BBA 304
BBA 304
BBA 304
End Semester Examination Nov 2019
Degree & Branch : B.B.A & B.A (PSYCHOLOGY) Max Marks : 100 marks
Subject Code : 304 Duration : 180 min
Answer the following MCQs. Each one carries two marks. 10*2 = 20 Marks
1. ____is a printed form completed by job aspirants detailing their educational background,
previous work history and certain personal data.
a. Application blank c. Pro forma Resume
b. Data Sheet d. All the above
2. _____ is a systematic comparison done in order to determine the worth of one job relative
to another.
a. Job evaluation c. Job Analysis
b. Job Description d. Job Specification
3. WPIM stands for
a. Workers Participation in Management
b. Wealth Performance Improvement Management
c. Workers Productivity Improvement Management
d. None of the above
4. Part IV of the Constitution of India deals with
a. Fundamental Rights c. Directive Principles of State Policy
b. Writ Jurisdiction d. None of the above
5. ________ managers have authority to take up decisions.
a. Line c. Both a & b
b. Staff d. None of the above
6. ______ leaves are payable in cash.
a. SL c. CL
b. EL d. PL
7. _____ is considered as downward movement of employee.
a. Demotion c. Discharge
b. Dismissal d. Suspension
8. In general, how many stages are there in selection process?
a. 2 c. 4
b. 3 d. 5
9. BARS stands for
a. Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale
b. Balanced Analysis Reporting System
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
10. HRD stands for
a. Human Resource Determination
b. Human Resource Development
c. Hierarchy in R&D Department
d. None of the above
Answer any three of the following questions comprehensively. 3*10 = 30 Marks
22. Critically evaluate the Social Security measures that are adopted by organizations as per
various labour laws.
23. Evaluate the various methods of performance appraisal and more prominently balanced
score method of appraisal.
24. What is Industrial Relations? Distinguish between Human Resource Management and
Industrial Relations.
25. Human Resource Management is nothing but, “allocation, acquisition, maintenance and
motivation”. Discuss the statement with the help of each of these four functions.
26. In what ways internal movement of people in organizations effects the employees’
performance and organizational growth?
27. Write notes on any two:
a. Competency Mapping
b. Emerging Trends in HR
c. HR outsourcing