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Pre-Board – II Examination 2024-25

Class: XII Subject: Physics
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks:70

General Instructions :
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them :
(i) This question paper comprises four Sections – A, B, C and D.
(ii) There are 33 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Section A – Questions no. 1 to 12 are Multiple Choice (MCQ) type questions, and 13-16 are assertion
reason type question carrying one mark each.
(iv) Section B – Questions no. 17 to 21 are Short Answer-1 (SA-1) type questions, carrying two marks each.
(v) Section C – Questions no. 22 to 28 are Short Answer-2 (SA-2) type questions, carrying three marks
(vi) Section D – Questions no. 29 and 30 are Case-Based questions, carrying four marks each.
(vii) Section E – Questions no. 31 to 33 are Long Answer (LA) type questions, carrying five marks each.
(viii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in 2 Questions of Section-B, 2
Questions of Section-C, 3 Questions of Section-D .You have to attempt only one of the choices in such
(ix) Use of calculator is NOT permitted.
c = 3 x 108 m/s
h = 6.63 x 10–34 Js
e = 1.6 x 10–19 C
µ0 = 4Π x 10–7 T m A–1
ε0 = 8.854 x 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2
Mass of electron (me) = 9.1 x 10–31 kg
Mass of neutron = 1.675 x 10–27 kg
Mass of proton = 1.673 x 10–27 kg
Avogadro’s number = 6.023 x 1023 per gram mole
Boltzmann constant = 1.38 x 10–23 JK–1

1. The magnitude of the electric field due to a point charge object at a distance of 4.0 𝑚 is 9 𝑁/𝐶. From the
same charged object, the electric field of magnitude, 16 𝑁/𝐶 will be at a distance of
a. 1 𝑚 b. 2 𝑚 c. 3 𝑚 d. 6 𝑚
2. What is the electric flux through a cube of side 1 cm which encloses a dipole
a. Zero b. q/ε0 c. q2/ε0 d. none of the
3. A student measures the terminal potential difference (V) of a cell (of emf ε and internal resistance r) as a
function of the current (I) flowing through it. Then slope and intercept of the graph between V and I ,
respectively equal to
a. ε and – r b. - ε and r c. r and – ε d. - r and ε
4. Three long, straight parallel wires, carrying current are arranged as shown in the figure. The force experienced
by a 25 cm length of wire C is

a) 10-3 N
b) 2.5 × 10-3 N
c) Zero
d) 1.5 × 10-3 N
B1 at 𝑎/2 and ⃗
5. A long straight wire of radius ‘a’ carries a steady current ‘I’. The current is uniformly distributed across its
area of cross- section. The ratio of magnitude of magnetic field ⃗ B2 at distance 2a is
a. b. 1 c. 2 d. 4
E and ⃗
B represent the electric and the magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave respectively. The direction of
propagation of the wave is along
a. ⃗
B b. ⃗
E c. ⃗
B d. ⃗
Bx ⃗
7. A coil of resistance 400 Ω is placed in a magnetic field. If the magnetic flux ɸ (Wb) linked with the coil varies
with time t (second) as ɸ = 50 t2 + 4. The current in the coil at t =2 s is
a. 0.5 A b. 0.1 A c. 2 A d. 1 A
8. A convex lens and a concave lens, each having same focal length of 25 cm, are put in contact to form a
combination of lenses. The power in dioptres of the combination is
a. 25 b. 50 c. infinite d. zero
9. A beam of light travels from air into a medium. Its speed and wavelength in the medium are 1.5×10 8 𝑚𝑠−1 and
230 𝑛𝑚 respectively. The wavelength of light in air will be
a. 230 𝑛𝑚 b. 345 𝑛𝑚 c. 460 𝑛𝑚 d. 690 𝑛𝑚
10. A hydrogen atom makes a transition from 𝑛=5 to 𝑛=1 orbit. The wavelength of the photon emitted is 𝜆. The
wavelength of photon emitted when it makes a transition from 𝑛=5 to 𝑛=2 orbit is

𝜆 𝜆 c. 𝜆 d. 𝜆
8 16 24 32
a. b.
11. The wavelength of a photon is 5000A0, its energy will be
7 7 7 7

a. 50ev b. 5.48ev c. 2.5ev d. 7.48ev

12. Given circuit has two ideal diodes connected as shown in figure below. The current flowing through
resistance R1 will be

a. 1A b. 2A c. 2.5A d. 3.5A
Note: .In question number 16 to 18 two statements are given – one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
(a) Both assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is also false.

13. Assertion (A): Diamagnetic substances exhibit magnetism.

Reason (R): Diamagnetic materials do not have permanent magnetic dipole moment.
14. Assertion(A):Nuclear force between neutron-neutron, proton-neutron and proton-proton is approximately the
Reason (R) : The nuclear force does not depend on the electric charge
15. Assertion (A): In Young’s double slit experiment all fringes are of equal width.
Reason (R): The fringe width depends upon wavelength of light (𝜆) used, distance of screen from plane of
slits (D) and slits separation (d).
16. Assertion(A) : Kinetic energy of photo electrons emitted by a photosensitive surface depends upon the
intensity of incident photon.
Reason(R) : The ejection of electrons from metallic surface is possible with frequency of incident photon
below the threshold frequency.
17. Briefly explain how a galvanometer is converted into an ammeter.
18. (a) Name the electromagnetic radiation’s used for (i) water purification(ii) eye surgery
(b) How are X-rays produced? Give any two uses of these.
19. A series LCR circuit with L = 10 H, C = 40µf, R = 60 Ω connected to a variable frequency 240 V source.
(i) the angular frequency of the source which drives the circuit at resonance
(ii) the rms current at the resonating frequency.
20. (a) Draw a diagram to show the variation of binding energy per nucleon with mass number for different
nuclei. Why do lighter nuclei usually undergo nuclear fusion ?
(b) Write the relation between the radius and the mass number of a nucleus. Prove that the density of
nucleus is independent of its mass number.
21. Draw energy band diagram for an n-type and p-type semiconductor at 𝑇 > 0 𝐾.

22. In the given figure the radius of curvature of the curved face in the plano-convex and the plano-concave lens
is 15 cm each. The refractive index of the material of the lenses is 1.5. Find the final position of the image

23. A potential difference V is applied across a conductor of length L and diameter D. How is the drift velocity
of charge carriers in the conductor affects when
(i) V is halved
(ii) L is doubled and
(iii) D is halved?
Justify your answer in each case.
24. (a) State Biot-Savart law, giving mathematical expression for it. Use this law to derive the expression for the
magnetic field due to a circular coil carrying current at a point along its axis.
(b) State Ampere’s circuital law. Use this law to obtain expression for the magnetic field at a point inside
and outside due to an infinitely long straight wire.
25. Define mutual inductance between the pair of coils. Derive an expression for the mutual inductance of two
long coaxial solenoids of same length wound one over the other.
26. The primary coil of an ideal step-up transformer has 100 turns and transformation ratio is also 100. The input
voltage and power are respectively 220 V and 1100 W. Calculate :
(a) current in primary coil
(b) the voltage across the secondary coil
(c) the current in the secondary coil
27. (a) Plot a graph showing the variation of photo electric current, as a function of anode potential for two light
beams having same frequency but different intensities I1 and I2 (I1> I2). How would the stopping potential for
a given photosensitive surface change if (i) the frequency of incident radiation were increased? And (ii) the
intensity of incident radiation decreased? Justify your answer.
(b) Plot a graph showing the variation of stopping potential with the frequency of incident radiation of two
different photosensitive material having work function W1 and W2 (W1 > W2 ). On what factors does the
slope and intercept of the line depends.
28. (a) Show graphically, the variation of the de-Broglie wavelength(λ) with the potential (V) through which an
electron is accelerated from rest.
(b) A proton and α particle are accelerated through the same potential difference. Which one of two has (i)
greater de-Broglie wavelength and (ii) less kinetic energy. Justify your answer.


29. Strontium titanate is a rare oxide a natural mineral found in Siberia. It is used as a substitute for diamond
because its refractive index and critical angle are 2.41 and 24.50 , respectively, which are approximately
equal to the refractive index and critical angle of diamond. It has all the properties of diamond. Even an
expert jeweller is unable to differentiate between diamond and strontium titanate. A ray of light is incident
normally on one face of an equilateral triangular prism ABC made of strontium titanate.

Answer the following questions based on the above :

(a) Trace the path of the ray showing its passage through the prism. 1
(b) Find the velocity of light through the prism. 1
(c) Briefly explain two applications of total internal reflection. 2
(c) Define total internal reflection of light. Give two conditions for it. 2
30. Full Wave Rectifier :The process of converting alternating voltage/current into direct voltage/current is
called rectification. Diode is used as a rectifier for converting alternating current/voltage into direct
current/voltage. Diode allows current to pass only, when it is forward biased. So, if an alternating voltage is
applied across a diode, the current flows only in that part of the cycle when the diode is forward biased. This
property is used to rectify the current/voltage.

(i) If in a p-n junction, a square input signal of 10V is applied as shown

then output across RL will be

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(ii) The ratio of output frequencies of half-wave rectifier and a full wave rectifier, when an input of
frequency 200 Hz is fed at input, is
(a) 1:2 (b) 2: 1 (c) 4 :1 (d) 1 : 4
(iii) Function of a rectifier is
(a) to convert ac into dc (b) to convert dc into ac
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
(iv) In the given circuit, Capacitor C is used

(a) for storing potential energy (b) as a bypass to DC component to get AC in RL

(c) to remove sparking (d) as a bypass to AC component to get DC in RL

with uniform linear charge density 𝜆.

31. (a) (i) Use Gauss’s law to obtain an expression for the electric field due to an infinitely long thin straight wire

(ii) An infinitely long positively charged straight wire has a linear charge density 𝜆. An electron is revolving in a
circle with a constant speed 𝜈 such that the wire passes through the centre and is perpendicular to the plane,

density 𝜆 on the wire.

of the circle. Find the kinetic energy of the electron in terms of magnitudes of its charge and linear charge

(iii) Draw a graph of kinetic energy as a function of linear charge density 𝜆.

(b) (i) Consider two identical point charges located at points (0,0) and (a, 0).
(1) Is there a point on the line joining them at which the electric field is zero?
(2) Is there a point on the line joining them at which the electric potential is zero?
(ii) State the significance of negative value of electrostatic potential energy of a system of charges.
Three charges are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle ABC of side 2.0 m as shown in figure,
Calculate the electric potential energy of the system of three charges.

32. (a) (i) State Kirchhoff’s rules for an electric circuit.

(ii) Using Kirchhoff’s rule, calculate the current through the 40 Ω and 20 Ω resistance in the following


(b) (i) The emf of a cell is always greater than its terminal voltage. Why?
(ii) A cell of emf E and internal resistance r is connected to two external resistances R 1 and R2 and a
perfect ammeter. The current in the circuit is measured in four different situations
(1) without any external resistance in the circuit
(2) with resistance R1 only
(3) with resistances R1 and R2 in series combination
(4) with resistances R1 and R2 in parallel combination
The current measured in the four cases are 0.42A,1.05A,1.4A and 4.2A, but not necessarily in the
order. Identify the currents corresponding to four cases mentioned above.
33. (a) (i) State Huygens’ principle. With the help of a diagram, show how a plane wave is reflected from a
surface. Hence verify the law of reflection.
(ii) State two difference between interference and diffraction patterns.
(b) (i) Draw a labelled ray diagram showing the image formation by a refracting telescope. Define its magnifying
power. Write two limitations of a refracting telescope over a reflecting telescope.
(ii) The focal lengths of the objective and the eye-piece of a compound microscope are 1.0 cm and 2.5 cm
respectively. Find the tube length of the microscope for obtaining a magnification of 300.

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