEDI cards
d) Smart cards
210 Whichform of e‐commerce currently accountsfor about 97% of all e‐commerce revenues?
a) B2B
b) B2C
c) C2B
d) C2C
211 Which of the following are advantages normally associated with B2B e‐commerce?
a) Shorter cycle times
b) Reduction in costs
c) Reaches wider audiences
d) all of the above
218 Which of the following is a useful security mechanism when considering business strategy and IT?
a) encryption
b) decryption
c) firewall
d) all the above
220 A product or service that customers have come to expect from an industry, which must be offered
by new entrants if they wish to compete and survive, is known as a(n)?
a) Switching costs
b) Loyalty programs
c) Entry barriers
d) Affiliate programs
221 Which of the following statements accurately reflect the impact of technology?
a) Technology has caused buyer power to increase
b) Technology has lessened the entry barriers for many industries
c) Technology has increased the threat of substitute products and services
d) all of the above
222 A business cannot be all things to all people. Instead, a business must:
a) Identify target customers
b) Identify the value of products/services as perceived by customers
c) all of the above
d) None of the above
224 Which type of products is lesser purchased using ecommerce?
a) automobiles
b) books
c) softwares
d) none
225 Abusinesscompetinginacommoditylikeenvironmentmustfocusonwhichofthefollowing?
a) Price
b) Ease / speed of delivery
c) Ease of ordering
d) all of the above
226 Which of the following refers tocreating products tailored to individual customers?
a) customization
b) aggregation
c) Direct materials
d) Reverse auction
227 Materials used in the normal operation of a business but not related to primary business
operations are called what?
a) Supplies
b) Direct materials
c) Indirect materials
d) Daily stuff
229 Whatisthe name givento aninteractivebusiness providing acentralized market where many buyers
and suppliers can come together for e‐commerce or commerce‐related activities?
a) Direct marketplace
b) B2B
c) B2C
d) Electronic marketplace
231 Which form of e‐marketplace brings together buyers and sellers from the same industry?
a) Horizontal
b) Vertical
c) Integrated
d) Inclined
235 Which, if any, of the following types of ads are people most willing to tolerate?
a) pop‐under ad
b) pop‐up ad
c) bannerad
d) none of the above
236 Which of the following is an Internet‐based company that makes it easy for one person to pay
another over the Internet?
a) electronic check
b) electronic bill presentment and payment
c) conversion rates
d) financial cybermediary
237 Which of the following is a method of transferring money from one person's account to
a) electronic check
b) credit card
c) e‐transfer
d) none of the above
239 If you need to transfer money to another person via the internet, which of the following
methods could you use?
a) financial cybermediary
b) electronic check
c) electronic bill presentment and payment
d) all of the above
240 Which of the following permits thetransmission of abill, along with payment of that bill, to be
conducted over the Internet?
a) financial cybermediary
b) electronic check
c) electronic bill presentment and payment
d) all of the above
244 Public key encryption uses multiple keys. One key is used to encrypt data, while another isused to
decrypt data. The key used to encrypt data is called the key, while the key used to
decrypt data is called the key.
a) encryption, decryption
b) private, public
c) encryption, public
d) public, private
247 Whenatransactionisprocessedonline,howcanthemerchantverifythecustomer'sidentity?
a) use secure sockets layers
b) use secure electronic transactions
c) use electronic data interchange
d) use financial electronicdata interchange
248 The practice of forging areturn address on an e‐mail so that therecipient is fooled into
revealing private information is termed?
a) hacking
b) cracking
c) dumpster diving
d) spoofing
252 What is a detailed process for recovering information or an IT system in the event of a
catastrophic disaster such as a fire or flood?
a) Disaster recovery plan
b) Hot site
c) Cold site
d) Disasterrecoverycostcurve
253 What is a separate facility that does not have any computer equipment but is a place where the
knowledge workers can move after the disaster?
a) Disaster recovery plan
b) Hot site
c) Cold site
d) Disasterrecoverycostcurve
254 Whatisaseparateandfully equippedfacility wherethecompanycanmoveimmediatelyafter the
disaster and resume business?
a) Disaster recovery plan
b) Hot site
c) Cold site
d) Disasterrecoverycostcurve
255 Whatcharts(1) the costtoyourorganizationofthe unavailability of information andtechnology and (2)
the cost to your organization of recovering from a disaster over time?
a) Disaster recovery plan
b) Hot site
c) Cold site
d) Disasterrecoverycostcurve
256 Which factor determines when your ITsystem will beavailablefor knowledge workers to
a) Availability
b) Accessibility
c) Reliability
d) None of the above
257 Which factor determines who hasthe right to access different types of IT systems and
a) Availability
b) Accessibility
c) Reliability
d) Scalability
261 What is a set of conditions used to measure how well a product or system functions?
a) Flexibility
b) Performance
c) Capacity planning
d) Benchmark
264 What defines all of the steps or business rules, from beginning to end, required for a process to run
a) Workflow
b) EIP
c) Workflow system
d) SLA
271 Which service encompasses all technologies used to transmit and process information on an
across a network?
a) Interoperability
b) Scalability
c) Benchmarking
d) Web services
272 Which process can prevent data from lose due to computer problems or human errors?
a) backup
b) recovery
c) benchmarking
d) data cleansing
273 Which process is used toreinstall data froma copy when the original data has been lost?
a) backup
b) recovery
c) benchmarking
d) data cleansing
274 What describes a process of continuously measuring results and comparing those results to
optimal performance so that actual performance may be improved?
a) Performance
b) Capacity planning
c) Benchmarking
d) Data cleansing
280 Whatis atype of virus thatspreads itself, not just from file to file, but from computer to
computer via e‐mail and other Internet traffic?
a) Computer virus
b) Worm
c) Denial‐of‐service attack
d) None of the above
281 1. What floods a Web site with so many requests for service that it slows down or crashes?
a. Computer virus
b. Worm
c. Denial‐of‐service attack
d. None of the above
282 What harnesses far‐flung computerstogether by way of the Internet or a virtual private network to share
CPU power, databases, and database storage?
a) Computer virus
b) Worm
c) Denial‐of‐service attack
d) None of the above
283 Whatconsists of theidentification ofrisks or threats, theimplementationofsecurity measures, and the
monitoring of those measures for effectiveness?
a) Risk management
b) Risk assessment
c) Security
d) None of the above
285 What is the process of making a copy of the information stored on a computer?
a) Backup
b) Anti‐virus
c) Firewall
d) Biometrics