BIO Board QP
BIO Board QP
BIO Board QP
1 mark
The main barrier that prevents the entry of micro-organisms into our
body is
(A) Antibodies
(B) Macrophages
(C) Monocytes
(D) Skin
Nematode specific genes were introduced into the tobacco host plant using
a vector
(A) pBR 322
(B) Plasmid
(C) Bacteriophage
(D) Agrobacterium
2 mark
It is often observed that the chances of a person suffering from measles in his or
her lifetime are low if he or she has suffered from the disease in their early
childhood. Justify the statement.
A student on a field trip suddenly felt breathlessness and started to sneeze very
badly. Name this response and explain what it is due to.
Name the genus of baculovirus that acts as a biological control agent in spite of
being a pathogen. Justify by giving three reasons that make it an excellent
candidate for the job.
Explain the changes that milk undergoes when suitable starter/inoculum is added to
it. How does the end product formed prove to be beneficial for human health ?
3 mark
Alien species invasion has been a threat to biodiversity.Justify with the help of a
suitable example. List any other three causes responsible for such a loss.
Explain the three steps carried out in the formation of recombinant DNA using the
enzyme EcoRI.
Name any two natural cloning vectors. Give reasons that make them act as cloning
vectors. Write the two characteristics the engineered vectors
are made to possess.
Explain the difference between commensalism and mutualism types of interactions,
with the help of a suitable example of each.
Study the age pyramids ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ of the human population given below and
answer the questions that follow :
(a) Identify pyramids ‘B’ and ‘C’.
(b) Write the basis on which the above pyramids are plotted.
1 mark
2 mark
Name and mention the events that occur in the cells when HIV gets into blood after
gaining entry into the human body.
3 mark
In an E. coli cloning vector pBR 322, state the role of the following genes :
(a) ori gene
(b) Antibiotic resistance gene
(c) rop gene
Study the population growth curve given below and answer the questions that
follow :
(a) Identify ‘A’ and ‘B’ shown in the graph.
(b) When and why do such curves occur in a population ?
1 mark
2 mark
(a) Explain the principle on the basis of which DNA is separated by the technique
of Gel electrophoresis.
(b) How is the separated DNA visualised ?
1 mark
2 mark
Name the type of immunity the mother provides the newborn baby. How does it
happen ?
Name the two primary lymphoid organs. State the importance of T-lymphocytes.
How are malignant tumours different from benign tumours ? Why are some patients
treated with apha-interferons ?
3 mark
Mention any two advantages of micropropagation technique. Write how its process is
carried out in the laboratory. Name any two important food plants grown
commercially by this method.
When Bacillus thuringiensis enters a certain insect’s body, the insect gets killed,
but itself remains unaffected. Explain how it is possible.
(a) Write how parasites have evolved with adaptation to co-exist with their hosts
in an ecosystem.
(b) Parasites are host specific and tend to co-evolve. How would the parasite
respond if the host evolves a certain mechanism to resist or reject the parasite ?
(a) Identify steps A and B in a cycle of Polymerase Chain Reaction given below.
(b) State the specific characteristic feature of the enzyme in carrying step B.
5 mark
There is a great concern all over the world to conserve biodiversity for
maintaining ecological balance in nature. Explain giving three reasons. Write
different ways that have helped in increasing tiger population in our country.
2 mark
Name any two water/food borne diseases. Mention any two measures essential for
controlling these diseases
3 mark
Write the scientific names of the source organism and the function of
each one of the following bioactive molecules :
(a) Cyclosporin A
(b) Streptokinase
(c) Statin
2 mark
Mention the function of the spleen in the human body. Name the two different types
of cells present in it.
What is tissue culture ? Explain how, from a virus infected banana plant, virus
free healthy banana plants can be grown by this technique.
1 mark
Introduction of an alien DNA into a plant host cell is achieved by making
(A) Competent with bivalent ions
(B) Using microinjections
(C) Using gene gun
(D) Using lysozymes and chitinase
2 mark
Spirulina is a rich source of proteins. Mention the two ways by which
large scale culturing of these microbes is possible.
3 mark
‘‘Cotton bollworms enjoy feeding on cotton plants, but get killed when feed on Bt
cotton plant.’’ Justify the statement.
Mention the chemical nature of an antibody and name the type of cells they are
produced by. Write the difference between active and passive immune responses on
the basis of antibodies.
Name the cells that act as HIV factory in humans when infected by HIV. Explain the
events that occur in these infected cells.
Given below is the diagram representing the observations made for separating DNA
fragments by Gel electrophoresis technique. Observe the illustration and answer the
questions that follow :
(a) Why are the DNA fragments seen to be moving in the direction A to B ?
(b) Write the medium used on which DNA fragments separate.
(c) Mention how the separated DNA fragments can be visualised for further technical
5 mark
(a) According to ecologists, tropical regions in the world account for greater
biological diversity. Justify.
(b) Why are habitat loss and alien species invasion considered as the causes of
biodiversity loss ? Explain with the help of an example of each.
2 mark
Name any two autotrophic microbes and state how they serve as biofertilizers
How is the normal human body temperature of 37 degrees C maintained during (i)
Summer, and (ii) Winter ? Explain.
2 mark
Why are humming birds not found in the Polar region ?
1 mark
It is observed that, the species diversity decreases as we
(a) move away from equator to poles
(b) move towards equator from poles
(c) move along the equator
(d) move from deserts to rain-forests.
2 mark
Name the types of acquired immune responses, and the special types of lymphocytes
involved in providing them.
Name two organisms belonging to two different kingdoms, that are commonly used as
biofertilizers, and how ?
What are transgenic animals ? How was the first transgenic cow found to be more
useful than the normal cow, for humans ?
(a) Write the difference between the pro insulin and mature insulin.
(b) How did American company Eli Lilly produce human insulin using rDNA technique ?
Study the table showing the population interaction between species ‘Z’ and ‘Y’
respectively. Assign the appropriate ‘+’/‘–’ signs for ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘D’, ‘E’
and respective interactions for ‘C’ and ‘F’.
Species 'Z' Species 'Y' Name of Interaction
A B Mutualism
- - C
D E Parasitism
+ O F
Observe the diagram shown below of pBR 322. Answer the questions that follow :
(a) What is pBR322 ?
(b) Write the role of ‘rop’.
(c) State the significance of ‘ampR’ and ‘tetR’.
2 mark
Name any two most common bio-reactors and mention their importance in
3 mark
Study the table given below. Identify A, B, C, D, E and F in the table.
Name of the Drug Scientific name of source plant Effect on human
Opioids A
‘C’ Cannabis sativa
Cocaine ‘E’
2 mark
Why are certain animals called ‘transgenic’ ? Give an example of such an animal
that is being used for testing the vaccine safety for a specific human disease.
Name the disease.
1 mark
2 mark
(a) Name the two techniques employed to meet the increasing demand of
fish in the world.
(b) Name any two fresh water fishes.
Describe the contributions of Alexander Fleming, Ernest Chain and Howard Florey in
the field of microbiology.
All cloning vectors do have a ‘selectable marker’. Describe its role in recombinant
Mention how have plants developed mechanical and chemical defence against
herbivores to protect themselves with the help of one example of each.
3 mark
What are ‘SNPs’ ? Where are they located in a human cell ? State any two ways the
discovery of SNPs can be of importance to humans.
Why GMOs are so called ? List the different ways in which GMO plants have
benefitted and have become useful to humans.
Explain any three ways other than zoological parks, botanical gardens and wildlife
safaries, by which threatened species of plants and animals are being conserved ‘ex
Study the diagram showing the entry of HIV into the human body and the
processes that are followed :
(a) Name the human cell ‘A’ HIV enters into.
(b) Mention the genetic material ‘B’ HIV releases into the cell.
(c) Identify enzyme ‘C’.
23. Following a road accident four injured persons were brought to a nearby clinic.
The doctor immediately injected them with tetanus antitoxin.
(a) What is tetanus antitoxin ?
(b) Why were the injured immediately injected with this antitoxin ?
(c) Name the kind of immunity this injection provided.
5 mark
Name the insect that attacks cotton crops and causes lot of damage to the crop. How
has Bt cotton plants overcome this problem and saved
the crop ? Explain.
(b) Write the role of gene Cry IAb. 5
(a) Explain the different steps carried out in Polymerase Chain Reaction, and the
specific roles of the enzymes used.
(b) Mention application of PCR in the field of
(i) Biotechnology
(ii) Diagnostics
3 mark
Explain the role of Agrobacterium tumifacience in developing resistance in tobacco
plant against nematode Meloidegyne incognitia. Name the processes responsible for
Blind candidates
The human disease where Aedes mosquito serves as a vector is
(A) Malaria
(B) Dengue
(C) Diphtheria
(D) Pneumonia
The construction of the first recombinant DNA was by linking of a gene encoding
antibiotic resistance with the native plasmid of
(A) Salmonella typhimurium
(B) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
(C) Entamoeba histolytica
(D) Streptococcus pneumoniae
In DNA recombinant technique, for desired results, the gene of interest is always
linked to
(A) host
(B) parasite
(C) vector
(D) protein
2 mark
List the two specific features on which the acquired immune response is based.
Differentiate between primary and secondary immune responses.
Expand ELISA. Name the pathogen and the disease for which ELISA is used as a
diagnostic test.
3 mark
‘‘Alien species invasion is one of the major causes of
biodiversity loss.’’ Explain the statement with the help of a
suitable example.
List any six common warning signs of drug and alcohol abuse among the youth.