paper biology
paper biology
paper biology
SUB-BIOLOGY (2024-2025)
Time -3 hours M:M-70
General Instruction:-
A) All question are compulsory.
B) The question paper consist of 33 question. Section A has 16 question of 1 mark each.
Section-B has 5 question of 2 marks each. Section –c has 7 question of 3 marks each.
Section D has 1 case based question of 4 marks and Section E has 4 question of 5
marks each.
Section –A
1. Which enzyme help in removing oil statins from clothes?
a) Streptokinase b) Trypsin c)Lipase
17. Explain the role of floc in sewage treatment.
18. (i) Name the bioactive molecule produced by Trichoderma polysporum and Monascus
(ii) Why are the fruit juice bought from market are clearer as compares to made at
home ?
19. Draw well labelled diagram of Antibody
20. Differentiate between Humoral mediated immunity & Cell mediated immunity.
21. What is the Causal organism of Elephentiasis & ring worm Mention the body part
affected by them.
22. Why is tobacco smoking associated with rise in blood pressure & emphysema ? Explain
23. Draw flow chart of HIV virus in human body.
24. (i) What is role of Baculovirus in Intergrated Pest management.
(ii) What is the role of Anaerobic Sludge digester in Sewage treatment.
25. Trace the life cycle of malarial parasite in the human body & female Anophelus
26. Why some seeds are called as apomictic seed .Explain two ways by apomictic seeds are
31. (i) Write the source & effect on human body of following drugs.
a) Morphine b) Cocaine c) Marisuana