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SUB-BIOLOGY (2024-2025)
Time -3 hours M:M-70
General Instruction:-
A) All question are compulsory.
B) The question paper consist of 33 question. Section A has 16 question of 1 mark each.
Section-B has 5 question of 2 marks each. Section –c has 7 question of 3 marks each.
Section D has 1 case based question of 4 marks and Section E has 4 question of 5
marks each.
Section –A
1. Which enzyme help in removing oil statins from clothes?
a) Streptokinase b) Trypsin c)Lipase

2. Primary Endosperm Nucleus (PEN) is formed by the fusion of

a) 2 polar nuclei+1 synergid Cell nucleus
b) 1 polar nucleus+1 antipal cell nucleus+1 synergid Cell Nucleus
c) 2 polar nuclei+1 male gamete nucleus

3. Big holes in Sieiss Cheese are made by

a) A machine
b) A bacterium that produce methanc gas.
c) A bacterium producing a large amount of carbondioxide

4.The Arrangement of nuclei in a typical female gamctophtc of an angiosperm.

a) 3+3+2 b) 3+1+3 c) 3+2+3 d) 2+3+3

5. Tobacco consumption is known to stimulate secretion of adrenalin & nor-adernalin.

The component causing this could be
a) Nicotine b) Tannic acid c) Valic acid
6. The term used for transfer of pollen grain from anthers of one plant to Stigma of
different plant during pollination brings genetically different type of pollen grain to
Stigma is
a) Cleistogamy b) Xenogamyc) Geitonogamy d) Chasmogamy.
7. Ernst Chain & Howard Florey’s contribution was
a) Discovery of streptokinase b) Discovery of DNA Sequence
c) Establishing the potential of penicillin as effective antibiotics.

8. The target cell of Hiv is

a) B-Cell b) RBC c) Helper T Cell d) Killer T cell
9. Opiods act as
a) Deppressants b) Pain killer c) Stimulants d) Euphoria
10. The Thalamus Contribute to the fruit formation is
a) Banana b) Orange c) Strawberry d) Guava

11. The Principle of Vaccination is based on the property of

a) Specificity b) Diversity c) Memory d) Discrimination between self & nonself

12. Interferons are

a) Antiviral proteins b) Antibacterial proteins
c) Antifungal protein d) All of these

13. Which of the following antibodies from Innate Immunity?

a) IgE b) IgD c)IgM d)IgG

14. B lymphocytes are associated with

a) Humoral Immunity b) Cell mediates immunity
c) Inflammatory response d) Phagocytosis

15.The free-living fungus Trichoderma can be used for

a) Insects b) Biological Control of plant diseases
c) Controlling butterfly Caterpillars d) Antibiotic productions

16. The source of Cyclosporina

a) Monascus purpurus b) Trichoderma Polusporum
c) Streptococcus d) Rhizobium

17. Explain the role of floc in sewage treatment.
18. (i) Name the bioactive molecule produced by Trichoderma polysporum and Monascus
(ii) Why are the fruit juice bought from market are clearer as compares to made at
home ?
19. Draw well labelled diagram of Antibody
20. Differentiate between Humoral mediated immunity & Cell mediated immunity.
21. What is the Causal organism of Elephentiasis & ring worm Mention the body part
affected by them.
22. Why is tobacco smoking associated with rise in blood pressure & emphysema ? Explain
23. Draw flow chart of HIV virus in human body.
24. (i) What is role of Baculovirus in Intergrated Pest management.
(ii) What is the role of Anaerobic Sludge digester in Sewage treatment.
25. Trace the life cycle of malarial parasite in the human body & female Anophelus
26. Why some seeds are called as apomictic seed .Explain two ways by apomictic seeds are

27. What are the steps of artificial hybridsation

28. i) What are the sources of following Bibactive Molecular
a)Streptokinase b) Antibiotic Penicillin c) Citricacid

ii) What is the role of cyclosporine A& statin in our body.

Question No 29. Are Case Based questions each question has three sub part
29. The immunity that an individual acquise after birth is called acquired immunity It is
characterized by memory. Immune response are carried out with the help of two type of
cells X & Y present in our blood. X produces army of proteins. And Y themselves do not
secrete proteins but help X to produce them.
A) What could be X & Y here?
B) Where do Y cell mature.
C) State two functions of Y.
30. What are the different involved during Secondary treatment of Waste Water.
Explain the role of different type of Biofertilisers in Agriculture.

31. (i) Write the source & effect on human body of following drugs.
a) Morphine b) Cocaine c) Marisuana

(ii) Differentiate between active immunity’s passive Immunity

31. a) What is allergy?
b) Name of antibody released during allergic rection.
c) Name two drugs that can be recommended for allergic reaction.
32. What is the mechanism by which AIDS Virus Cause deficiency in the immune System of
the infected Person
(i) What are the type of lymphoid organs ? Explain the role played by them in causing
immune response.
(ii) Differentiate between Innate & Acquired immunity .
33 a) Explain the process of Double fertilization.
b) Why Cashew is a false fruit & Guava is a true fruit?
How does a Megaspore mother cell develop in to 7 celled 8 nucleated embryo Sac in
Angiosperm & Draw well labelled diagram of mature embryosac.

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