1. A particle of mass m and charge q is placed at rest in uniform electric field E and then released,
the kinetic energy attained by the particle after moving a distance y, will be
a) q2Ey b) qEy c) qE2y d) qEy2
2. Which of the following is NOT the property of equipotential surface?
a) They do not cross each other.
b) The rate of change of potential with distance on them is zero.
c) For a uniform electric field they are concentric spheres.
d) They can be imaginary spheres.
3. A straight line plot showing the terminal potential difference (V) of a cell as a function of current
(I) drawn from it is shown in figure.
a b
c d
For Questions 13 to 16, two statements are given –one labelled Assertion (A) and other labelled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the options as given below.
a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
13. Assertion: To increase the range of an ammeter, we must connect a suitable high resistance in
series with it.
Reason: The ammeter with increased range should have high resistance.
14. Assertion: To observe diffraction of light the size of obstacle/aperture should be of the order of 10-
Reason: 10-7m is the order of wavelength of visible light.
15. Assertion: For the radiation of a frequency greater than the threshold frequency, photo- electric
current is proportional to the intensity of the radiation.
Reason: Greater the number of energy quanta available, greater is the number of electrons
absorbing the energy quanta and greater is number of electrons coming out of the metal.
16. Assertion: Nuclei having mass number about 60 are most stable.
Reason: When two or more light nuclei are combined into a heavier nucleus, then the binding
energy per nucleon will increase.
17. a) Obtained the conditions under which an electron does not suffer any deflection while passing
through a magnetic field.
b) Two protons P and Q moving with same speed pass through the magnetic field B1 and B2
respectively, at right angles to field directions. If B2>B1, which of the two protons will describe
circular path of smaller radius? Explain.
18. A uniform magnetic field gets modified as shown in figure, when two specimens X and Y are
placed in it.
(i) Identify the two specimens X and Y.
(ii) State the reason for the behaviour of the field lines in X and Y.
The susceptibility of a magnetic material is 2.6 x 10-5. Identify the type of magnetic material and
state its two properties.
19. Identify the electromagnetic wave whose wavelength lies in the range
(a) 10-11m < λ < 10-14m and (b) 10-4m < λ < 10-6m. Write any one use of each.
20. A hydrogen atom is in its third excited state.
(a) How many spectral lines can be emitted by it before coming to ground state? Show these
transitions in energy level diagram.
(b) In which of the above transitions will the spectral line of shortest wavelength be emitted?
21. (a) Name the device which utilizes unilateral action of a pn diode to convert ac into dc. (b) Draw
the circuit diagram of full wave rectifier.
22. A wire of uniform cross-section and resistance 4 ohm is bent in the shape of square ABCD. Point
A is connected to a point P on DC by a wire AP of resistance 1 ohm. When a potential difference
is applied between A and C, the points B and P are seen to be at the same potential. What is the
resistance of the part DP?
23. The given figure shows a long straight wire of a circular cross-section (radius a) carrying steady
current I. The current I is uniformly distributed across this cross-section. Calculate the magnetic
field in the region r < a and r > a.
Describe the working principle of moving coil galvanometer? Why it is necessary to use (i) a
radial magnetic field and (ii) cylindrical soft iron core in a galvanometer?
Can a galvanometer as such be used for measuring the current?
24. (a) Define mutual inductance and write its SI unit.
(b) Two circular loops, one of small radius r and other of larger radius R, such that R >> r, are
placed coaxially with centres coinciding. Obtain the mutual inductance of the arrangement.
25. An inductor, a capacitor and a resistor are connected in series with an alternating source v =
vmsin⍵t. Derive an expression for the average power dissipated in the circuit. Also obtain the
expression for the resonant frequency of the circuit.
26. Draw the ray diagram explaining the image formation in astronomical refracting type telescope.
Write expression for magnification in normal adjustment. Write any two advantages of reflecting
type telescope over refracting type telescope.
27. An electron and a Photon each have a wavelength 2 nm. Find
a) their momentum
b) the energy of photon and
c) the kinetic energy of electron.
28. Figure shows the variation of stopping potential V0 with the frequency υ of the incidence radiation
for two photosensitive metals P and Q.
(a) in the circuits (1) and (2) (b) in the circuits (2) and (3)
(c) in the circuits (1) and (3) (d) only in the circuit (1)
The V-I characteristic of a diode is shown in the figure. The ratio of the resistance of the diode at I
= 15 mA to the resistance at V = -10 V is
(a) 100 (b) 106 (c) 10 (d) 10-6
30. transparent media of refractive indices n1 and n2 are separated by a spherical transparent surface.
The rays of light incident on the surface get refracted into the medium on the other side. The laws
of refraction are valid at each point of the spherical surface. A lens is a transparent optical medium
bounded by two surfaces, at least one of which should be spherical. The focal length of a lens is
determined by the radii of curvature (R1 and R2) of its two surfaces and the refractive index (n) of
the medium of the lens with respect to the surrounding medium. Depending on R1 and R2 a lens
behaves as a diverging or a converging lens. The ability of a lens to diverge or converge a beam of
light incident on it defines it power.
(i) Ac point object is placed in air at a distance R in front of a convex spherical refracting
surface of radius of curvature R. If the medium on the other side of the surface is glass, then
the image is
(a) real and formed in the glass.
(b) Real and formed in air
(c) Virtual and formed in glass
(d) Virtual and firmed in air
(ii) An object is kept at 2F in front of an equiconvex lens. The image formed is
a) real and of the size of the object
b) virtual and of the size of object
c) real and enlarged
d) virtual and diminished.
(iii) A thin converging lens of focal length 10cm and a thin diverging lens of focal length 20cm are
placed coaxially in contact. The power of the combination is
(a) -5D (b) +5D (c) +15D (d) -15D
(iv) An equiconcave lens of focal length ‘f’ is cut into two
identical parts along the dotted line as shown in the figure. The
focal length of each part will be
(a) f/a (b) f/2 (c) f (d) 2f
A spherical air bubble is embedded in a piece of glass. For a ray of light passing through the
bubble, it behaves like a
(a) converging lens (b) diverging lens
(c) mirror (d) thin plane sheet of glass
31. (a) Explain the term drift velocity of electrons in a conductor .Hence obtain the
expression for the current through a conductor in terms of drift velocity.
(b) Two cells of emfs E1 and E2 and internal resistances r1and r2 respectively are
connected in parallel as shown in the figure. Deduce the expression for the
(i) equivalent emf of the combination
(ii) equivalent internal resistance of the combination
(iii) potential difference between the points A and B.
a) What is the relation between currents in the figure below. Define the law used in
establishing the relation.
b) A battery or 10 V and negligible internal resistance is connected across the diagonally opposite
corner of a cubical network consisting of 12 resistors each of resistance 1Ω. The total current 1 in
the circuit external to the network is
(a) Derive expression for the lens maker’s formula using necessary ray diagrams. Also
state the assumptions in deriving the above relation and the sign conventions used.
(b) A beam of light converges at a point P. Now a lens is placed in the path of the
convergent beam 12 cm from P. At what point does the beam converge if the lens is
(i) a convex lens of focal length 20 cm, (ii) a concave lens of focal length 16 cm ?
33. (i) Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with air present
between the two plates.
(ii)Obtain the equivalent capacitance of the network shown in figure. For a 300 V
supply, determine the charge on each capacitor.
(i) A dielectric slab of thickness 't’ is kept between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor
with plate separation 'd' (t < d). Derive the expression for the capacitance of the
capacitor. (ii)A capacitor of capacity C1 is charged to the potential of V0. On
disconnecting with the battery, it is connected with an uncharged capacitor of capacity
C2 as shown in the adjoining figure. Find the ratio of energies before and after the
connection of switch S.