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Maximum Marks: 70 Time: 3 hours

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
The question paper has five sections and 33 questions. All questions are
(iii) Section–A has 16 questions of 1 mark each; Section–B has 5 questions of 2 marks
each; Section– C has 7 questions of 3 marks each; Section– D has 2 case-based
questions of 4 marks each; and Section–E has 3 questions of 5 marks each.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some
questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.
Section A
1. In testis, which cells produce sperms?
(a) Germinal cells
(b) Epithelial cell
(c) Sertoli cell
(d) Both a and c
2.Which disease is diagnosed by the identification of antibodies against antigen?
(a) Gonorrhoea
(b) Syphilis
(c) Hepatitis
(d) AIDS
3.In which of the following pairs of codons is their function or the signal for the specific amino
acid matched correctly?
(a) GUU, GCU-Alanine
(b) UAG, UGA-Stop
(c) AUG, ACG-Start/Methionine
(d) UUA, UCA-Leucine
4.Why is genetic variation important from an evolutionary standpoint?
(a) If all organisms were the same, the entire population would be vulnerable to particular
pathogens, like viruses
(b) All evolutionary adaptations (e.g. the origin of forelimbs) are the result of the gradual build-
up of genetic differences between organisms over geologic time
(c) Evolution (at the population level) refers to changes in the frequencies of genes in the
population over time
(d) All of the above
5.Diseases can be broadly classified into infectious and noninfectious diseases. Identify the
infectious diseases in the following list.
I. Cancer
II. Influenza
III. Allergy
IV. Smallpox
(a) I and II
(b) II and III
(c) III and IV
(d) II and IV
6.Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by which of the following factors? Select the correct answer.
I. Lymphocytes become more active
II. Body attacks self cells
III. More antibodies are produced in the body
IV. The ability to differentiate pathogens or foreign molecules from the self cell is lost
(a) I and II
(b) II and IV
(c) III and IV
(d) I and III
7.Statins, a bioactive molecule, inhibit an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of?
(a) carbohydrate
(b) protein
(c) vitamins
(d) cholesterol
8. Expression vectors differ from other vectors because?
(a) contain drug resistance markers
(b) contain telomeres
(c) contain regulatory regions that permit the cloned DNA to produce a gene product
(d) contain DNA origins
9.The similarity of one organism to another for protection and hiding is called?
(a) Mimicry
(b) Predation
(c) Adaptation
(d) Camouflage
10. Which of the following is the most serious threat to biodiversity?
(a) Competition from exotic species
(b) Commercial harvesting
(c) Habitat destruction
(d) Overexploitation
11. Energy transfer from one trophic level to other, in a food chain, is
(a) 10%
(b) 20%
(c) 1%
(d) 2%.
12. Assuming S is species richness, A is the area, Z is the slope, and C is Y-
intercept, what is species richness?
(a) S = C + Az
(b) S = C + AZ
(c) S = C. AZ
(d) S = C. Az
Question No. 13 to 16 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer
these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false.
D. A is False but R is true.

13. Assertion : Proembryos stages is restricted to 2 celled stage.

Reason : It has one basal and one apical cell.
14. Assertion: The progeny in F2-generation traits were identical to their parental type.
Reason: The progeny show no blending of traitsin F1.
15. Assertion: The ADA gene gives instruction for producing the enzyme adenosine deaminases.
Reason: Throughout the body this enzyme is found but is most active in lymphocytes.
16. Assertion: In lichens, mycobiont and phycobiont are symbiotically associated in algae which
is predominant and fungi is a subordinate partner.
Reason: In this symbiotic association, the fungus provides food while the alga protects fungus
from unfavourable conditions.
Section B
17. The graph given below shows the level of ovarian hormones in a normally
menstruating woman during follicular phase.

a)Name A and B
b)Reconstruct the graph showing the level of hormones in luteal phase.
18. Write a note on ZO-ZZ type of sex determination.
19.Why is a person with cuts and bruises following an accident administered
tetanus antitoxin? Give reasons.
20. How is insertional inactivation of an enzyme used as a selectable marker
to differentiate recombinants from non-recombinants?
21. In a botanical garden of a city there is a huge banyan tree growing on
which hundreds of birds and thousands of insects live. Draw the pyramids of
numbers and also biomass represented by this community.
It is possible that a species may occupy more than one trophic level in the
same ecosystem at the same time. Explain with the help of one example.
Section C
22.a)Placenta also act as an endocrine tissue.justify
b)When and where do chorionic villi appear in humans? State their function.

23.a. Justify the statement “Predators and scavengers are markedly

b.Mention any two significant roles predators play in nature.
24. (i) State the role of DNA ligase in biotechnology.
(ii) What happens when Meloidogyne incognita consumes cells with RNAi
25. Explain how natural selection operates in nature by taking an example of
white-winged and dark-winged moths of England.
26.(i) Name the group of virus responsible for causing AIDS in humans. Why
are these virus so, named?
(ii) List any two ways of transmission of HIV infection in humans other than
sexual contact?
A team of students are preparing to participate in the interschool sports meet. During a practice
session you find some vials with labels of certain cannabinoids.
(a) Will you report to the authorities ? Why ?
(b) Name a plant from which such chemicals are obtained.
27. Two children A and B aged 4 and 5 years respectively visited a hospital
with a similar genetic disorder. Girl A was provided enzyme-replacement
therapy and was advised to revisit periodically for further treatment. Girl B
was, however, given therapy that did not require a revisit for further
(a) Name the ailments the two girls were suffering from.
(b) Why did the treatment provided to girl A require repeated visits?
(c) How was girl B cured permanently?
28. Many plant and animal species are on the verge of their extinction because of loss of forest
land by indiscriminate use by the humans. As a biology student what method would you suggest
along with its advantages that can protect such threatened species from getting extinct ?
Section D
29. Read the following and answer any four questions from (i) to (v) given
below :
Turner's syndrome is an example of mono somy. It is formed by the union of
an allosome free egg and a normal 'X' containing sperm or a normal egg and
an allosome free sperm. The individual has 2n = 45 chromosomes (44 + X0)
instead of 46. Such individuals are sterile females who have rudimentary
ovaries, under developed breasts, small uterus, short stature, webbed neck
and abnormal intelligence. They may not menstruate or ovulate. This
disorder can be treated by giving female sex hormone to the women from
the age of puberty to make them develop breasts and have menstruation.
This makes them feel more normal.
(i) Number of Barr body present in a female with Turner's syndrome is
(ii) Turner's syndrome is an example of___________
(iii) Turner's syndrome is a/an
(iv)Write the symptoms of turner syndrome.
Difference between Turner syndrome and Klinfelter’s syndrome (any one)

Que. 1) A skin barrier that protects our body from entering micro-organisms is
a ……………………….. barrier.
Que. 2) A non-specific type of defence is also known as ……………………
3) When the host is able to fight against disease-casing organisms, then the ability is
known as
4) What is meant by cellular barriers?
Which type of barrier include interferons that protects non-infected cells from further
viral infection?
Section E

31. a)Describe any two devices in a flowering plant which prevent both autogamy and

b)Explain the events upto double fertilisation after the pollen tube enters one of the synergids in
an ovule of an angiosperm.

During the reproductive cycle of a human female, when, where and how does a placenta
develop? What is the function of placenta during pregnancy and embryo development ?
32.How did Hershey and Chase established that DNA is transferred from virus to bacteria?
(a) Work out a dihybrid cross upto F2 generation between pea plants bearing violet coloured axial flowers
and white coloured terminal flowers. Give their phenotypic ratio.
(b)State the Mendel’s law of inheritance that was derived from such a cross.
33.(i) Why are engineered vectors preferred by biotechnologists for
transferring the desired genes into another organism?(ii) Explain, how do ori,
selectable marker and cloning sites facilitate cloning into a vector
i)Name the organism in which the vector shown is inserted to get the copies
of the desired gene.
ii)Mention the area labelled in the vector responsible for controlling the copy
number of the inserted gene.
iii)Name and explain the role of a selectable marker in the vector shown.

b)What are bacteriophage vectors? Name the two phage vectors that are
commonly used.


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